Chapter 596 Change (2)
If a person poisons others and is still so righteous, it is unjustifiable, and it is even more unjustifiable to poison his own uncle.

Murong Qing'er was already dumbfounded, she stood there, didn't hear what Situ Qingfeng said at all, and ran over staggeringly, stepping on the broken tiles under her feet, but she didn't care.

"Uncle, how are you?" It wasn't an immediate poison, but it didn't take long for the poison to kick in.

There were tears in his eyes, and there were countless words in his heart that he wanted to say, but he couldn't say them.

If there is no Yun Feixiang, she will tell everything, all the facts, but if Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan know, they will never let her go.

"What about me? You were the one who dropped the porcelain basin, so I asked you how you are?" The man's tone was slightly angry, and his complexion sank as soon as he said it. However, his dull tone was asking words of concern.

Yun Feixiang coughed lightly, thinking that if he was born in the 21st century, he must be an actor at the actor level.

"No... No... Uncle, I'm fine, you, you..." Murong Qing'er broke out in a cold sweat.

Uncle must not die. If uncle dies, Murong Rui will send another person to take the place of Great General Nantian, and she will have no backing. Everyone will look down on her. At that time, she will be like a bereaved dog. reduced to homelessness.

Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, my uncle has been really kind to her. For nearly a year, although he was strict and forbade her to do this or that, as long as he didn't touch his bottom line, he would still agree. her.

Until now, he was still concerned about whether she was burned, but uncle seemed to have forgotten that the soup was already "cold", so how could it burn her?

"Why are you talking incoherently? Are you really hurt? If you're hurt, you have to say it. Don't hold back." The man's initial sternness slowly turned into watery tenderness and considerateness.

Yun Feixiang quietly gave Situ Qingfeng a thumbs up. Murong Qing'er focused all her attention on Situ Qingfeng, so naturally she didn't see Yun Feixiang's expression, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan also looked at this uncle and nephew with great interest. Man, how should Situ Qingfeng's play go on?
"Qing'er hasn't drunk this soup yet?" Murong Qing'er suddenly lowered her eyes and said something very boldly.

This was a thought that came to her suddenly, since there is no way to save her uncle, why not die with him!Anyway, she now feels that she is dirty, her eyes are full of hatred, and her mind is full of dirty things.

At this moment, she thought of Yun Feixiang again. At that time, even if Yun Feixiang was the person she liked the most, she would feel that Yun Feixiang was unique, but now, she no longer sees the original love in her eyes. In fact, she hates herself for being so pure!
Murong Qing'er no longer panicked, but calmed down. At this moment, Yun Feixiang saw the sober Murong Qing'er from before.The woman on the opposite side looked at her nails slowly, they were white and shiny, they had been well maintained in the past year, and the nails also looked good, with a little white inside.

With a light flick, the woman flicked the remaining powder between her fingers into the bowl. Without saying a word, she picked up the bowl and started drinking.

The sound of gurgling was unusually clear.

Freed, freed from everything!Murong Qing'er thought so.

The three of them were sober. They looked at Murong Qing'er calmly, watched her smash the blue and white porcelain basin, watched her stagger back to Situ Qingfeng's side, watched her speak incoherently, and saw her suddenly seem to have made up her mind Generally, he poisoned himself and drank poisonous soup.

Human nature is sometimes such a mutation, obviously determined to take revenge, obviously endless hatred, but at a certain moment, just want a piece of clarity.

"Uncle, I'm sorry for you. I poisoned your soup. I didn't expect you to drink it..." Murong Qing'er drank the poisoned soup and no longer hesitated. What can't be said?It's just that her uncle was with her, so she was always uneasy.

Situ Qingfeng didn't speak, but sighed softly, looking at Murong Qing'er quietly.

"This poison was originally given to Yun Feixiang, but I didn't expect that you would suddenly want to exchange a bowl with her. Uncle, I'm really sorry. Although it's too late to say this, I still want to say, thank you uncle for always being kind to me. Thank you uncle for taking care of me..."

The three of them were listening to Murong Qinger's words. Of course, Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan were paying more attention to Situ Qingfeng's reaction.

Situ Qingfeng's eyes were dark, and the translucent eyes shone like black gemstones. Yun Feixiang was slightly stunned, she was sure that she was not mistaken, Situ Qingfeng's eyes were shining with a light full of hope.

Who is he full of hope for?Is it Murong Qing'er?
"Yun Feixiang, I'm going to die anyway, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, the person I've always admired the most is you!" Murong Qing'er laughed at herself, feeling a faint pain in her heart, as if something was missing average.

"The first time I saw you, I thought you were beautiful, really beautiful, that kind of soul-stirring beauty. I envied you, but I wasn't jealous. I would think, let it be, everything will come naturally."

Murong Qing'er is not wrong, Yun Feixiang used these four words to Murong Qing'er back then, "let it be", this is a woman who goes with the flow, she will fight for it, but she never insists, let alone Even with despicable means, he will not bully others.

"But I don't know when it started. I don't like you very much. Maybe it was when my father mistook you for your mother Han Bingxue when I was in Heishuiya. There is a painting that looks very similar to you among the treasures of calligraphy and painting, it is your mother, and you must know that my father and king have neglected my mother because of your mother..."

Murong Qing'er's voice was slowly choking, but she didn't know it. The woman's eyes were blurred, as if she had fallen into a long memory, and Situ Qingfeng's face darkened when he heard these words.

Her elder sister is a sentimental woman, but she fell in love with Murong Yangxiong who didn't love her, how much love, melancholy like flowing water, how many tears, swallowed in sorrow.

Murong Yangxiong is young and wanton, even though Han Bingxue has married Yun Tianxiang, he is not reconciled, and hangs around the flowers to comfort his mood.

The end result was that his sister died of depression.

"Later, slowly, I seemed to go crazy. I wanted to fight with you, and my temper became irritable, and I became bitter in dealing with others, and even suspicious..." Murong Qing'er's eyes dimmed when she said this , she said in a daze, vaguely, "Piao Jian was also heartbroken by me at this time."

"After the death of my father, I became more sensitive. In fact, when it comes to revenge, I think about it more often. I know that I have no strength to fight against you... Now, let's do it, let's do it like this." Alright." Murong Qing'er said something that had been pent up in her heart for a long time, she wanted to say it a long time ago, but she didn't know who to say it to.

(End of this chapter)

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