Chapter 626 True Strength

"Liusha, why don't you hurry up?" Mu Rusuo roared. She really didn't expect that the Emperor Xiyue was still alive. It seems that there are still many variables in the matter.

"The situation is critical now, let's retreat first!" Quicksand said lightly, without explaining so much.

Let them solve the matter of their Xiyue Kingdom by themselves. Judging from the current situation, they can only solve it by themselves.

"I can't get away!" Mu Russo roared angrily, and replied angrily, if it wasn't for being dressed by Zhuihun.

"I'm afraid you all won't be able to get away, surround yourself, and don't let any one go!" Xuanyuan Wangyue came from outside the door, his clothes were stained with blood, he stood at the door, his body was as burly as a god, but someone thought he was The deadliest butcher.

On the periphery of the battlefield, Yun Feixiang sat on the carriage, watched the opened city gate, and ordered the army waiting outside to enter directly.

Like a flood, thousands of troops galloped and roared, and the armored guards in black rushed into the imperial city of Xiyue, neatly lined up at both ends. There were no common people on the street, and it looked desolate and desolate.

A black carriage drove in slowly. The drivers were two calm and handsome men. It was hard for ordinary people to imagine who was sitting in this carriage?How could there be such a handsome man to drive a horse and a chariot for him?
"Quick! Clean up quickly!"

"Here! Don't have any corpses or broken limbs on both sides of the road!"

"Cover the large area of ​​blood with straw!"

Huihun was very busy. She received the news from the prince that the princess was going to the city, and it was not appropriate to see bloodshed. Therefore, she had to deal with the places the prince and princess passed by in a very short time.

The carriage moved forward all the way, and the places it passed seemed to be extremely quiet. At this sensitive and dangerous time, most of the people hid in their houses, and most of the soldiers guarding the city were killed.

Yun Feixiang gently opened the curtain of the carriage, the faint sunlight was a bit dazzling, and a little bloody smell wafted head-on. The ground had been treated briefly, and the blood and cruelty of the war could not be seen, but Yun Feixiang could still imagine that here not long ago After a brutal fight!

"Hahahaha..." The Emperor Xiyue suddenly burst out laughing. He stood at the highest point of the palace with a sad voice, "You are all good sons of mine! One wants to seek power and usurp the throne. Wai Bandits, it's great to open the gates of our Xiyue Kingdom! You are really my good son!"

"..." Xi Yuelei's whole body was numb, his limbs could no longer move, and the toxin swimming in his body seemed to swallow him at any moment.

This time, he was a complete fiasco. He subconsciously looked around and searched around, but he didn't see Mu Rusuo's figure!

"Father, the Hanhai Kingdom is marching westward, and the Xiyue Kingdom is the first to bear the brunt. Judging from the current situation, the general trend of the world has been determined. Why don't we add fuel to the flames and help Xuanyuan Tianzhan?" When the iron cavalry of Hanhai Kingdom stepped into the land of Xiyue, they could do nothing but watch their country become a subsidiary of Hanhai Kingdom.

"Hahaha..." The Emperor Xiyue laughed so hard that his voice became hoarse. Sure enough, none of his two sons could be a great leader. This would be the most shameful joke in the history of Xiyue Kingdom!
Surrounded on all sides, the people of the Three Kingdoms and Six Clans were in a state of panic. The Xiyue Emperor would be afraid of the power of their country and family, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan was strong and fearless, and they could never guess what was going on in his mind!
Everyone's hearts were raised at this moment, Xuanyuan Wangyue looked around fiercely, but no one resisted, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The people of Xiyue are not as brave as the rumors say!

"Princess, be careful of the stairs under your feet." There was a voice of caution, which strongly impacted everyone's eardrums!

The Emperor Xiyue narrowed his eyes almost immediately. Outside the door, a bright red figure slowly appeared in front of him. The woman stretched out her belly, and behind her was a man supporting her. Many guards on both sides stared at her cautiously, for fear of going out. Even the slightest mistake!

This is the woman Xuanyuan Tianzhan loves to the bone!This is the legendary beauty of Murong Rui!This is Yun Feixiang who makes so many men fall in love and how many women hate her!
What if she lay here, like those dead warriors?
A very strong thought suddenly came to his mind, and the Emperor Xiyue's eyes suddenly became fierce. Even if he died, he would have to pull someone with sufficient status to be his back!

He aimed Maotou at Yun Feixiang almost immediately, thinking about the best angle and timing of the shot in his mind.

"This threshold is really high!" The little woman lifted the corner of her skirt, frowned and glanced at the high threshold, and was about to step in.

She held the corner of the skirt in one hand and leaned on the door frame with the other, looking seriously at the threshold on the ground. Xuanyuan Tianzhan behind her also followed her line of sight and set his eyes on the threshold.

This scene seemed a bit strange, Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan seemed to be completely defenseless, making people want to take advantage of it, in fact, the Emperor Xiyue did the same!

The tiny silver wires from the fingertips flew out at a speed invisible to the naked eye. The Emperor Xiyue stood in his original position, motionless at all, and no one saw him make a move, including Xiyue beside him. Wei also didn't know at all.

An evil smile gradually spread from the corner of the man's lips. He can be 100% sure that the end point of the silver thread is Yun Feixiang's temple. She is looking sideways at the threshold, and the direction of the silver thread is just facing her impartially temples.

"Emperor Xiyue would do such dark things, it really opened Rui's eyes!" Murong Rui's blue figure flashed swiftly, and landed in front of Yun Feixiang. of silver.

There was a cold light in Murong Rui's eyes, the silver thread was extremely thin, glowing white, as if connected with the air, if he hadn't been paying attention to every move of the Xiyue Emperor, he might not be able to catch this deadly thread silver wire.

"Your Majesty Sheng Tian? Don't you feel tired after following other people's buttocks all day long?" Emperor Xiyue also looked coldly and said coldly.

It seems that Murong Rui is really not so kind to Yun Feixiang, and would rather protect her safety behind her back than let her go.

Only then did Yun Feixiang withdraw her gaze from the threshold, and landed on Murong Rui and the Emperor Xiyue. She looked at the silver thread in Murong Rui's hand. It was indeed so thin that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes were cold, but there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. Did the Emperor Xiyue think such a trick could hurt Xiang'er?With Xuanyuan Tianzhan around, no one can get close to Xiang'er, let alone try to hurt Xiang'er!

"I don't feel tired, but the emperor of Xiyue has been teased around by people from the three kingdoms and six races all day long, so he must be feeling aggrieved." Murong Rui smiled lightly, his blue brocade robe and ribbons fluttering, his face was always warm, his eyes But it is like the dark and vast night sky, unfathomable.

(End of this chapter)

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