The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 628 The real beginning

Chapter 628 The real beginning (2)
The words of the concubine just reminded them that if the silver thread was really poisonous, how could the prince not be able to see it because of his excellent medical skills?If the prince saw that there was poison on the silver thread, how could he let the princess touch it?

Who doesn't know that the prince of his family cares more about the princess than anything else!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan turned his head away, his face turned a rare blush, and the bases of his ears were all red. When he turned his head, he happened to meet Murong Rui's eyes with a deep smile, and he couldn't help being taken aback. Thinking of something, his complexion changed.

"The silver thread you pinched earlier is poisonous, force the poison out by yourself!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan transmitted his voice into the secret.

"It seems that Brother Zhan not only cares about Xiang'er, but also about me!" Murong Rui's tone was still smiling, but he felt warm in his heart.

I don't know when, he and Xuanyuan Tianzhan are no longer rivals in love, nor are they political enemies. They joined forces to fight against the enemy, only for the person they both want to protect. As long as she is good, it doesn't matter who makes the move?
"It's admirable that Princess Zhan still has such a leisurely mood when she is about to die! Admiration!" Emperor Xiyue smiled coldly, raised his eyebrows and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang. This was his only chance to turn the situation around .

"Father!" Xi Yuewei took a step up the mountain, his eyes full of worry.

"Shut up! Nizi, if it weren't for you and Xuanyuan Tianzhan joining forces, how could the Xiyue Kingdom have fallen into such a situation." The emperor of Xiyue was furious, and roared at Xiyue Wei. Not far away, lay Xiyue Lei who could not move. , He has already abolished that traitor with his own hands.

What Xi Yuewei wanted to say stuck in his throat, he opened his mouth but made no sound.After all, he chose a path that no one understood. No matter how he said it, he had indeed betrayed the West Yue Kingdom.

After scolding Xiyuewei, the Emperor Xiyue looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang with an evil smile, and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the poison on the silver thread is just an ordinary poison to ordinary people, but It has an unusual effect on people who are pregnant!"

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately felt that the Emperor Xiyue was despicable and shameless. This poison was actually refined specifically for Yun Feixiang!Although he already knew that the little girl was fine, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was still furious. The emperor of Xiyue had already set his sights on Xiang'er and used such a vicious method. He would make him regret it.

"Since the emperor of Xiyue wants to die so much, how are you, Wang Chengquan?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan spoke out, his low tone instantly lowered the air pressure to the lowest, the man's cold words came out from his lips, and the powerful aura shocked the entire hall .

All the people of the Three Kingdoms and Six Clans were stunned for an instant, their legs seemed to be fixed by nails, unable to move. At this moment, infinite fear surged in their hearts. Their intuition told them that the man in front of him was going to get angry, and the consequences would be very serious. serious.

The confidence in Emperor Xiyue's eyes was instantly shattered. He didn't doubt the poison on his silver thread, but he didn't doubt Xuanyuan Tianzhan's methods either.He suddenly remembered Yun Feixiang's calm expression when he was touching the silver thread, and he felt more and more that something was weird, and couldn't help but feel hairy.

"Aren't you poisoned?" Emperor Xiyue asked uncertainly.

"What do you think?" The little woman turned around lazily, deliberately showing that she was fine in front of the Emperor Xiyue.

The emperor Xiyue stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe it. What's going on?He looked at the silver thread, it was indeed poisonous!

He raised his eyes again and looked in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's direction, and immediately noticed something strange, the silver thread on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's end became brighter!

"This king is practicing Longteng Juling!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words suddenly came to his ears, and the emperor Xiyue froze all over!

"Longteng gathers spirits..."

God, don't tell him that Xuanyuan Tianzhan has been able to transform toxins into internal strength in his body? !This is simply unbelievable, Xuanyuan Tianzhan can reach such a state at such a young age, a once-in-a-thousand-year genius in Shengtian Continent!He is sure that no one in Shengtian Continent is an opponent of Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Break!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan flicked his sleeves, a golden light gathered in his palm, and he twisted the silver thread passing through the void barrier like a twist.

Yun Feixiang had seen Murong Rui deal with Mu Rujing's Yinsi Qianshou. At that time, Murongrui bounced back all the silver wires, but Ah Zhan did not bounce back the silver wires. Instead, he grabbed the silver wires and threw all the silver wires back. Everything is pulling in his direction!
The Emperor Xiyue was shocked, a powerful force was pulling him through the silver thread, he could already faintly feel the pain of his skin being torn apart, like a sharp blade cutting his skin, dripping with blood.

The silver thread on their bodies is attached to the skin, and they have practiced such superb skills. It takes repeated practice from childhood to adulthood to be able to use it freely. Once the silver thread is pulled out, not only the body will suffer great damage, but also the true energy will be consumed. In the future, silver wire can no longer be used.

Sweat was dripping on the Xiyue Emperor's forehead, and there was a sharp pain in his body. Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the Xiyue Emperor, sneered, and mercilessly increased his internal strength!
"Ah!" the Emperor Xiyue cried out in pain.Xi Yuewei's heart tightened, and he ran towards his father.

The silver thread was completely torn off, and the end of the silver thread was bright red. Yun Feixiang saw countless tiny blood beads flying from the body of Emperor Xiyue, and it was conceivable that the flesh and blood on his body had been torn apart. With a "boom", Xiyue The body of Emperor Yue fell straight to the ground.

This war, which was mixed with internal and external strife, is finally over, and the ownership of the Xiyue Imperial City can almost be imagined.People from the six races of the Three Kingdoms knelt on the ground and surrendered one after another. Xiyue Lei was already a useless person, so naturally he was ignored. Naturally, he could only surrender to Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

The most important thing for them now is to save their own lives, and everything else is not important!
For these people from the Three Kingdoms and Six Races, the best way to deal with them is to detain them and detain them in the imperial city!
"Azhan, this is just the beginning!" Yun Feixiang raised her eyes and looked outside the main hall door, looking at the sky, her dark and bright eyes were like a deep pool, shining brightly.

"Yes! This is the beginning!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan took the little woman's hand, his eyes full of affection, "Xiang'er, the imperial city that the emperor of Xiyue can't keep, I will definitely guard it until our child is born safely! "

"Yeah." Yun Feixiang nodded lightly, her usual joking eyes became more serious.

She knew what he was referring to, they just captured the imperial city of Xiyue, and Xiyue Kingdom is the largest country in the Western Regions, with many cities, tribal leaders and local forces!
Now that they have captured the Imperial City of Xiyue, all the forces that were lurking on all sides will unite and deal with them together!
Therefore, their current situation is that apart from the Shengtian Iron Horse Pass in the east, the other three sides are enemies!
(End of this chapter)

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