The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 581 The Road to the West

Chapter 581 The Road to the West (1)
Among the group of people in this room, no one has two hearts, no one regards themselves as outsiders, no one has evil intentions, and all of them are trustworthy and lifelong friends.

The cold night was getting deeper, but the air in the house was getting warmer. After drinking many glasses of wine, I still felt unsatisfied. Just when everyone was in full swing, footsteps came from outside again, and hearing this sound, there were quite a few people coming.

Everyone looked up and saw Helianbei, who was followed by a pure girl, and behind them was the Xiaolong team, all dressed in black, with Jiang Chuan standing at the head of them.

Yun Feixiang raised his eyebrows slightly, this posture is really not a cover, it is enough for this man to come by himself, and he also brought her Xiaolong team, do you really know that she is leaving?

I didn't say that I will leave tomorrow, isn't it a little too urgent!
"Jiang Chuan?" Yun Feixiang waved towards the outside of the room.

"Master." The man strode in, with a deep smile in his eyes.

"Come in and sit when you're here." There are too many people in the Xiaolong team, and this room can't accommodate it, so Yun Feixiang had no choice but to ask Jiang Chuan to come in and sit.

Aunt Qing is very good. She not only prepared a lot of food and wine for everyone in the house, but also prepared a lot of snacks and fish for the guards in the yard and Xiaolong Dulong. Of course, if they want guards, they don't have wine.

He Lianbei was not too polite, he found a place to sit down when he entered the room, picked up the flagon and drank wildly.

"Xiaoya, if you don't want to follow him, just tell the master." Yun Feixiang called He Ya who was beside Helianbei in a low voice, and the little girl ran over with a smile.

But when she heard Yun Feixiang's words, her face turned red instantly, she nodded and then shook her head again and again.

"Master, don't worry about Xiaoya, Xiaoya is fine now." The woman peeked at He Lianbei with a smile on her face, and seeing her master carefully watching her expression, she quickly put away her smile.

Her expression was rather awkward.

However, the girl seemed to have thought of something, and quickly took out a small porcelain bottle from her sleeve, and handed it to Yun Feixiang.

Yun Feixiang also had a strange expression on her face. Seeing the girl's ever-changing expression, she knew that she was probably fascinated by that old evil Helianbei.Forget it, she still can't worry so much, everything is fate!

"Master, this is the detoxification pill, made by Helian himself, and it works very well." He Ya said with admiration and eyes full of admiration.

Did Yun Feixiang notice the girl calling Helianbei, Helian?These two words, coming from a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, are really awkward...

"Then I'll accept it." Although Ah Zhan has a lot of pills, and Master Miaoshou often sends good things to Ah Zhan, since it was made by Helian Bei, she has to accept it.

"Don't underestimate that medicine, there are only two pills in it, and it can cure any poison." Seeing Yun Feixiang's unintentional expression, He Lianbei explained from the side.

He was really afraid that this girl would treat this medicine as a common medicine and put it away indiscriminately, and she would not be able to find it when she needed it.

"I know, I know!" Yun Feixiang stuck out her tongue at him, and put the porcelain bottle away, but she paid more attention to it in her heart.

She looked at the sky outside, it was almost dawn, the night passed so fast, Nalan Ruofei was still drinking, looking a little dizzy, Murong Rui and Che Li were also chatting about something, the girls were dancing I was tired and ate vegetables on the sidelines.

Wuying Mingyue was sitting on the threshold, just like guarding the door of her room many years ago, Xiao Tianyue and Qin Mingzhu were talking with the guards in the courtyard, Wujing was discussing celebrities with a woman in the corner of the room, and Lien Chan, all dressed in Men's clothes, staring straight at the car from a certain angle outside the yard.

He Lianbei drank lightly, He Ya was pouring wine and vegetables for him, and the real master held his chin in his hand, thinking about something seriously.

Yun Feixiang glanced around and met Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes. He was looking at her with affection, but Yun Feixiang didn't see that behind Xuanyuan Tianzhan was the covered Murong Rui's gaze.

This night, the harmony has never been unprecedented, and it has never been short. Maybe it is a conscious or unintentional move of Master Miaoshou that brought everyone together, or maybe it is a concern in my heart, and I always have this emotion in my heart. , Stay up all night, share the beautiful full moon night.

Under the sunshine of early spring, there is still the icy air, but the grass leaves are faintly reborn, with light green fangs emerging, and the ice melts with the spring. Everything has not yet fully recovered, but it is colorful in the sun, as if it is only waiting for a moment. The spring rain rustled, and it rose from the ground.

Three days later, the Hanhai Kingdom issued an order to call for the Western Expedition, which shocked the whole country, and five days later, the emperor and empress and all the officials personally saw each other off at the palace gate, practicing for the army.

The Regent King Zhan of Hanhai Kingdom reigned for 12 years and once again led the army to go on an expedition. This time, it was an expedition in the true sense. What shocked everyone was that this time the regent only brought 30 troops.

Compared with the army of one million entering the northern part of Shengtian, but only mobilizing 30 troops into the Western Regions, the thinking of the superiors is really incredible.

When this news spread throughout the Hanhai Kingdom, there was a huge reaction immediately. When the common people learned that the princess was going to go out with the prince, they were even more shocked and speechless.

The amiable people of Hanhai Kingdom have not forgotten that their princess is five or six months pregnant.

However, the common people believed in their regent, in their eternal God of War!They also believed in that woman in red, with bright and firm eyebrows!

"Zhan'er, Xiang'er, Father doesn't say much more, take care!" Xuanyuan Ce's tone was very calm, but when his eyes swept over Yun Feixiang's stomach, there was a slight flicker.

"Father, Queen Mother, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiang'er." Xuanyuan Tianzhan put his arms around the little woman's waist, and smiled calmly at the emperor and queen.

The queen saw that he was still confident, so she didn't say anything else, but told Yun Feixiang: "Xiang'er, the queen mother knows that I can't persuade you, you and Zhan'er are one body, the queen mother understands this feeling, but you are pregnant, which is different from before. , you must pay attention to your body!"

"Don't worry, queen mother!" Until now, she felt reluctance in her heart.During the days in Hanhai Country, the queen treated her like her own daughter, she didn't interfere or nag too much, but she always cared about her, every time she cared, she was so sincere and just right.

The corners of the queen's eyes were slightly wet, she took Yun Feixiang's hand, and put a jade bracelet on her hand.Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a look, his eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped talking!

Yun Feixiang suddenly felt a warmth rushing out of her meridians, looked at the jade bracelet on her wrist, and then at the queen, she was speechless for a moment.She caught a glimpse of a symbol on the jade bracelet, which was the clan crest of the Hermit Family.

"Let's go!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his hand, and with a wave of his long arm, he seemed to be pointing directly at the sky. All the soldiers were shocked and their eyes lit up.

The heavy trumpet sounded, and the drum beat the sky.

The soldiers lined up neatly, marching forward with firm steps.The black armor reflected the sunlight and made a powerful sound. The black dragon slowly unfolded, and the head and tail of the black dragon could not be seen at a glance in the entire Xuanyuan City Avenue.

(End of this chapter)

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