Chapter 595 Change (1)
Yun Feixiang withdrew her hand and smiled faintly. Murong Qing'er was willing to put down her face and scoop up soup for her. She must have done a lot of hard work as an uncle, right?

I saw Murong Qing'er picked up the spoon and stirred it gently, the soup flowed, and in an instant, the milky white soup smeared with layers of heat, and the smoke was wafting around, which was very romantic.

The hot air came at just the right time, the person holding the bowl flicked his fingertips, and the white powder fell into the bowl, so natural, so well-timed.Afterwards, a spoonful of soup was poured in, and the powder melted away without any trace.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes sharpened immediately, and a sharp light shot out from the golden light, but the light flashed past, and then returned to normal.

At the same time, Situ Qingfeng narrowed his eyes almost instantly. If he looked carefully, he could clearly see a sneer on the corner of the man's lips.

Murong Qing'er was very nervous, her palms were covered with cold sweat, if it wasn't for the white hot air just now to cover her, she might not have had the chance to strike at all, but once she did, she felt lingering fear!
Yun Feixiang took the bowl with a smile, still with the same lazy expression, and still with bright black eyes full of meaning.

Inexplicably, Murong Qing'er felt a little nervous, she longed for Yun Feixiang to drink the soup in the bowl immediately, killing two people, including the child in her belly.On the other hand, she was afraid that she would be exposed after Yun Feixiang died.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was waiting for the last moment, and the veins in his hands were already throbbing. Situ Qingfeng stared at the woman's movements with a tense expression.

Murong Qing'er saw Yun Feixiang blew on the soup in the bowl, and handed it to her lips, her red lips parted slightly, and the side of the bowl tilted.

It was too late and then quickly, a hand stretched out.

With healthy wheat-colored skin and strong chicken on his arm, he firmly grasped the side of the bowl, took the porcelain bowl from Yun Feixiang's hand, and placed it in front of him.

"Xiang'er, let's change to another bowl. Your bowl is not as elegant as mine!" Situ Qingfeng raised his hand and raised his own bowl. It was really elegant. He scooped up a bowl of soup and handed it to Yun Feixiang.

The little woman curled her lips, but it was just a bowl, it didn't matter if she was pretty or not, it was not the same as holding things!
Murong Qing'er's eyes went straight, the soup that was supposed to be given to Yun Feixiang was changed by her uncle, there was no medicine in the soup, the medicine was bounced into the bowl through her nails!

In other words, the soup in Yunfeixiang's bowl is fine now, but the soup in the bowl that Situ Qingfeng replaced was poisoned.

How to do this?
However, she didn't see that her uncle was about to drink, so she was relieved a little.

"Situ Qingfeng, I really can't see that you are so particular about a military general. The layout of this room is quite artistic, and even the soup is delicious!"

"Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious!" This soup is really good. It doesn't have too much seasoning, but it has a more original taste.She only took a sip, and felt a faint aroma between her mouth and mouth.After the little girl finished drinking the soup, she couldn't help but said in surprise: "Why don't you drink it? It won't taste good when it's cold."

Murong Qing'er's nerves tensed up almost immediately, and she secretly scolded Yun Feixiang, with a worried look on her face.

"Drink! Of course drink!" Situ Qingfeng said boldly after glancing at Xuanyuan Tianzhan who was gloating.

"Uncle, this soup is cold, drink Qing'er's bowl."

"Didn't you serve this soup at the same time as your uncle? If his soup is cold, I'm afraid yours will be cold too." The little woman has such a unique vision, if she still can't guess that there is something wrong with the soup in front of Situ Qingfeng , so many years can be regarded as a waste of life.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the little woman beside him with great admiration, and nodded with satisfaction. The husband and wife worked together to bring Situ Qingfeng to the forefront.

Of course, they also noticed that Situ Qingfeng obviously knew that there was something wrong with the soup early on, so he exchanged bowls with Xiang'er.The one who doesn't know now is Murong Qing'er, an idiot, and they really want to see what Murong Qing'er will do, and what will Situ Qingfeng do?
"Then... there is still some in the kitchen anyway, so I'll get some hot ones out!" Murong Qing'er decided to go to the kitchen to get the rest of the soup, and then took a clean and non-toxic bowl by the way, and poured Situ Qingfeng's bowl into it. replace.

"Okay! You go." Situ Qingfeng said calmly to Murong Qing'er without changing his expression.

Murong Qing'er was overjoyed, and her heart was relieved, she picked up the porcelain basin and went to the kitchen.

However, she hadn't walked far when she heard a chuckle behind her, followed by a man's familiar voice: "This is the soup I got in exchange for Xiang'er, it would be a pity if I didn't drink it."

She couldn't believe it, and when she turned her head suddenly, she saw that the man had already picked up the soup, his throat was bulging, and he gulped it down.

Yun Feilong's Nanyue army did not enter Shengtian after all, but they stuck to the area where Shengtian intersected and headed west.

Thinking that he hadn't seen his sister for a long time, and couldn't wait for the meeting in the Western Regions, Yun Feilong had no choice but to go to Nanyuan City in the south of Shengtian overnight. However, Nanyuan is very close to the border of Nanyue Kingdom, and it won't take long to get there.

"Yunlin, hurry up, we have to reach our destination before dark!" The man flicked his horsewhip, the horse soared into the air, the black brocade robe fluttered, and the cloud pattern on the corner of the robe fluttered with the wind. The man had a handsome face and black hair flying, Domineering extraordinary.

Behind the man, a group of people followed closely. There were faint beads of sweat on their foreheads. The second prince's riding skills became more and more exquisite!
"Speed ​​up!" Hearing Yun Feilong's words, Yun Lin wiped off his sweat and said bravely to the people behind him.

The second prince, who arrived at Shengtian Nanyuan City from the border of Nanyue Kingdom in less than a day, isn't he afraid of being exhausted?Such a fast speed, in fact, it is Male, they are really not tired at all!

The porcelain basin in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, and Murong Qing'er froze on the spot stupidly. Just when she was happiest, such an unbelievable thing happened!

The bowl of poison prepared for Yun Feixiang, which killed two people, just entered his uncle's stomach without warning!

Situ Qingfeng looked calm, as if he didn't know that the soup he drank just now was poison, he looked at Murong Qing'er in surprise, and asked with concern: "Why are you so careless? Did you get burned?"

The man's tone was full of worry, and his eyes were tinged with sadness. It was said that melancholy men had a special charm, and Situ Qingfeng was like that at the moment.

Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at each other and smiled, Situ Qingfeng's acting skills are really amazing!What is the reason for all this painstaking effort?Isn't he afraid that Murong Qing'er will have a big opinion on his uncle if he finds out the truth?

Of course, this matter was Murong Qing'er's own decision from the beginning to the end. Even if someone bewitched her, others would not be able to influence her actions. Since she took the drug, it at least showed that this matter was indeed done by her.

(End of this chapter)

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