Chapter 630 Do You Like Her (1)
But Wumei was full of tender red, lying on Yunfeilong's chest in a daze, she never thought of it again, this embrace is so warm, so reassuring, how could she be willing to let go?

Seeing this scene, Meng Lie's eyes were about to tear, and he slashed down with the big knife in his hand, exhausting all the strength in his body.

What a couple of lovers and concubines!
Yun Feilong's complexion remained unchanged, and the internal force in his body fluttered, bit by bit he used the thinned sword to push away Meng Lie's broadsword.Situ Qingfeng stood aside, looking at Yun Feilong with some amusement, the handsome iceberg was finally melted.

Wu Mei hugged Yun Feilong tightly, even if she died at this moment, it was worth it.

"Boom..." There was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

The world was quiet for a second!
"Hahahaha..." Immediately afterwards, the people around burst into laughter, looking at Meng Lie who was thrown on the ground and the big knife in his hand, a strong pleasure surged in their hearts.

Just now this young master kicked Meng Lie hard across the face, it was really enjoyable.

"It's all right." Yun Feilong patted Wu Mei's shoulder, gently comforting him, he didn't realize how gentle his tone was when he said this.

Situ Qingfeng's smile became brighter, and Wula's eyes became darker again. Only Yunlin and his group of guards lost their eyeballs in shock!When was the second prince so gentle?This is really big news!

Wu Mei raised her head, her cheeks were flushed, she looked at the crowd in embarrassment, and then slowly let go of Yun Feilong.

"Meng Lie, I advise you not to be a toad who wants to eat swan meat, and give up your heart as soon as possible!" Wu La glared at Meng Lie and said viciously.

What should come, will always come, perhaps, this is an opportunity!The divisions and confrontations within the Ukrainians are bound to be resolved.

Meng Lie snorted softly, picked up his big knife, and staggered away.

The Uzbek people soon got the news, and there was a lot of discussion, some applauding, some angry, some cold-eyed, all kinds of reactions fully reflected the division and hostility of the Uzbekistan internal forces.

Before Yun Feilong and his party arrived at the Wu Clan headquarters, the news that Meng Lie had been beaten up by an outsider had already reached Wutan.

Wutan, the place where the highest leaders of the Wuzu live and work, is equivalent to the imperial palace of the Central Plains country, but compared to the grandeur of the imperial palace, Wutan can only be regarded as a small courtyard.

Standing at the gate of Wutan, Wula found that the security was extremely strict today. She looked carefully and found that there were many horseshoe prints in the soil beside it.

"What's the matter?" Situ Qingfeng clearly felt the strangeness coming from Wu La's hand, and couldn't help asking with concern.

"An important guest from the Wu tribe came." Wula was also very surprised. In the past, apart from the important figures sent by the Three Kingdoms, the Wu tribe would never use so many people to be on guard. What kind of big man is this time?

Inside the house, the patriarch of the Uzumaki could not stop looking at the man opposite him, his old eyes sparkled, and he realized now that the world is so big that he is really ignorant.

"Sir, the Chiyan Kingdom is really rich in treasures?" This is the tenth time he has asked such a question.

The man on the opposite side was wearing a white robe, the cuffs and neckline were trimmed with red flame patterns, he smiled lightly, his eyes were calm, a pair of long and narrow eyes, like flying stars, across the sky, shining bright pearls, sharpened by a knife Her face is so exquisite, she looks like an immortal.

"Naturally, gold mines and silver mines are constantly being mined, and pearls, jade and gemstones can be seen everywhere, but the people there are isolated from the world and uneducated, so naturally they don't know the value of these treasures. If I didn't pass by by chance, I don't know that there will be a group of people with There are people who are isolated from the world!" In the eyes of the gentleman, the light of wisdom shone, and he raised his head slightly, imagining that place full of yearning.

"Sir, would you like to take me there and civilize them." The patriarch's eyes lit up, showing great greed. What he needs now is gold and silver treasures. If there is such a treasure land, wouldn't he be rich!
That way, he can build heavy weapons without being restrained by the Three Kingdoms and Six Races.

"This... this, it's easy to say, easy to say!" The man thought for a while, and then said, "However, you have to promise me that if they are unwilling to be civilized, you must not treat them in a barbaric and rude way! You cannot lead an army to attack them !"

"Mr. Justice, it's easy to say! Easy to say!" The head of the Wu tribe nodded repeatedly, with a gleam in his eyes.Hearing footsteps from outside the door, he quickly put away the triumphant smile on his face.

"Daddy, we're back." Wula pushed open the door, her eyes rolled around, she couldn't help being surprised, she thought it was another old man, it's really strange that a handsome man from the Wu tribe came here!
Wula entered the room in a daze, imagining who this person was, and a few people behind him also followed in. Yun Feilong's eyes widened instantly in shock, and he looked at the man opposite the leader of the Wu clan in disbelief!
It's Xiang'er's elder brother, Long Yuyan!They are relatives, Yun Feilong is ecstatic, he will never have to look at Situ Qingfeng's expression on that stinky donkey again.

However, this is strange, why is Long Yuyan here?He knew that Long Yuyan had secretly left two years ago, but he didn't know where he went. Now it seems that Long Yuyan must have come to the Western Regions.

Looking at each other, Long Yuyan was also very surprised. He didn't expect to see Yunfeilong here. Looking at Yunfeilong's happy face when he saw him, and looking at Situ Qingfeng next to him, he probably understood that he was inseparable. .

"Father, these two are my good friends from the Central Plains, and they have saved my sister and me!" Wu La gave a brief introduction, and then skillfully asked the servants to add wine and vegetables.

"Oh?" The head of the Wu Clan narrowed his eyes, and then said with a smile, "Then I really need you two, please sit down."

"Thank you, Patriarch!" The two thanked each other, and then sat cross-legged on the mat. Wu Mei graciously fetched wine and poured it for everyone, but Wu La was not polite, and sat next to Situ Qingfeng and began to eat.

Everything looks very harmonious and quiet, but too quiet makes people feel weird.

"Patriarch, who is this?" Situ Qingfeng picked up the wine, looked at Long Yuyan, and asked politely.

Long Yuyan, he naturally knew him, but the other party didn't say anything, obviously because he didn't want to reveal his identity, since everyone was for the same purpose, it was tacit understanding.

"Oh! This young master is a master! Everyone, eat well and drink well!" The head of the Wu clan smiled, showing an indescribable alienation towards others, and he seemed unwilling to give too much introduction to Long Yuyan with just one sentence. .

The three of them also ate seriously and stopped talking, but occasionally they could hear Wu Mei asking Yun Feilong in a low voice with concern whether the food was suitable for him or not.

After the meal, Wula said that in order to thank the two for their life-saving grace, they would stay here to treat them well. Yun Feilong and Situ Qingfeng naturally "could not refrain from their hospitality", and "had to" stay here.

(End of this chapter)

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