The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 625 The result of internal fighting

Chapter 625 The result of internal fighting (2)
He was the first person to climb the city wall, and the signal flare in his hand was thrown into the air, announcing the strength of their Xiaolong team!
"Jiang Chuan has never let me down!" Yun Feixiang smiled gratifiedly, as if he had seen the future of the Imperial City of Xiyue. This battle became a remarkable event in the history of the Hanhai Kingdom's army's western expedition.

"Jiang Chuan is indeed a talent." Xuanyuan Tianzhan has not had much contact with Jiang Chuan, but he has a unique eye for people. Just one try and you'll be able to pick out the dazzling gold!

"I really miss the feeling of riding a horse." The little woman sighed, she hadn't felt this way for a long time, riding a tall horse, standing in front of tens of thousands of soldiers, waving her sleeves, pointing the country.

"When the child is born, I will take you, mother and child, to ride horses for my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's chauvinism spontaneously arises, imagining the chic and unrestrained feeling of galloping on the grassland with his wife and children.

"I don't know how many years it will take to fight this battle. I don't know when the world will be unified!"

"Xiang'er, why do you suddenly have so many emotions?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan held the woman's hand tightly, looking at the woman's eyes with his deep eyes, her dark and bright eyes were stained with sadness at some point, although only It flashed by, but he could see it very clearly.

"War has always been cruel. Our child is about to be born, but the world is not peaceful. There are many unknown roads ahead. Suddenly, I am a little confused. Is there any meaning to all we have done? Expedition to the Western Regions, Is it right or wrong?"

"Xiang'er still chose to go west with me while she was pregnant. She must have already had the answer in her heart. Our children should naturally be with us. And the expedition of the army was a plan that Hanhai Kingdom had more than ten years ago. It has also been fully prepared. The Hanhai Kingdom we see is prosperous and peaceful, but in the Western Regions, no one can feel the peaceful life like the people of the Hanhai Kingdom. The Western Regions are rich in resources, but many people in the Western Regions live Living the most primitive life, ordinary people don't even have any status, and can be bought and sold by the noble royals of the Western Regions at will! Xiang'er, there are many reasons enough to convince me that the Western Regions are indispensable for the unification of the Shengtian Continent territory."

"I understand what you said, but I feel a little uneasy!" Yun Feixiang said softly, stroking her stomach.

"Xiang'er, I have everything!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said solemnly, hugging the little girl tightly.

"Okay, okay, what are we talking about, let's go and see for ourselves how the siege of Mochizuki is going?"

In the palace, the ministers already knew the news that the imperial city was under siege, but seeing the two brothers fighting fiercely, they could only be anxious.

"The army of the Hanhai Kingdom broke through the city gate and is about to rush in!" The servant stumbled in, and when he saw the unresponsive Emperor Xiyue lying on the ground, his face turned pale.

Xiyuewei and Xiyuelei fought each other back and forth, and no one could beat the other. Xiyuelei was very powerful, and his momentum was overwhelming. However, Xiyuewei was agile and light, and he had a good way of dodging left and right. Xiyuelei couldn't get close to him at all. body!
The people of the Three Kingdoms and Six Clans are very anxious. The current situation is that no matter which side wins, they don't seem to be able to take advantage of it. However, when the people from the Hanhai Kingdom rush in, they may become the souls of the sword.

"No! Where did the Imperial City Habayashi Army go?" Someone asked in panic and doubt.

The situation seems to be a little wrong, the Habayashi Army is responsible for protecting the safety of the palace, why doesn't it show up at this moment?
Mu Rusuo and Zhuihun had already fought each other, and the two figures flew back and forth in the hall, dazzled everyone.

"Liusha, go and help Xiyuelei kill Xiyuewei." Mu Rusu didn't expect that the martial arts of chasing souls would be so powerful, and couldn't let go of his hand for a while, so he could only shout at Liusha.

The quicksand didn't move, and looked indifferently at the hall where flesh and blood were flying and blood was flowing. The army of Hanhai Kingdom was about to attack, so what's the use of keeping Xi Yuelei?When did Mu Rushao become so confused?
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Open your eyes and see, the sky in my Xiyue Kingdom has changed!" The personal eunuch of the Xiyue Emperor knelt in front of him, weeping bitterly. The hall was in chaos, and almost no one noticed. to him!

"What are you afraid of?"

"Who? Who's talking?" The eunuch's back suddenly straightened stiffly. He looked around in horror, shrunk his neck, glanced here and there, and finally returned to the unconscious emperor.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty, are you talking?"

"Of course it's Zhen!" The Emperor Xiyue suddenly opened his eyes, and his sharp gaze came straight at him. The eunuch happened to see these piercing eyes, and was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

"That's great, Your Majesty, you're still alive!" the eunuch excitedly hugged the body of Emperor Xiyue and shouted excitedly.

"Huh?" The chaotic people in the hall immediately cast vigilant eyes, but saw that the Xiyue Emperor still had his eyes closed tightly, and there was no sign of being alive. They only thought that the eunuch was crazy, and they fell into the previous chaos.

The guard was also smart, and immediately grabbed his hair, in a state of madness.

The Emperor Xiyue looked coldly at the various faces of the crowd, as well as his two biological sons who were fighting fiercely in the center of the hall, with a blank expression on his face.

He has a body that is invulnerable to all poisons, and the martial arts he practices also have the function of purifying toxins. Although Xiyue Lei's poison is severe, he can dredge the true energy in his body to purify it.

Since he was going to kill his father, let him know what a terrible price he would pay for his actions!

"Habayashi Army, why don't you come out?" The Emperor Xiyue sent an order to the Habayashi Army hidden in the dark through voice transmission.

However, no matter what he said, there was no reaction at all around, as if there was no Habayashi Army at all.

Apart from him, only his eldest son Xiyuewei can mobilize the Habayashi Army. Now that the Habayashi Army is not in the palace, they are obviously transferred elsewhere.

Looking coldly at the two sons who were tied for victory, the emperor flew up, slapped Xi Yuelei fiercely with his palm, and grabbed Xi Yuewei's body with the other hand and flew back to the position where he was unconscious just now.

Xi Yuelei felt a pain in his chest, and a gust of cold air rushed into his body, swimming in his blood, and his whole body became numb in an instant.

The chaotic crowd was shocked instantly, the emperor was not dead yet, and his life was too great.

"Emperor, what's the matter with the Habayashi Army?" The Emperor Xiyue lowered his face and was never serious.

"Father, to be honest, the Habayashi Army has been withdrawn by my son."

"You teamed up with Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan?" The emperor raised his head in astonishment, looked at Xi Yuelei, and asked in disbelief.

This is blatantly colluding with foreign enemies. To put it more seriously, it is traitorous!

"Father, Alei teamed up with the Xigan Kingdom, and the people of the Three Kingdoms and Six Races are in the same spirit as him. We are desperate, and there is no way!" He didn't want to do this either, but he had no choice. Right in front of his eyes, he had to admit it if he wanted to!

(End of this chapter)

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