The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 582 The Road to the West

Chapter 582 The Road to the West (2)
The common people surrounded the street, waving their arms to say goodbye to the soldiers. This is the military spirit of their Hanhai Kingdom, the elite who have traveled all the year round, and they are the iron-blooded warriors who protect the peace of the country and the people to live in peace!

The battle flag fluttered and fluttered in the air. This fluttering flag, like the boiling blood of the soldiers, was magnificent.

A group of famous generals stood high on the horse's head, their calm expressions were like iron tempered by time, and they became brighter and brighter after a long time. Their sharp eyes swept away, at first glance, they were a bit permeable, but when they looked again, they found that there was something in them. With a smile, a famous general is like a treasured knife, which gets sharper the more you sharpen it.

The 30 army was led by Xuanyuan Wangyue. This time, General Ganlu did not go out with the army, but stayed in the Hanhai Kingdom to take charge of the affairs surrounding the Xuelangbihai and Hanhai Kingdom. The young general Xiao Tianyue, who had not been seen for a long time, fully assisted Xuanyuan Wangyue. Set off with the army.

Since Xiao Tianyue also served as the landlord of Wuyue Building, things were complicated along the way, and the lovers were separated for a long time. Yun Feixiang allocated Qin Mingzhu to Xiao Tianyue's army, and brought Qin Mingyue and Wuying with him. They all go one step ahead and wait at their destination.

After leaving the city, the black carriage soon parted ways with the army, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai's driving skills, under Xuanyuan Tianzhan's strong air pressure, were already comparable to the best coachmen.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, it has been a few days, and the daily journey is unhurried, but there is also a fixed journey.

After a few days of travelling, they soon arrived at the border of Hanhai Kingdom, headed north, entered Shengtian, and went south, entered Nanyue Kingdom.

The sun was getting brighter and brighter, and the carriage moved forward steadily.

Yun Feixiang picked up a book and flipped through it leisurely. It was a book that Old Antique He Tianyi sent her after the announcement of the Western Recruitment Letter. Old Antique called this book a wonderful book!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced lightly, only glanced at the title of the book, then set his eyes on the little woman's stomach.He had already read this book from his master.

The book records the changeable weather in the Western Regions, and also records some of the customs and customs there, and the introduction is very detailed.This book is quite different from some geography miscellaneous notes and witchcraft she has read before, and it is closer to the residents there.

"Ahem..." After a long time, seeing the man staring at her stomach for a moment, Yun Feixiang couldn't help coughing a few times.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked away, but said with interest: "Xiang'er, should I name the baby?!"

The little guy may come out at any time, everything has to be prepared early!

"Okay!" Yun Feixiang also became interested, put down the scroll in his hand, and began to think about the child's name.However, often when you want to be quiet most, you can't be quiet.

"Woo..." The sound of Xiao Mo's emergency stop came from outside, and the carriage swayed slightly and stopped.

"Princess, there are robbers!" Xiao Mo reminded, and immediately issued a secret signal to guard around.

A few careless men walked out of the bushes in front of them, carrying a knife on their shoulders, looking like a standard robber.

"Stop!" Someone growled in the grass.

These bastards, before he told them to go out, he couldn't wait to run out. Is it really that easy to be a robber?
"Boss, this is a fat sheep!" A man who looked like a monkey shrank his neck and rolled back in a desperate manner.However, Fatty and the others rushed out, and they could no longer hear what the boss said.

Coming out with the boss, he almost never missed a shot, and he also gained a lot of benefits. In his heart, what this man named Lin Fang said was absolutely correct.

"Fat your head! I have taught you a long time ago that sheep that are too fat cannot be caught." Lin Fang stared at the carriage, lying on the grass and did not dare to move.

"But, Fatty and the others have gone out, what should we do?" Gan Hou asked worriedly, taking a peek at the black carriage.

"Let's see the situation first." He had no choice but to wait and see who made them run too fast.

"Leave the carriage, you go!" Big Fatty put the big knife on the ground with both hands, supporting his body, and said coolly.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai were the only ones driving the entire carriage. The robbers believed that there were treasures in the carriage, but they didn't think about it. How could there be only treasures in such a big carriage?
When people are greedy for profit, they always only have the most important things in their eyes, and they often forget even fatal dangers.

"Okay!" Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai's ears twitched, they had already received their lord's order, and retreated quickly.

Judging by the naked eye, the prince can clean up these robbers with just a move of his fingers.

Seeing the two tall and burly men, the robbers thought it would take a lot of effort to succeed, but they didn't expect to scare them away so easily, thinking that they were just two paper tigers.

"Come on, let's go over and have a look." Several men walked over triumphantly.

It was quiet in the carriage, everyone's eyes fell on the carriage, and their eyes suddenly lit up. There must be many treasures waiting for them inside.

Everyone approached slowly, and suddenly a gust of wind blew, and everyone saw a black shadow inside.

Everyone was startled and couldn't help but stop, the wind suddenly stopped again, as if they were just dazzled just now.

The heart is still there, but the courage has been reduced by more than half. A few people pushed and shoved forward, but the black shadow in the carriage appeared in front of them.

It is less than ten steps away from the carriage, and the wealth can be obtained in a blink of an eye. They have never carried out a unified distribution of spoils, and whoever grabs it will own it. For example, only a few of their brothers did it today, and the treasure they got was only a few of them, and the rest hid behind their backs. The people who are in love can only watch helplessly, this is the rule established by Boss Lin.

But at this time, everyone seemed to have discussed it, Qi Qi stopped, and turned his eyes to Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai, the meaning was self-evident.

"Hey, you two!" Fatty shouted at Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai looked away as if they had never heard of it.Several people yelled again, and with this yell, the curtain of the carriage was lifted again, and the golden light was dazzling.

"It's the light of gold!" It was so golden, it must be a cart full of gold.

"The carriage is full of gold." The voice was surprised to the point of horror.

The golden light is more dazzling than the sun in the sky, only gold can emit such light!

So lucky, they have made a fortune, those cowards hiding behind, just wait and see.

Someone roared and ran over, their faces were full of excitement, they stretched out their hands, and poked into the carriage!

Lin An felt an inexplicable sense of irritability. He rarely felt this way, but if he did, something bad would usually happen.

"Let's go!" He didn't even look at the carriage anymore, and waved his hands to let the people behind him leave. No matter how much treasure he had, he couldn't bear to lose his life.

(End of this chapter)

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