The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 593 A generous meeting

Chapter 593 A generous meeting (2)
It wasn't until Yun Feixiang heard Wuying's laughter behind her that she took a look and realized that she had won the wrong gold medal, so she couldn't help laughing.

Poor that guarding soldier, he was so frightened that three souls lost two souls, and he knelt on the spot for a long time after he left, as if he couldn't get his soul back.

"Prince Zhan, Princess..." Guard Nan Yuan hadn't even uttered the word "please" when he was frightened by the cold look of the man in front of him.

"This is my concubine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone was not kind, but he spoke loudly. He took the trouble to correct every title that was not called Concubine Yunfeixiang, as if it was in conflict with this title.

Princess is the title that matches his regent, and it shows that she is his woman!

Along the way, the people of Shengtian talked a lot, especially the young literary and artistic youths in the south, who always liked to put some romantic affairs in the past, those words that had been dusted in their memory, such as confidante, queen, and lifelong retention of the title of queen, etc. Around their mouths, they often hear various voices in their ears.

Yun Feixiang thought it didn't matter, but she couldn't help but feel a little worried when she saw the man's face changing like a chameleon along the way.

Naturally, Xuanyuan Tianzhan would not discuss this issue with the people on the street. At most, he would send a subordinate to visit them and instill a sentence in them: Yun Feixiang is Xuanyuan Tianzhan's princess!

The little woman opened her curious eyes and turned her head to look around. The houses in Nanyuan City are well-arranged, and the deep alleys are crisscrossed. Compared with the grandeur and grandeur of Xuanyuan City, this place is more classical and picturesque. Quite a quiet beauty.

There are many small lakes in Nanyuan City. The willow leaves on the lakeside are light green.There are many trees on both sides of the street, with towering branches and leaves. The air here is the place where Yun Feixiang feels the freshest besides Suizhou.

She couldn't help but imagine, is the owner of this city just like this city, behind the rigid city wall is a piece of blue water and the beauty of soft clouds?

Yun Feixiang thought it was funny again.After all, Situ Qingfeng is an important general of a country, and also the god in the hearts of the people of Shengtian, General Nantian, how could she imagine him as a gentle image!

There was a clatter of horseshoes, and the common people were all looking around, with excited expressions in their eyes, it could be seen that this person was someone they respected very much.

The leader was dressed in armor, with a black cloak fluttering in the wind. He got off his horse in an orderly manner, and bowed respectfully to Yun Feixiang: "The empress is here to welcome you, it's really a long way to welcome you!"

Situ Qingfeng didn't seem to see Xuanyuan Tianzhan, his eyes fell on Yun Feixiang, and he only glanced at Yun Feixiang, he couldn't help being surprised that this legendary woman was so stunning.

She has a swollen belly, and she should look bloated, but she is quite casual and lazy. Her indifferent expression seems to come from outside the sky, and her lips are soft and smiling, like a ray of spring breeze. However, those bright eyes are like obsidian. In the crystal clear luster, there is a touch of depth.

Up to this moment, he may have understood why Murong Yangxiong broke his sister's heart because of Han Bingxue. To give birth to such a daughter, what kind of alluring mother should be?

He also kind of understood why the emperor would not hesitate to use Jin Ling's guards for such a woman, and sent him urgent messages both openly and secretly.

The emperor's meaning was very clear, if Yun Feixiang was fine, he would be fine, if something happened to Yun Feixiang in the place under his jurisdiction, he would have to take care of everything.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened almost immediately, along the way, no one had ever dared to call Xiang'er that in front of him, and Situ Qingfeng was the first one to ignore him so bluntly and call her Queen Xiang'er.

"General Situ is serious. You can call me by my first name or princess, but you can't call me queen." Yun Feixiang almost grabbed the man's veiny hand, and squeezed his with her soft little hand. After pointing, he put his little hand in the man's big palm and rubbed lightly.

She didn't expect that Situ Qingfeng would come to such an event. It was already many years ago, and because she had never acknowledged the position of queen, she couldn't do it at all, but Murong Rui's imperial decree was Stamped with a seal and recorded in the annals of history.

"This badge shows the identity of the Empress. If you don't call her that, I'm afraid it's inappropriate!" Situ Qingfeng said stubbornly, raising his eyebrows.

Yun Feixiang felt in a trance that she had misread it, how could a man who was still old-fashioned just now look like a cunning fox in the blink of an eye.

"If you call me that again, I'm afraid you will be really wrong!" A golden light flew out of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, and he was already on the verge of patience. Not everyone can challenge his bottom line. Few people dared to provoke him like this.

He vaguely felt that this Situ Qingfeng did it on purpose!

"If the empress doesn't mind, can I call you Xiang'er?" Situ Qingfeng didn't insist and changed his name.

The corners of Yun Feixiang's mouth twitched, she and Situ Qingfeng didn't know each other well at all, okay, if they're not called Queen, do they have to be called Xiang'er?Can you just call her by the name Yun Feixiang?



Xuanyuan Tianzhan's voice moved a step faster, drowning out the little woman's voice, but Situ Qingfeng still heard it, and Yun Feixiang said it was okay, so it was okay.

As soon as the title was changed, it seemed that the feeling also changed. It was strange that Yun Feixiang had a faint feeling that there was something about Situ Qingfeng that she didn't understand.

Maybe it's just because he imagined him as a military general, at most he is an experienced young general, but looking at him now, whether it is in terms of his demeanor or self-cultivation, he is definitely not a reckless man!
"Xiang'er..." Situ Qingfeng murmured softly, and glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzhan with a smile.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally couldn't help it, a golden light came out from the palm of his hand, and without hesitation, it shot at Situ Qingfeng's chest swiftly and swiftly.

Situ Qingfeng took a few steps back in an instant to avoid the golden light. However, the golden light seemed to have eyes and followed him closely. In desperation, he raised his hand to block it. The next moment, Yun Feixiang saw him rubbing his hands. rubbed his chest.

The little girl naturally knew that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was being merciful. After all, this was someone else's territory, so she had to be as friendly as possible.

But at the same time, the little girl was also surprised by Situ Qingfeng's resistance, he must have resisted just now, otherwise his heart and lungs would be pierced.

The atmosphere was a bit weird, the little woman looked at the two of them.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was laughing, and Situ Qingfeng was also laughing. They laughed naturally, but there was a chill in them.

Swallowing the fishy and sweet taste in his throat, Situ Qingfeng's face remained unchanged, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan collected all the information on Situ Qingfeng at night.

That night, Situ Qingfeng hosted a welcome banquet for Yun Feixiang, but the little girl said that it was too late and wanted to rest, so she did not attend.

General Situ said, it's all right, we will have a welcome banquet tomorrow... On the second day, the little girl said she wanted to eat Nanyuan's specialties on the street, but she was not in the general's mansion. When she came back at night, there was still a table of rich dishes on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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