Chapter 614 Silly Hat
Those three months of getting along, like being isolated from the hustle and bustle of the world, brought the most beautiful memories, but that was just a memory. He once thought that he had forgotten that experience and that woman with bright and cunning eyes!

But the moment he saw her, he desperately wanted to catch up with her and take another look. Maybe she was getting darker, fatter, thinner, and more cunning... It didn't matter, I just wanted to take a look!
"I long for you to appear." The woman's warm smile was blurred in the fog. Through the heavy fog, Situ Qingfeng could still see her bright eyes, shining like stars in the sky.

He didn't speak, but his memory washed his brain like running water, waking him up again and again!

"Come with me, let's go out, I will take care of you for the rest of your life!"

"Would you like to stay?"

"You can't let go of your people, but I also have my mission."

"Don't go!"

"follow me!"

In the end, she didn't go with him, and he didn't stay either. The two pairs of hands that were tightly held together were let go.

We all have our own mission, and there are people who need us!
When we meet again, the emotion in my heart surges out like a torrent of flood. Who is it that is always in my heart, stirring the heartstrings?Who is it that doesn't want the earth to last forever, but only wants to have the beauty of this moment?
He seemed uncontrollable, stretched out his hand silently, inviting, she smiled and threw herself into his arms!
"Quick, Miss Wula has finally caught him!" The sudden voice broke the tranquil beauty, and many people in strange costumes rushed out around him. clan people.

The man looked at the woman in his arms with infinite doubts flashing in his eyes. He was still holding her hand, feeling her body temperature!Could it be that all of this is her plan again?

"Are you scared?" She stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear.

"Situ Qingfeng has never been afraid of writing words!" The man said coldly, his lips curled into a smile, with an innate aura of indifference, and a faint vanilla scent exuding from his body, which made people lost.

The two were surrounded, with dozens of pairs of eyes staring at Situ Qingfeng like tigers and wolves, with a fierce gleam in their eyes, as if they were looking at their prey!
The girl's hand was slowly withdrawing. Situ Qingfeng increased his strength and held it tightly. He felt that something was missing, like water in the palm of his hand, and he couldn't hold it no matter what!

How much courage did he have to stretch out his hand again, is it just another heartbreak in return?In her eyes, after all, her tribe is the most important, and he can only stand behind her tribe forever, silently and alone!

"Are you afraid?" Many years later, he would still think of the woman who tiptoed lightly, sticking to his ear, asking softly.

"Are you afraid?"

"Are you afraid?"


Reluctantly but resolutely, Wula took her hand out of the man's hand, touched her knee without hesitation, and a very thin throwing knife appeared in front of her, shining with crystal clear light.

The man held on tightly, but couldn't hold onto the girl's heart. He felt overwhelming pain, surrounding him tightly.The beauty just now turned into a sharp sword, piercing his heart fiercely. However, Situ Qingfeng only hesitated for a moment, and his eyes regained clarity in an instant.

A man who has experienced violent storms can adjust his mentality immediately even in the face of the most severe sudden change. Situ Qingfeng is such a man!He quickly came to his senses, his eagle eyes stared at the surroundings sharply, and the air pressure suddenly became cold.

The flying knife fluttered in the palm of her hand, spun around beautifully, and finally struck... The woman's eyes reflected the man's handsome face, and she closed her eyes.

The sound of the flesh cutting through the flesh and blood sounded, like a crack being torn apart on the ground, and a deep gully was opened. Even if the heart was scarred, there was no turning back.

This time, don't blame her, she has already made a choice that she regrets once, and she will not make a second choice.From the moment she saw this man again, she made up her mind that she would not change until death!

The flying knife shining with silver light failed to reach his eyes in the end. Situ Qingfeng opened his eyes wide and looked at the woman in disbelief.

"Miss, are you crazy?" The elder of the Wu tribe almost jumped up, pointing at Wula's nose angrily, his face ashen.

Elder Chen snorted, clutching his heart, his eyes were cold.

Wula didn't even look at him, and turned her head to look deeply at Situ Qingfeng, using her actions to prove her firm choice.

The bottom of the woman's eyes is pitch black, as deep as the pure black night, it seems to attract people tightly!

"Last time, I gave up on you for the sake of my people. This time, I made my own choice." It was not as difficult as it was at the beginning, and it was not as tangled as I imagined. It turns out that making a choice is very simple, as long as you make up your mind Once determined, no one can stop it.

"Don't let go of my hand again!" Situ Qingfeng laughed loudly, took the woman's hand domineeringly, looked deeply into her eyes, leaned over, and kissed the woman's forehead!

The Wu people were furious almost instantly, what is all this?How could Miss Wula mess with the men outside and deal with them in reverse? It's absurd, it's so absurd!

They want to go back and tell the patriarch to deal with the eldest lady according to the patriarchal rules.

"Go away! They are evil, I will hold them back for you." Ula spoke slowly, with a little anxiety in her eyes.

"Have you forgotten what I just said? I said, don't let go of my hand. No matter what happens, hold my hand tightly and don't let go!" Situ Qingfeng saw her eyes clearly this time, There is a lot of love inside, only his shadow.

"Yeah!" Wula's cheeks were as red as the clouds in the sky, and her little hand held the man's big hand even tighter!
"Miss, do you know that you are colluding with outsiders to murder your own people, and you even injured Elder Chen, if we report to the head of the family, I'm afraid you will be doomed." They didn't believe Wu Lalian Dare to flout family rules.

"The flying knife was painted with something, you better not follow me without authorization, otherwise, I will destroy this bottle of antidote immediately, and Elder Chen will rot and die, don't blame me!" Hmph... ... She has plenty of ways to deal with these old guys, but she is too courageous to follow her.


"One!" She always gave them three numbers to think about, and never much.



"Let's go! Let's go!" Elder Chen yelled strangely, and spoke in a deep voice. Wula has always been a ghost, clever and bold. If they were in a hurry, she would definitely destroy the antidote in her hand.

The throwing knife was stuck in his chest dangerously just now, and if it was shifted a little bit, it would reach the heart. Ula must have figured it out!

(End of this chapter)

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