The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 592 A generous meeting

Chapter 592 A generous meeting (1)
Murong Qing'er took a step back in fright, her body trembled, she was almost stunned, this was the first time she saw a man lose such a temper, and it was the first time she saw Situ Qingfeng in more than a year here Throw something.

She finally felt the bitterness in her heart, mixed tastes, and the feeling of being dependent on others. For the first time, it became extremely obvious. No matter how close her uncle was, she was still just an uncle, and she would never be able to spoil her like her father and king.

It will never be possible to spoil her like Dugu Piaojian did before!
In the past, she was also a treasure held in the palm of the hand!But now, she is just a poor woman, and everything depends on other people's faces.

Raising his eyes, facing the eyes full of tears, Situ Qingfeng rubbed the center of his brows, and said lightly: "Okay, you go to rest first, if you have nothing to do, go to the army for training, don't worry about it all day long." have a bee in one's bonnet."

Who doesn't know that the person he hates the most is Murong Yangxiong. Murong Yangxiong not only failed his sister, but also repeatedly stumbling him in his official career. After "taking care" of him, he was left on the battlefield and couldn't come back.

Fortunately, God has eyes, and he survived by relying on his excellent ability. Until later, he had the ability to protect himself, and he rose to the top step by step, but he swore that he would never associate with Murong Yangxiong.

Therefore, when Murong Yangxiong was desperate, he did not come to seek refuge with him, but entrusted his daughter Murong Qing'er to him.

After all, Murong Qing'er is his sister's only bloodline, no matter how much he hates Murong Yangxiong, it won't affect Murong Qing'er.

However, he never thought that Murong Qing'er would move Murong Yangxiong out so directly.

He could turn a blind eye to some things and let her make troubles, but in principle, he would not back down.This time, the woman touched his bottom line.

Murong Qing'er was stunned for a while, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a precious sword on the sword stand.

It was Situ Qingfeng's most precious sword. Situ Qingfeng would polish it every day, and the shining silver light would make her dizzy.

"Uncle, since you don't like me, it's meaningless for me to live, so I might as well die."

Murong Qing'er's eyes flashed with determination, she threw herself in front of the sword stand, and drew out the sword without hesitation. The black iron sword has gone through the battlefield and killed countless people.

Situ Qingfeng narrowed his eyes, when did this girl learn to threaten him with this trick?

Murong Qing'er didn't look at Situ Qingfeng, closed her eyes and wiped the knife towards her neck. She swung the knife down without mercy, as if it wasn't her own head that was chopped off, but just a tree without emotion.

It seemed that she didn't expect the woman to have such great courage. When Situ Qingfeng flew over to grab the sword lightly, a streak of blood had already appeared on Murong Qing'er's neck, and the blood flowed down the sharp edge of the knife, dripping on the ground, drop by drop. blood red.

"Nonsense!" Situ Qingfeng snatched the sword from Murong Qing'er's hand, threw it on the table with a bang, and quickly stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, carefully examining her wounds.

Fortunately, only a layer of skin was scratched. If he took another step, the main artery would be cut.Isn't this silly girl afraid that he won't have time to make a move and end her own life after playing with her?Or did she trust him too much?
The man was not called a military doctor, so he searched through boxes and chests to find a medical bag from the house, took out several porcelain bottles from it, and gave Murong Qing'er some medicine.

Murong Qing'er was still a little dazed, she was really desperate just now, she knew that his uncle had sharp eyes, as long as she had the slightest hesitation, he would see through her tricks, and then smiled coldly.

No one would joke about her own life, but she really had no choice just now, if Situ Qingfeng didn't stop her, she would die by her own hands.

However, she did not underestimate the man's quick eyesight and quick hands. At the last moment, he grabbed the sword!
"Does it hurt?" Situ Qingfeng asked lightly, his eyes fixed on Murong Qing'er's.The man still had a straight face, but Murong Qing'er could already hear a little softness in his tone.

"It doesn't hurt." Murong Qing'er smiled faintly, feeling bitter in her heart.

"Silly girl, don't do such stupid things again." He still has lingering fears about what happened just now. If Murong Qing'er died, how could he be worthy of his dead sister!

"Qing'er has no father or mother in this world, and being alive is a burden to my uncle, so it's better to be dead." Murong Qing'er confided in a low voice with red eyes, her tone was slightly resentful, but full of sadness.

Seeing Murong Qing'er huddling her body into a ball, even the hard-hearted Situ Qingfeng felt a little soft-hearted.

No matter what, he is her uncle, just like this time he acquiesced to her knowing that she was looking for Yun Feixiang, some things are ultimately helpless.

"Don't think about it so much, isn't there still uncle in everything?" The man didn't let her continue talking, the more she said, the more outrageous it became, and the word "death" couldn't be separated from the three sentences.

Carefully bandaged Murong Qing'er's neck, Situ Qingfeng didn't dare to stay too far away from her, he was afraid that Murong Qing'er's heart hadn't settled down yet, if he couldn't figure it out and made another stab, it would be too late.

How could the man know that the sword strike just now used all of Murong Qing'er's life's strength.

The woman's eyes flickered slightly, yes, she also has an uncle, but I don't know if this uncle is reliable? !

"General, Princess Feixiang of the Nanyue Kingdom and Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the regent of the Hanhai Kingdom, are outside the city gate. They want to enter the city. Princess Feixiang has a pass token. Look... what should I do?" the guard came up to report At this time, Yun Feixiang and his team had already arrived at the city where Situ Qingfeng had been stationed all year round.

This city is called Nanyuan. It is a big city in the south of Shengtian, and it is the southern gateway of Shengtian. Situ Qingfeng is the southern general who has been stationed in this city for more than ten years.

"Open the city gate!" The soldiers' high-pitched voice sounded from the city tower, and the pitch-black iron gate slowly opened, and at a glance, one could even see the blue sky and white clouds in Nanyuan City.

The word "Nanyuan" is engraved on the thick city wall. It is not like the romantic and reckless style of famous artists. The handwriting is bold and generous, but it reveals a classical charm and a bit of elegant literary style.

From the east until here, I can really feel the scenery in the southern part of Shengtian. Although the temperature of the four seasons here is not much different from that of Nanyue Kingdom, it is not as humid as Nanyue Kingdom, but the weather is unusually mild.

Along the way, it was smooth and unimpeded, and everywhere was like a little woman's territory, walking freely.

Yun Feixiang has a lot of gold medals on her body, any one of them can make people dumbfounded.There was even one time when she accidentally picked up the Nanyue Kingdom gold medal given to her by her eldest brother and showed it to a soldier guarding Sheng Tian. The soldier only saw the glittering gold and knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and immediately Open the city gate and let go.

(End of this chapter)

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