Chapter 591
"Withdraw!" Murong Qing'er stared at the man for a long time, complex lights flashed in her eyes, but the only thing she could be sure of was that in the man's eyes, she was no longer the treasure he held in his palm.

The group of people came in a mighty way, but left in a depressed mood. They only now realized what a wrong decision it was to come out with Murong Qing'er. Everyone was angrily, thinking about who took the initiative to invite Ying at the beginning!
"Murong Qing'er, you can leave, and everyone else stay here!" Yun Feixiang said from behind with a smile, and the light words seemed to be tainted with the charm of a little woman, which made people listen to it very pleasantly.

However, this sentence was like a curse in the ears of the soldiers.

As embarrassing as their current identities are, they were soldiers of Sheng Tian, ​​and with the friendship between Princess Feixiang and the Emperor, they would definitely not attack Sheng Tian's soldiers.

However, they stood behind Murong Qing'er because of the general's personal affair!Now, what does Princess Feixiang mean by not letting them go?
"Yun Feixiang, I didn't even make things difficult for you. What are you doing?" Murong Qing'er's face turned pale suddenly. She only had a few hundred soldiers, and it was her uncle who agreed to give it to her. Once the first-class masters fight, they must suffer heavy losses.

"You didn't embarrass me, doesn't mean I don't embarrass you? Right, Mingyue!" Yun Feixiang said while blinking at Mingyue. When she looked at Mingyue, Xuanyuan Tianzhan fell in love with her charming appearance. And jealous.

Why doesn't the little girl wink at him? !
"Yeah, master likes to find something to do when he is bored, and sometimes embarrassing people can pass the boring time." Mingyue came over laughing, very cooperative with her master!
The hidden guards couldn't help pursing their lips and snickering. When the concubine was still in Xiangge, they knew that the combination of a master and a servant could piss people off. After so many years, the style is still the same!
Murong Qing'er's face was livid, Yun Feixiang was too arrogant, could it be that making things difficult for her is just to pass the boring time?
"What? You don't want to leave? I'll count to three, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave." Yun Feixiang slightly curled her lips, and looked at Murong Qing'er with a smile.

This smile, no matter how gentle it looked, made people feel fearful.Murong Qing'er shivered all over, her whole body was shaking!

Provocation, naked provocation!
"One!" The little woman counted very casually.

"Two!" Yinwei guards and their princess counted together.


"Since you're back, why don't you come in?" Hearing the rustling sound outside the door, the man who buried his head in the copy raised his head, glanced at the door with deep eyes, and vaguely saw a blue figure like Hesitantly, hesitantly.

Murong Qing'er didn't seem to expect that the people inside would find her, she paused the knocker, gently pushed open the half-open door, and walked in slowly.

"Uncle!" The woman called out to the man as usual. She tried her best to calm down and suppress all the emotions in her heart.

In fact, she came back yesterday, but she has been afraid to see the man.

"Well, just come back!" The man only glanced at her, then continued to look at the military book in his hand, as if he didn't notice the woman's embarrassment at all.

Murong Qing'er was a little dazed, what does it mean to just come back?Did he already know what happened?

Why does my uncle always have such a faint look, and he doesn't ask her what happened, and those people she brought with her are all detained by Yun Feixiang, and I don't know how Yun Feixiang will deal with them .

Murong Qing'er tilted her head with a complicated expression.

Situ Qingfeng turned another page of the book, his eyes moved up and down with the handwriting, he read it very seriously, without any change in expression.

For some things, the result has already been guessed, so why bother to ask so much, knowing that it is impossible to do it but not to do it, what good results can there be?

"Uncle, you have to help me!" Murong Qing'er said coquettishly, stomping her feet and puffing her cheeks.

"Didn't you say that you want to take my people to fix the bully? Where's the bully? Bring it to my uncle." Situ Qingfeng glanced at the woman and asked calmly.

"Uncle, you clearly know!" Murong Qing'er's complexion changed, she looked at Situ Qingfeng suspiciously, whether he really didn't know, or pretended not to know, how could she go to fix the bully?
"Know what? Or, what did you do to deceive uncle? Huh?" The man cast down his eyes and looked at the woman coldly.

Situ Qingfeng is over thirty years old, with a calm face, a pair of sharp eyes that seem to be able to see through everything, and his skin color is a healthy wheat color due to years of fighting in the battlefield.

He is not tall and strong, but he is very tall, and his muscles are particularly developed. He does not look serious, but as soon as he opens his eyes, there is a natural majesty.

Murong Qing'er was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect the man to ask such a question, they have always maintained a tacit understanding about the matter of the father, she never mentioned it, and Situ Qingfeng would not ask either.

Hearing from his subordinates, this man hated her father very much and only had her mother in his eyes. This made her feel relieved and distressed at the same time. She wanted to use the power of a man to avenge her father. However, Tidu You can't mention the word father and king, so how can you start talking about revenge.

It was the hundreds of people who accompanied her this time, and it was she who said she was going to fix the bully who had taken over the mountain as king, so the man agreed to her.

In fact, Murong Qing'er always felt that Situ Qingfeng knew her intentions, and that for a man of high position and authority like him, everything would be clear after a little investigation.

She doesn't believe he doesn't know!
"You clearly know that the father was killed by Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan. I also went to find them this time. Where did the bully come from? I made it up. Your subordinates know it. Don't you Do you know?" Not knowing where the courage came from, Murong Qing'er roared loudly at the top of her throat.

The room suddenly became quiet, as if even the air was still, Murong Qing'er's heart was beating "thumping", and her extremely unsteady breathing showed that she was very nervous at the moment.

The sudden silence is like the calm before the storm, once it erupts, it is furious.Situ Qingfeng immediately lowered his face, and swept his wide sleeves on the table.


With a crisp sound, the tea on the table fell to the ground, and the water droplets splashed at Murong Qing'er's feet, and the porcelain shards shattered into pieces, sharp and shining with milky white light.

"Presumptuous! Didn't I tell you not to mention your father's matter again?" Situ Qingfeng's complexion was dark, and his tone revealed great dissatisfaction. He frowned, his eyes full of disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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