Chapter 583

He prefers to save his own life to enjoy a better life and never take any risks!
"Boss, he... who are they?" Gan Hou stammered.As soon as he turned around, he saw a man in a dark suit with a gloomy face behind him!

Lin Fang was startled suddenly, and his pupils dilated. He naturally knew these people, whether it was the aloof aura, the speed of elusiveness, or the whereabouts all over the wilderness, including the angle and timing of appearance, they were all so familiar.

"Everyone, you have something to say, something to say!" Lin Fang looked at the carriage again, where was the dazzling golden light?There were only a few burly men lying on the ground with distorted expressions, howling in pain, and the curtain of the carriage had been drawn down, blocking everything inside.

But Lin Fang knew who was in there!

Little Junior Sister, little Junior Sister, why can't Senior Brother Lin escape from your palm in this life?In fact, Brother Lin didn't want to be a soldier, didn't want to join the army, he just wanted to be free, relying on his own brains, he would steal from the rich and help the poor, and enjoy his life.

"Lin Canjun, long time no see! Long time no see!" Seeing that the people in the grass were escorted out, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai hurried forward, jokingly said with a smile.

This Lin Fang is really an interesting person!Instead of joining the army, they insisted on becoming a robber. If they remembered correctly, the last time the princess met Lin Fang, Lin Fang appeared as a bandit.

"Brother Xiaohei, brother Xiaobai, rare guest rare guest!" Lin Fang grinned and grinned at the two of them.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai were immediately defeated, well, they were too lazy to talk so much with this rogue, and if they talked too much, they were afraid they would become rogues too!

Yun Feixiang naturally heard the words outside, and the tone of teasing the rogue, it's Lin joining the army again, who else but Lin Fang?
Lin Fang in her impression is a slippery, lazy, lazy man who is afraid of hardship and tiredness, but it is also this lazy man who always makes her feel that he is different from other lazy men.

He is like a commoner living at the bottom, but he is always inexplicably dazzling, making people feel that he cannot be ignored.

But after not seeing him for more than half a year, he left the army of Nanyue Kingdom and became a bandit leader again. He seems to be a bandit leader everywhere, and he can become a bandit king everywhere. He is always followed by a group of idlers who are not serious people.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help thinking of Gu Youzhi's pretending to be Lin Fang and bewitching and controlling Mingzhu. What kind of connection did Gu Youzhi have with Lin Fang? Why didn't Gu Youzhi pretend to be someone else, but Lin Fang?

Lin Fang appeared here again by coincidence. Is it a conspiracy or a coincidence?This is the border area between Hanhai Kingdom, Nanyue Kingdom, and Shengtian Dynasty. It's really a good place to rob, and you can go to any country after you're done looting!

Perhaps, Lin Fang is just lazy and used to it!However, she vaguely felt that things were not that simple.

"Junior Sister, is it you? I smell the fragrance of snow lotus, only you have the fragrance of snow lotus, elegant and unique, just like the wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains, spotless..." Lin Fang talked endlessly As she spoke, she didn't know that the man in the carriage had already turned pale.

A palm wind flew from the carriage, and immediately closed Lin Fang's mouth, and the flattery he hadn't finished uttered was also whimpered and locked in his throat.

"Thank you Lord Zhan for your mercy!" Lin Fang touched his neck, secretly relieved, and said happily.This man must not have made a real move, otherwise, his neck might have been broken.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression is not very good. He has always disliked Lin Fang, and he said so many things to get closer to Xiang'er, which really affected people's mood.

If it wasn't for seeing that Xiang'er didn't speak, he would have slapped him to death. Subconsciously, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt that the little woman might have other ideas.

"Little sister, senior brother swears to God that we will never do anything harmful to heaven and reason. What we rob here are all ill-gotten gains. Moreover, we also distribute the treasures we get to the poor people. No one takes it alone." .” Lin Fang still had a hippie smile, with layers of smiles on his face.

"Are the ill-gotten gains loaded on my carriage too?" A sentence floated out of the carriage, gently, like the wind.

The people outside were stunned for a moment, then quickly shook their heads: "No, it's not! Junior sister, I just don't want to be in the army..."

He was tired of the monotonous life in the army.

"If you don't want to be in the army, you can come out to rob?" Before he finished speaking, the woman in the carriage asked back.

"Little Junior Sister..." Lin Fang just called out to Little Junior Sister, but didn't say a word.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's mood became more and more bad, especially Lin Fang's little junior sister, and the man was even more dissatisfied. Xiang'er shouldn't be so patient, just deal with it directly.

"Tell me, what is your real identity?" After a long time, the little woman asked.

"Little Junior Sister..." Lin Fang called again, for some reason, he just wanted to call her.

"Who would be a robber? Of course it is someone who is short of money. What is the purpose of a person who is not short of money to be a robber?" Yun Feixiang expressed her doubts one sentence at a time. She was betting whether Lin Fang would be able to Tell her the truth.

Lin Fang had a tangled look on his face, as if he was experiencing an extremely complicated struggle in his heart. After a long time, he said slowly, "I am the special envoy of the Ming Dynasty in the Western Regions, traveling around the mainland."

Yun Feixiang's eyes widened when he heard the words of the Western Region Ming Special Envoy.The so-called special envoys of the Western Regions, that is, holding privileges and patrolling various places, they are people who travel all over the mainland all the year round, but have direct contact with the biggest power holders in the Western Regions!

Being the special envoy of the Ming Dynasty in the Western Regions is not an easy job!Since he is from the Western Regions, it is not surprising that Gu Youzhi knew and used his identity.

Yun Feixiang didn't know if Lin Fang was hiding it, but Lin Fang's status as the special envoy of the Western Regions still impressed her. There must be a reason for a person to achieve such a position.

"Is this appearance of yours just pretending?" The carriage blocked his expression, but he couldn't stop his indifferent tone, just like when Shengtian Southwest looked down on him as a robber, his words are still not warm.

"Yes! No!" Pretending, that is necessary, but after so many years, he can't quite separate what is pretending and what is nature.

He is used to being casual and lazy, and it is a kind of indulgence in his bones. Is this still his nature?
"Let's go." The woman said lightly, as if greeting a passerby, the cloud was calm and breezy.


"Since you call me little junior sister, let me let you go once for the sake of our fellowship."

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai were a little surprised. Not only did they not expect that Lin Fang was the special envoy of the Ming Dynasty in the Western Regions, but they also did not expect that the princess would let such an important figure go so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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