The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 580 Sharing the Beauty

Chapter 580 Sharing the Beauty (2)
The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment. At the beginning, the third prince was in Xiangge, so it could be said that he was half the master. Naturally, all the women in Xiangge knew him, but the world changed. No longer the third prince.

Everyone thought that the master would be with the third prince, and they all regarded them as a couple in their hearts. Seeing you now, it was difficult to get used to it when you had to get rid of those thoughts in your heart.

Some of the past, even after many years, I still remember it very clearly. The man who often visited late at night, so as not to let them wake up the master, became the third prince who was the deepest in their memory and the eternal third prince.

"Oh, my real person is the honored guest. Hurry up and dance a dance that you are best at, so that this real person can enjoy it..." The real Miaoshou put his hands on his waist and roared regardless of his appearance. Instead, the excitement immediately resumed.

He has a tall beard, but his face is full of red. Tonight is really lively. He wants to have a carnival, not because of the old urchin's temperament, but because he knows that the army will march west in the next few days, and his last long-cherished wish will also be fulfilled. All achieved this time.

Everyone didn't know the true thoughts of Master Miaoshou, and the girls were stunned immediately. After a long time, Master Miaoshou called them to dance for himself!
The girls were so angry that they turned their heads away from Master Miaoshou.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help laughing, the girls in her Xiangge are not easy to mess with, this is enough to cause headaches for real masters!

"If we want to dance, we will dance for the young and unrestrained young master, not for the old man with gray beard and treacherous face." The girl took a seat and sat down leisurely, not wanting to save face.

The room was packed full of young men and women, Xiao Tianyue disappeared without a trace, and Mingzhu Mingyue also woke up when they heard the movement. Several people looked at the door and were shocked. What a good day it is today. lively?
Tonight, the chefs of the Prince Regent's Mansion were called up. It was a coincidence that Aunt Qing, who had already returned from the palace, somehow woke up from her yard in the middle of the night. She put on her clothes and went out to listen. Knowing that the Prince Regent's Mansion is very lively tonight, he hurriedly got up and prepared a sumptuous supper for everyone.

"This real person is here to make soy sauce. Don't you see that I am surrounded by young and handsome young masters? Just show them..." Master Miaoshou blew his beard. Very fat, dare to argue with him.

"Can't you still see it? We don't dance, we don't dance!" The girls turned their heads, leaving the back of their heads to Master Miaoshou.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I danced, and I can't even dance like that back then..." The old man laughed loudly, raised his eyebrows, and looked a little embarrassed.

"The aggressive method doesn't work." The answer was straightforward.

"It's okay, just dance casually, I won't laugh at you!"

"..." The girls really convinced the old man.

Yun Feixiang smiled faintly, this scene was as fun as it could be, a group of girls were defeated by a certain old man's cheekiness.

Nalan Ruofei and Xuanyuan Wangyue have already started drinking and punching, Yun Feixiang and Leng Yishuang are talking about how to take care of the children, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is seriously discussing something with Nalan Yuxuan, Che Zili and Murong Rui are talking.

"Brother Rui, do you know about Zimei's situation? This girl hasn't come back for several years." Che Zili asked suddenly.

Murong Rui paused, and the wine in the glass rippled in circles. The man raised his eyelids, glanced at the car, and said calmly: "I met you three years ago, and I haven't met since then."

Ever since Che Zili left the prison, he had never seen her again, and never thought of seeing her again.

Che Zili took a deep look at Murong Rui, picked up the wine on the table and drank it all in one gulp, some people, no matter how hot they are, will never get the slightest response no matter how hot they are.

Some people are always far away, but others are approaching, and some people are always approaching, but they are always out of mind.

Aunt Qing cooked a large table of good food, and the wine was exchanged pot after pot, and the girls stopped arguing with Miao Shou, and danced for everyone with great interest.

The lights, shadows and figures are intertwined with brilliance, and even the night outside the door has many more colors.

How many years have I never gathered like this, how many years have I never expressed myself like this.

Sensing a scorching gaze, Yun Feixiang raised his eyes and looked out the door. What Dugu Piaojian held in his arms was not the sword that never left him, but a jug of wine, and he had already carried that sword behind his back.

He raised the wine pot, and raised his hand towards Yun Feixiang, Yun Feixiang also raised the wine glass, the two looked at each other and smiled, Dugu Piaojian drained the wine in the pot, poured it, not a drop was left, and Yun Feixiang's The wine was taken by the man beside him, and he gulped it dry.

Dugu Piaojian turned and disappeared at the door, standing on the corridor, he looked up at the moon in the sky, it was also such a bright and bright night, he and Dongluo were hunted down by people from the Southwest Palace, it was Xianger, regardless of position , without trying to take advantage of them, saved them without any doubt.

She even gave her the most powerful Dulong team to herself without reservation. With this trust and friendship without any rank, he is willing to follow her for the rest of her life.

Just for this friendship!

"Master." Inside the room, Xuanyuan Tianzhan called out.He looked at Master Miaoshou, raised his cup, and respected this man who had been by his side since he was a child, like his father!

It is because of this man with gray beard but still young face that he can go so smoothly in the journey of life, every danger, every growth, every breakthrough, every transformation is related to this man.

Master Miaoshou was still admiring the women's dance with great interest, as if he didn't expect his apprentice to be sensational at this moment, he couldn't help picking up the glass on the table, wanting to fill it up calmly.

It's just inexplicable, his hands were shaking so badly, the jug tilted, and the wine poured out of the glass.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan got up, held down the hand of Master Miaoshou, and poured him a glass himself.

"That's more or less the same!" Master Miaoshou squinted his eyes and smiled, this apprentice, the pain was not in vain, he was the master in his heart.

Although he clamors for his birthday every year, he has never been as happy as he is now. In fact, he doesn't even know when his birthday is!Boy Zhan would rely on him every year, even though he would turn the Regent's Palace upside down!
When the two cups collided, the clear and sonorous sound was like the collision of two hearts, reaching a consensus.

"Come, come, drink, drink!" Nalan Ruofei looked away from the two of them and roared boldly.

"Drink! Drink!"

Some emotions are brewing slowly, just like the aroma of many kinds of wine mixed together to form the strongest, thickest, and hottest emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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