The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 615 Hidden evil intentions

Chapter 615 Hidden evil intentions (1)
hateful!When he returns to the clan, he must punish her properly!In the Wu tribe, no one dared to object to what he said, and even the patriarch had to give him a lot of face.

Seeing the light in Elder Chen's eyes, Wula sneered. This old fox was really ambitious. It seems that she really has to take care of him for her father!The current chaotic situation of the Wu people cannot do without his interference.

The woman's red lips parted slightly, and just as she was about to count out the word "three", Elder Chen stopped him in time. He waved his hand to signal the people behind him to step back and asked, "We're leaving, how can you give me the antidote?"

"You leave one person behind, and the rest of you, together with you, retreat a hundred meters away, and I will give you the antidote."

"Okay!" Elder Chen had no choice but to agree, but it was only [-] meters, and the fog was so thick that they couldn't run far.

Glancing at Wumei standing next to Wula, Elder Chen smiled more and more proudly. He was very familiar with Wuwu Mountain, and they had to bring Wumei, who was not good at martial arts, how could they escape his pursuit.

The fog in the forest was misty, forming a gray cloud, not to mention a hundred meters away, even ten meters away, no one could be seen at all.

"Miss Wula, we have retreated a hundred meters away, please hand over the antidote!"

"Don't think I'm a fool, you haven't retreated that far at all, don't play tricks, if you don't retreat, you will just wait for your whole body to fester and die!"

"..." Elder Chen's face was ashen, but he signaled the people behind him to continue to retreat. After all, his life was more valuable than anything else.

"Miss Ulla, is this enough?"

"Miss Ulla..."


"Elder, they ran away!"

Ula is not good at other things, and what she is best at is jungle running and hiding. She is the real one who lives in the jungle all year round, and is familiar with every plant and tree in it to the extreme!

Situ Qingfeng looked at the woman beside him amusedly, her eyes were soft, she was still as cunning as before, with a strange brilliance in her dark and bright eyes.

"That silly hat, there's no poison on the flying knife at all!" The woman smiled with her lips curled up, her brows raised high, her spirit was high, bright and moving, Situ Qingfeng only felt his heart fluttering, and his mood unconsciously flew up to the clouds.

"Sister is so cunning." Wu Mei was stunned for a while before she said with a smile.

"This is not cunning, this is clever!"

"This is cunning! Sister is so cunning! Sister, sister, will I see that man in black again?" Wu Mei couldn't help asking.

Situ Qingfeng raised his eyebrows, this little girl really likes Yun Feilong, but that guy seems to be very ruthless!

"The man in black, who is the man in black?" Wu La smiled, teasing deliberately, this girl really cared more and more for Yun Feilong.

"Sister, you clearly know." Wu Mei blushed and said shyly.

There is a kind of woman, like a pure gardenia, exuding its own charming fragrance, not as bright as red roses, not as elegant as orchids, but quietly blooming itself, pure beauty!

This is the case with Wumei, the pure and beautiful heart of a girl is always free from the contamination of the world, which is commendable!
In the big tent, looking at the two fat lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of her, Yun Feixiang gave Dugu Piaojian a thumbs up without hesitation. While stroking her belly, she leisurely looked at the lamb that the Dulong team had worked so hard to capture. prey!

Dugu Piaojian shook his head helplessly, the little girl looked like she was here to fight, she was clearly here to take a walk in the courtyard!
"Xiang'er, is there any other tasks?" The man can't express his feelings, all he can think of is to share and do more things for her.

"It's fine for the time being. I'll give you a month's vacation and go find your little beauty!" The little woman smiled and said briskly.

"Huh?" Dugu Piaojian didn't seem to hear clearly.

"What? Can't believe it? Or is it too pleasantly surprised?"

"No, I still won't look for her. When the time comes, we will meet!" Dugu Piaojian casually glanced at Yun Feixiang's stomach, and politely refused.

I don't know what will happen recently, and now is the critical moment, he can't leave easily, Xiang'er is thinking about him, but he can't just care about himself!

"Don't be too nervous about me. The child will not be born for at least three months. Besides, there are so many hidden guards, the army, and followers. What are you worried about? Go and find Dongluo with peace of mind, and take a look at her situation by the way. How's it going?" The little woman said frankly, almost seeing through Dugu Piaojian's scruples at a glance.


"Okay, it's settled like this, this is also a task, hurry up!" The little woman hurriedly greeted Mingyue and drove Situ Qingfeng out.

Dugu Piaojian had no choice but to leave in the end. He finally understood that some people in this world are really kind to those around them!
"Who did Xiang'er say was a follower just now?" Dugu Piaojian had just left when two voices spoke in unison.

Oh, My God!Is this the point?

"Are you talking about me?"

"You mean Murong Rui?" There were two voices again, and the words they said were surprisingly similar.

Wuying and Lengfeng both laughed. These two masters are so cute. Seeing the madness of the princess, they all felt a headache for the princess!
"Master, they seem to have woken up!" Mingyue hurried over to be sloppy, she said while winking at Wuying.

Who is Wuying?He is the leader of Jinjia Weiming who has undergone countless tortures, and he can see through Mingyue's thoughts at a glance. It is not easy to wake people up!
As soon as Mingyue spoke, Wuying didn't wait for his prince's order, and the sword in his hand flashed coldly, and he wanted to wake them up in a painful way.


A cold wind blew from behind, and Wuying's hand that raised the sword was trembling, and it couldn't fall down no matter what.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan hooked his big hand, put his arms around the little woman's waist, pulled the little woman into his arms, and asked viciously: "Xiang'er told my husband, is a follower a follower?"

The man cast a sideways glance at Murong Rui from the corner of his eyes, his domineering eyebrows were raised high, to his surprise, Murong Rui also looked at him with the same raised eyebrows.

Yun Feixiang was speechless, is a follower a follower?Fortunately, this man can ask.

The little girl wanted to say, a follower is a follower!But when I turned around and thought about it, I felt something was wrong again. The follower that the man said was referring to Murong Rui both explicitly and secretly. Forget it, it's a headache, so ignore them.

"Wuying, hurry up and wake up these two fat sheep!" The little woman said in a cold voice.

Wuying froze in place, the prince coughed lightly just now, the meaning was obvious, and the princess asked him to wake up Xi Yuewei and Xi Yuelei again, he was really in a dilemma!
(End of this chapter)

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