The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 584 The little guy is very powerful

Chapter 584 The little guy is very powerful (1)
The two moved out of the way and stopped looking at Lin Fang.

There was the sound of horseshoes in front of them, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai immediately became vigilant, and they felt relieved when they saw the familiar figure coming.

"Master, it's not good, the army was attacked halfway, someone attacked halfway!" Mingyue ran wildly in a few steps, and rushed to Yunfeixiang's carriage.

The people outside looked excited, but the people inside were not disturbed at all. After a long time, two soft words came: "It's okay!"

"..." Mingyue froze for a moment.She couldn't believe her ears. For such an urgent matter, the master said it's okay?

"Don't worry, if the master says it's okay, it's okay!" Wuying stepped forward and patted Mingyue on the shoulder.

They were walking alone, but they suddenly heard the news of the attack on the army and rushed back to report the news. Since the master said it's all right, they don't need to worry anymore.

In fact, it is right to think about it, as long as you have not entered the Western Regions, you will be your own territory along the way, whether it is Nanyue Kingdom or Shengtian, there will be a lot of reinforcements.

When someone attacked the army, it was undoubtedly a mantis' arm. The biggest purpose of the enemy was to create chaos. Wu Ying couldn't figure out who would cause chaos to the Western Expedition Army in Shengtian territory.

"Why, still not leaving?" Seeing that Lin Fang's figure was still in place, Yun Feixiang asked.

"Be careful of Shengtian Nanmian General Situ Qingfeng, he has been a mercenary for more than ten years, and he is likely to disobey orders and intercept the Western Expedition Army." Lin Fang said suddenly.

Even if Murong Rui would order Sheng Tian's army to step aside, he couldn't guarantee that no one would disobey. As far as he knew, Situ Qingfeng was suspected of disobeying the military order.

Yun Feixiang was a little surprised. I don't know why Lin Fang told her this, but I have to say that Lin Fang and her thoughts are quite consistent!
There are three forces in Shengtian, three generals are in charge of three places respectively, Xue Yang, the old general who protects the country, has been secluded behind the scenes, Qin Tianyi, a rising star, leads the front line of Youcheng, and Shengjing is already in the north, and the power is in the hands of Murong Rui, while the south has always been Situ Qingfeng is in charge, and both the west and the east are weak places.

Situ Qingfeng is well-known, and he is the god in the eyes of the people in the south of Shengtian. Most of the military power in the south of Shengtian is in his hands. He has been dealing with Nanyue Kingdom all the year round. He has more than ten years of combat experience. He is only 30 years old now. It can be said that he is young and promising.

The Xiangge information frequently sent news from Shengtian Nannan, and everything showed that the general had changed recently.Yun Feixiang looked up, and there was no sign of Lin Fang outside the car.

"Let's go!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said softly, taking the little woman into his arms, "Xiang'er, let's continue discussing the child's name!"

"No hurry! Ah Zhan, what do you think of what Lin Fang said?" The little woman looked at the man who had said nothing just now, and asked seriously.

"Xiang'er always cares about what these things do, everything is up to her husband, and she is not afraid even if the sky falls!" The man is still arrogant, calm, confident and powerful, and his tone reveals the aura of self-importance.

Just looking at him like this, Yun Feixiang even had reason to believe that the child in her belly must be a smart little guy just like him.

"Big brother and second brother are waiting for us at the junction of Shengtian. It is said that the second brother brought a large army and clamored to follow us to the west. If something goes wrong with Situ Qingfeng, we will also be in trouble."

"Lin Fang is right, you have to be careful with Situ Qingfeng." Xuanyuan Tianzhan curled up a strand of the woman's hair with a big hand.

"Is he trying to deal with us, or is he trying to rebel? Or is he colluding with people from the Western Regions?"

"Not at all, he has a personal enmity with us!" This is what he is saying when the grass is cut but the root is blown.

Xiang'er wanted to let the woman live, but she didn't expect her to be restless. If so, don't blame him for being merciless this time.

"Personal grudge?" Yun Feixiang exclaimed unexpectedly.

Her small mouth was slightly opened, and she looked very cute in a daze. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart moved, and he gave a low laugh, and opened his mouth to cover his arrogant and soft red lips!It’s not okay to eat it secretly, but it’s still okay to steal the fragrance!

"Hmm... Ah Zhan, who has a personal enmity with us?" Yun Feixiang was so dazed by his kiss, she still didn't forget her question.

"Kiss me first, and I'll tell you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan let go of her, propped his body on top of her, and said ambiguously.

"Since when have you fallen in love with such childish games?" The little woman blushed slightly and stared at him.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai whistled outside, looking smug, they heard what the prince said, the prince is mighty!

Yun Feixiang originally wanted to reward the man with a sweet kiss, but when she heard Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai's whistles, she immediately leaned against the side carriage wall with her forehead propped up, pretending she didn't hear anything.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan swept out a palm wind, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai were slapped on the back of the head, and then, a woman's charming laughter came from inside.

It's still the same sentence, don't mess with the princess at any time!
Yun Feixiang took a sip, and then kissed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face. Is this man's face made of gelatin?Why is it so slippery?
"Ah Zhan, who do you think has a personal enmity with us?" The little woman didn't forget the question, so she came back with two sentences.

"The wife of Southwest King Murong Yangxiong's surname is Situ!"

"Situ Qingfeng is the natal family of the Southwest King's wife?" Yun Feixiang was a little shocked. Back then, Murong Yangxiong dominated the southwest corner, which already caused the Shengtian court a headache. He never thought that Situ Qingfeng had such a relationship with him.

"To be precise, Situ Qingfeng is Murong Yangxiong's brother-in-law, that is, Murong Qing'er's uncle!" And during the battle between Nanyue Kingdom and Southwest King, Xiang'er let Murong Qing'er live.

"If that's the case, why didn't Murong Yangxiong seek refuge with Situ Qingfeng back then?" With such a close relationship, it stands to reason that Situ Qingfeng would not leave him dead!

However, the reality is that Situ Qingfeng really doesn't care about the affairs of the Southwest Palace.

"This has to start with your mother and concubine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked far away, and the face of the real Miaoshou and his eloquent words emerged in his mind.

Some things do not belong to their era, and the story that happened at the beginning can only be deduced from memory and the transmission of later generations, and many things he knows are told by his master.

"Back then, the Bing Concubine was so beautiful that she attracted many heroes to pursue her. Among them, the most famous ones were Helianbei, Murong Yangxiong, and Yun Tianxiang. The three men had great power, but they all loved your mother and concubine. , and because of your mother and concubine, Nanyue Kingdom and Shengtian Southwest King almost went to war. Although they did not start the war, they forged a deep hatred! Of course, the final result is that your mother and concubine chose Yun Tianxiang and gave up the relationship with Yun Tianxiang. Her childhood sweetheart, Helianbei!" Having said this, Xuanyuan Tianzhan paused.

Yun Tianxiang and He Lianbei seem to be a bit like him and Murong Rui. Although Murong Rui and Xiang'er are not childhood sweethearts, Murong Rui knew Xiang'er two years before him, and their love is deeply rooted. As a son, mother and concubine, Murong Rui's love for Xiang'er is only a little bit more.

(End of this chapter)

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