Chapter 621 Thousand Red Poison (1)
This incident aroused great repercussions. People from the three kingdoms and six ethnic groups protested one after another, demanding that the emperor of Xiyue release the hostages he had detained. Pure, once they are detained, it will cause strong dissatisfaction from all ethnic groups.

However, in the face of conclusive evidence, all excuses become powerless, but countries and ethnic groups will not admit that once they admit to the assassination of Xiyuewei, they will either tear themselves apart from Xiyueguo, or pay a huge price. At the price of this, he re-established good relations with Xiyue Kingdom.

"Emperor Xiyue, we have always valued the princes of the Western Regions. He is versatile in both civil and military affairs, and is deeply loved by the people of the Western Regions. Now that the enemy is at hand, how can we secretly assassinate the princes of the Western Regions, causing the relationship between the two countries to be broken?"

"Think about it, all these evidences were produced by Xuanyuan Tianzhan, which doesn't mean it's true. Besides, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and us are incompatible enemies. Naturally, he hopes that we will have civil strife, and then he will be a good fisherman. profit!"

"Really? Are you sure you didn't try to kill my son secretly?" Emperor Xiyue asked coldly, his deep eyes swept the faces of the people around him.

"Of course we won't kill the First Prince. How could we assassinate the First Prince because of how much the First Prince has contributed to the unity of all countries in the Western Regions?"

" could you assassinate my son? Do you have the nerve to ask me? Who is it that persuades me to attack the enemy with poison all day long? However, because my son Xiyuewei is still on the city wall, I have been reluctant to agree. In the end, you only said that you would rescue the eldest prince as soon as possible, but you couldn't wait, and wanted to kill my son, and then blame Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang. The enemy's mass murder is just as you intended, do you dare to say that it is not the case?"

The emperor of Xiyue had never said so many words before, and he would not push people every step of the way. However, he really couldn't bear the fact that these sinister people joined hands to deal with his son and still act righteous and awe-inspiring!

Maybe what he did today was not wise enough, maybe he was too impulsive, but no matter what, he wanted to fight for his eldest son, he was never so easy to bully, he was the overlord of the Western Regions, no one would dare to ride him head!
"It's useless for you to talk too much. The evidence is already in front of you. Even if you talk about breaking the sky, I will rule you!" The emperor's eyes flashed, and he looked at the crowd fiercely. Although there were many people, they were still afraid of the emperor. majesty.

However, what the emperor of Xiyue did not expect was that when he was furious and was about to govern the people of the two countries and six races who did not know what was good or bad, his second son jumped out and said some righteous and immoral words.

"Father, have you lost your mind? These uncles and uncles have watched me and my eldest brother grow up since childhood. My eldest brother is also the prince of the Western Regions, and he has close contacts with various countries and ethnic groups. How could they send people to assassinate me?" Big brother? In my opinion, this must be the enemy's countermeasure. Or, would you rather trust Xuanyuan Tianzhan than your allies with cold lips and teeth?" Xi Yuelei came from the crowd, carefree, with a pair of fierce eyes The eyes were full of bloodthirsty light.

Inexplicably, the emperor's legs and feet suddenly gave way, and he fell down on the chair. In his son's eyes, he saw a murderous look that he had never seen before!
Who does he want to kill? !

"Nie Zi! Why are you here to join in the fun? Why don't you go down!" Emperor Xiyue scolded Xi Yuelei, but Xi Yuelei didn't care, as if he didn't hear it.He held his head high and stood in front of the people of the three kingdoms and six races, and what he was facing was his father.

This scene looked funny, but it was also very sad. The biological son of Emperor Xiyue actually stood on the opposite side of his father!

"Why should I go down? It's you who should go down!" Xi Yuelei hesitated for a while, but still said such a shocking sentence!
Emperor Xiyue's eyes widened suddenly, as if he couldn't believe his ears. He never thought that his son, who looked like a fool, actually had a wolfish ambition that no one knew about!
"What did you say?" the emperor asked with a serious expression, not sure.

"Emperor Xiyue, you didn't hear it just now, but everyone heard it? Let the little girl tell you, Xiyue Lei said just now, you should get down from your position!" Zhongquan is interested in joking, this kind of thing is the most exciting, anyway, Xiyue Kingdom has not shed blood for a long time, the wind and sea have been calm for too long, it is time to explode.

Besides, Xiyuewei's smelly and hard stone doesn't make sense anyway. Unlike Xiyuelei, he readily agreed to cooperate with them and gave them a very generous return. Can they cherish this? chance?

The emperor of Xiyue was so angry that his face was livid. When he saw Gu Youzhi and Mu Rushao, he understood everything in an instant!
"Hahahaha..." Emperor Xiyue laughed out loud suddenly, his deep voice echoed in the lofty hall, his voice was powerful, and his eyes were filled with a cold light.

People from the three kingdoms and six races almost all turned their backs, and some courtiers from his own country also stood behind Xi Yuelei. While there was sadness in his heart, he also became calmer!
Back then, when he was still the prince of the Western Regions, how many bloody storms he experienced. Back then, he traveled all over the Western Regions, crossing the desert jungle without fear. Who remembers, who knows?

Mu Rusuo still maintains a calm smile on her face, however, if you look carefully, you can clearly see that her smile is getting stiffer.

Gu Youzhi vigilantly listened to the movements of the four directions, and an imperceptible sadness flashed on the evildoer's face. Having been in a high position for decades, it was impossible for the emperor of Xiyue to give in so easily. Fortunately, he was well prepared. The emperor of Xiyue had thousands of troops, and it was too late to save him.

"Whatever the second prince wants to do, just do it, and the national teacher will take care of it!" Gu Youzhi said suddenly, looking at Xi Yuelei with a smile, and said in a very sincere tone.

Xiyue Lei was already very excited, they had reached a consensus long ago, Gu Youzhi and Mu Rusu wanted to help him sit on the throne of emperor, and he wanted to listen to their "opinions"!
He is not willing to be a puppet, or to act for others forever, but he really can no longer bear the strange eyes of others, and can no longer bear Xiyuewei riding on his head.

The thousands of miles of land and mountains in Xiyue Kingdom can only be his, and no one can take it away from him.

"Father, you should take the initiative to hand over the jade seal, and retire the virtuous to make way. In this way, our father and son can still be like before, and we won't get bloody and kill each other!"

"Xiyuelei, you bastard! You even united with outsiders to murder your own father. You are a wolf, and you will not end well sooner or later. The biggest regret in my life is that I raised a wolf-hearted son. Don't worry, even if I die, I will die." I won't let you get what you want!" The Xiyue Emperor's chest was trembling, and an angry and ridiculous voice seemed to float from his chest, his eyes were full of anger, and there was a sneer on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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