The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 620 You Should Come Down

Chapter 620 You Should Come Down

On this day, the imperial city of Xiyue showed a domineering and powerful side that had never been seen in history. When the generals of the military department received the imperial decree, their eyes widened in shock. The emperor actually ordered people from other countries and tribes to be detained. There is no such thing in the history of Xiyue Kingdom.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Come on, come on." Someone opened the back door, ready to escape.

"Presumptuous! What kind of status is this king, you dare to grab my clothes, let go quickly, otherwise, if your head falls to the ground, no one will be able to guarantee it."

"Catch it!" The visitor's tone was cold, he was too lazy to listen to this person's explanation, the emperor had already issued an order, who is not a relative of the emperor, and who has no relationship behind it?
In his eyes, there are not so many twists and turns, only the orders given by the superiors, and everything must be obeyed. Since they are going to be arrested, of course everyone will be arrested.

"Hey, hey... don't you know what it means to be gentle? How can I walk like this?" Someone shouted, staring dissatisfiedly at the guards who followed all the way.

"I want to see your emperor, why does he do this? He doesn't have the right at all, we have to unite and destroy the Xiyue Kingdom!" The voice of the big fat and thick Heta can be heard all over the street voice, threatening the guards.

God knows, he was pulled down from the emperor and there was a little girl hiding in the bed. The emperor of Xiyue was too bullying. When he returned to the Heta tribe, he would definitely lead his troops to attack Xiyue and let them Never dare to fool around again.

However, he didn't know that he would never have another chance. When the Emperor Xiyue presented all the evidence in his hands, everyone was shocked.

"Situ Qingfeng, where are we going?" After walking for many days, Yun Feilong finally couldn't help the doubt in his heart and asked through gritted teeth.

There are more and more jungles around, and they are getting more and more strange. The roads around are winding and everywhere, scattered in the jungle, and it is difficult to distinguish the direction.

Shouldn't they have gone looking for Xiang'er?How could it become more and more outrageous?And his Nanyue Kingdom's army, what will happen without him, all of these are things worth worrying about.

But now, he doesn't even know where he is.

"Second prince, don't you want to visit our Wu family?" Wu La talked to Yun Feilong while looking at Wu Mei. The girl's face was reddish, her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Yun Feilong expectantly.

Yun Feilong's face darkened almost instantly, and he jumped into a rage, and asked angrily: "Situ Qingfeng, don't tell me that we are on the way to the Wuzu!"

"The second prince is extremely smart, and he guessed it right!" Situ Qingfeng looked innocent, but looked at Yun Feilong with a funny face. The second prince of Nanyue Kingdom was fooled by him. It was really exciting. matter!

In fact, going to Wuzu this time was not because he met Wula's impromptu decision. He had already planned to go to Wuzu, and Shengtian's army was also moving in this direction.

The Wu nationality is located in the south of the Western Regions. After going through layers of jungles, they finally arrived at their destination. Although the location here is not as critical as the Xiyue Kingdom, it is also an extremely important place inserted into the heart of the Western Regions. Mastering this place will have important implications for their future strategies. extremely far-reaching impact.

He naturally knew that Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan would occupy the most central Xiyue Kingdom, so instead of going there to join in the fun, he chose the extremely hidden Wu tribe, starting from here!

"Situ Qingfeng, you are so hateful!" Yun Feilong almost roared, he didn't want to stay in this place full of fog all day long, he didn't want to see the endless jungle, he just wanted to go to Xiang'er, and he won't be long Is it that difficult for a little nephew who will be born soon?
Yun Feilong's expression fell into Wu Mei's eyes, and it became extremely dazzling. How much she wished that he could go to their Wu family, so that she could have more time to see him and understand him.

"Second prince, Qingfeng naturally has her own intentions in doing this. As long as you know that Xiang'er is good, why are you in such a hurry to find her? Solving her worries and worries will better show your value as an elder brother Is it?" Situ Qingfeng's tone became particularly gentle, and his originally gentle and refined temperament was fully reflected at this moment!

Hearing Situ Qingfeng's words, Yun Feilong's eyes suddenly became deep. He began to recall some things, and slowly pieced together the silhouette of Situ Qingfeng in his memory. This man has always been calm in his work, how could he have entered into the ignorant Wuzu so hastily? ?

Or, he has already made complete preparations and has a detailed and careful plan?
When Yun Feilong came out this time, he studied the geography, mountains, rivers, and cultural customs of the three big countries. He also studied the relatively savage Heta tribe and the strange Xueluo tribe, but he didn't study the Wu tribe that he didn't care much about.

At the beginning, he felt that the Wu people were relatively small and located far away from Xiyue Kingdom, so they were not worthy of attention at all. After they took Xiyue Kingdom, they could slowly study how to annihilate the other two countries and six ethnic groups!
However, now that Situ Qingfeng mentioned the Wu people, he felt that perhaps this was also a breakthrough point!

Yun Feilong was in a slightly better mood, and a lot of haze had dissipated from his gloomy face. The corners of his lips curved slightly, revealing a captivating smile.

Wu Mei was stunned for an instant, he was actually laughing, was he laughing at himself?However, she soon realized that she was thinking too much, Yun Feilong put away her smile almost instantly, maintaining a cold expression.

The girl rubbed her eyes, wondering if she had read it wrong just now, no, she firmly believed that it was definitely Yun Feilong who was smiling just now, although she wasn't smiling at her, it was exciting to see him very happy.

"Okay, then let's go to Wuzu to have a look." The man's attitude of making a 360-degree turn surprised even Wula. She really didn't expect Yunfeilong to change his mind so quickly, and she didn't know why Yunfeilong would suddenly stop. Made up my mind!

Wu Mei opened her mouth wide and smiled foolishly. He actually agreed to go to Wuzu, and she can stay by his side for a while longer. Although he will leave sooner or later, she wants to talk to him more during the days when he does not leave. A few words.

She would ask her father to treat them well, and let the tribe welcome them in the most enthusiastic way. The girl was delighted and made a voice of joy alone, completely unaware that the man happened to see her excited expression.

Yun Feilong frowned slightly, but he didn't care too much. He was thinking about many things about the Wuzu in his memory, but he found that his mind was blank if he didn't prepare in advance!
The emperor of Xiyue detained people from two countries and six ethnic groups, and also arrested people who were suspicious of his own country, and let them all live in special places.

(End of this chapter)

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