Chapter 629

Traveling through the boundless jungle for a month, Yun Feilong almost thought that he would never see the sun again. However, when he finally saw a ray of sunshine in the morning, he was instantly ecstatic, but at the same time, he also realized that they came When he arrived at Wuzu, a place he was very unfamiliar with.

The surroundings become open, there is no fog, no deep jungle, but there are still many mountains around, with lush trees, and occasionally a few simple wooden houses, which are the living places of the Wu people.

Yun Feilong was very uncomfortable, he really couldn't see anything about the Wu people that Situ Qingfeng should pay attention to, he even had some doubts, could this guy just come here to meet his old lover?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look in the direction of Situ Qingfeng and Wu La, and saw the two talking and laughing, very happy.

Yun Feilong couldn't help but snorted coldly, and looked at Situ Qingfeng with unkind eyes, as if he wanted to see a big hole in him.

General Situ didn't change his face, as if he didn't see it, Wula quickly pushed Wumei beside him, blinked and said: "Wumei, quickly introduce to Mr. Yun the style and features of our Wuzu region."

Wu Mei blushed, summoned up her courage, and ran to Yun Feilong shyly, first looked up at him, saw that the man had no expression, then asked cautiously: "Mr. Yun, look at our Wu family's house, what's so strange Is it?"

"Short and small!" Yun Feilong said directly.He also wanted to say, poor mountains and bad waters, he never wants to come here again in this life, is it easy for him?He wanted to find his sister at first, but was fooled by Situ Qingfeng into this messy Wu tribe.

"Yes, these houses are small and short. That's because the ebony wood used to build the houses is extremely precious and cannot meet the needs of large houses. This is only a part of the houses. Of course, our Uganda people also have very large houses. These small houses It was lived by those who practice bone shrinking skills, so in order to better absorb the aura of ebony wood, it was naturally built extremely small."

"Bone Shrinking Skill?" Yun Feilong asked doubtfully.Although he had heard of the bone shrinking skill in Jianghu, he had never seen it before. He didn't expect to see it in Wuzu today, and he was really curious.

Seeing that Yun Feilong had some interest, Wu Mei suddenly became emotional, and Xiaozui became eloquent in an instant: "Bone shrinking skill is not unique to us Wu people, but the physique of Wu people is very suitable for practicing bone shrinking skill. Have you noticed that? My sister is as light as a bat."

"Yeah!" Yun Feilong naturally discovered that Ula was not only quick in action, but also very flexible. When shuttling through the jungle, she was like a monkey.

"Our Wu people's bodies are very soft and resilient, so it is suitable to practice both bone shrinking and light exercises! Generally speaking, men practice bone shrinking exercises, but women practice light exercises! Of course, not all Wu people are suitable. These two kinds of martial arts depend on their talents."

At some point, Wu Mei couldn't help grabbing Yun Feilong's sleeve, and the two walked side by side, looking intimate, something was quietly changing and permeating unconsciously.

After the setting sun set, the rising sun slowly rose again. After walking for three days, they finally arrived at the base camp of the Wu people.

The flow of people gradually increased, and they all gathered together. Yunfeilong finally saw the legendary Wu people's houses, which were all wooden structures.

According to Wu Mei, this is Wucheng, the most prosperous area of ​​their Wu people.

They bypassed the noisy streets and walked towards the center of Wucheng, where the highest leader of the Uzumaki lives and is also the political center of the Uzumaki.

"It's almost there, it's almost here!" Wu Mei pulled Yun Feilong, happily introducing him to the customs of the Wu nationality.

However, Yun Feilong was not in such a good mood, and the strange and probing eyes around him clearly carried a strong killing intent.

"Young Master Yun, look, this is the bird of our Wu tribe, and it sings a beautiful song." Wu Mei suddenly pointed at a flag and shouted in surprise.

The bird was embroidered on the flag, not a real bird. If it was so easy to see a living thing, it would not be a clan bird.

"Have you ever heard it sing?" Yun Feilong asked casually.He was vigilant around the surroundings calmly, and took Wu Mei a step closer to him. The killing intent around him was getting stronger and stronger, which made him feel uneasy.

Feeling a pair of strong hands on her waist, Wu Mei's eyes widened in an instant, she turned her head to look, and with just one glance, she knew whose hands it was.

Suddenly, her heart was beating non-stop. What she didn't even dare to think about happened in front of her. The girl was stunned and forgot how to react.

"Huh?" Yun Feilong's deep nasal voice rang through the roof, but his sharp eyes never let go of any part of his body.

Situ Qingfeng also seemed to be aware of the strangeness around him. Years of experience in the battlefield told him that there was a huge danger hidden around him.

"Ah... oh, I... I only heard it in my dream." The girl was dizzy and at a loss, but there was a sweet feeling in her heart, just like the candy that her uncle brought back from the Central Plains when she was a child, and it will always remain in her heart. Sweet taste.

Yun Feilong curled his lips into a sneer, and finally appeared.

"Kang Dang..." The sound of gunfire on the street suddenly sounded, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. The people around exclaimed, kept avoiding, and looked at Yun Feilong with sympathy.

When Situ Qingfeng and Wu La heard the movement, they rushed over immediately, and saw a man with an angry face engage in fire with Yun Feilong.

"Come on, we're in trouble!" Ula stomped angrily, unexpectedly they met Meng Lie here.

Meng Lie has always liked Wu Mei, and he is also a very important person in the clan. Now that he sees Wu Mei and Yun Feilong together, he will definitely fly into a rage and fight.

"Stop! Stop! Meng Lie, this is a guest of our Wuzu, you can't do anything to him." Wu Mei shouted anxiously, with earnest pleading in her eyes, Meng Lie is the number one warrior of their Wuzu, Young Master Yun must fight But him.

"Why is he holding your hand?" Meng Lie doesn't look like a big or three thick, but the words that come out of his mouth are full of ferocity and ruthlessness, as if they are his things that have been taken over by others.

"I, Yun Feilong, want to hold someone's hand, do I need your consent?" Yun Feilong is also an arrogant guy. The more arrogant the other party is, the more he is not used to it. He has seen barbarians, but he has never seen such a man. ferocious people.

Yun Feilong only held the knife in one hand, and freed the other hand. With a little force, he pulled Wu Mei into his arms, and the little woman was firmly pressed against his chest.

At this moment, Yun Feilong's heart was beating faster than ever before. Wu Mei's body was soft and small, and it fit him perfectly. There was a strange feeling in his veins, as if it was about to swell and explode.

(End of this chapter)

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