Chapter 631 Do You Like Her (2)
The room where the two stayed was arranged by the patriarch of the Wu clan, so it was naturally far away from Long Yuyan. Long Yuyan is a person who is like a treasure. It is absolutely impossible for the patriarch of the Wu clan to let these two people of unknown origin get mixed up with Long Yuyan. of!

Not only that, but there are also a lot of eyeliners lurking around the few people, in case they make any changes.

However, it doesn't matter, it doesn't affect Yun Feilong's search for Long Yuyan, Long Yuyan would stay on the roof for a while every night, Yun Feilong knew it was his habit.

Fortunately, this courtyard is not big, compared to the imperial palace, it is simply too childish. Yun Feilong found Long Yuyan very easily without much effort.

The man was dressed in frost and white, and his slender body was lying on the roof. His hands were resting on the back of his head, and his dark eyes were motionless looking at the crescent moon in the sky.

I still remember the days of listening to the falling flowers and flying waterfalls, I still remember the bright laughter echoing on the Black Water Cliff, I still remember the piano and flute ensemble under the red plum tree, I still remember your sweet smiling face, black and bright eyes... But now , just want to know, are you okay?I just want to see you, it’s okay to see you with my own eyes!
Missing is like a tide, surging and surging, this sea water floods the lips, overflows the ears, soaks the nose, makes people suffocate, and can no longer bear the days when you are not around.

It turns out that the happiest time is when you are by your side, even if you look at you from afar, even if you follow behind you silently, it is also a kind of happiness!
I always imagine that one day, you and I will enjoy the world together. Although this day will never come, I will always wait and look forward to it.

"Big Brother!" Someone called softly.

"Xiang'er!" Long Yuyan responded naturally, turned over and sat up conditioned reflex, looking around, his flustered eyes turned quickly, looking for the figure haunted by dreams.

However, when he turned around, he saw Yunfeilong behind him smiling mischievously. He only glanced at Yunfeilong lightly, and Long Yuyan lay down quietly again, continuing to look at the crescent moon in the sky.

On the contrary, Yun Feilong was a little stunned. He didn't miss the frantic surprise and deep disappointment that intertwined in Long Yuyan's eyes. Although it was only for a moment, he could see it very clearly under the clear moonlight!

"Are you thinking about Xiang'er?" Yun Feilong walked over slowly, found a place beside Long Yuyan, and lay down.

Long Yuyan closed his eyes and did not speak.

"Xiang'er is a good girl, and there are naturally many men who like her. I have no reservations. I once liked Xiang'er too. I thought about strengthening myself and competing with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but then I knew, Xiang'er is my sister! From now on, she will be my sister too!" Yun Feilong felt relieved when he recalled the past.

Suddenly, the scene when he met Meng Lie today appeared again in his mind, the feeling of that small and soft person hugging him tightly, the feeling of his heart beating wildly.

"Forget it, you idiot, you don't understand so many things I've told you!" Yun Feilong waved his hand and said with bared teeth and claws.

He wanted to get rid of the memories that came up one after another, but the more he did this, the memories became clearer and clearer, and even his heartbeat really accelerated.

Long Yuyan was still looking at the moon in the sky, immersed in his own thoughts, thinking that he should receive Xiang'er's reply letter at the end of the month, and couldn't help but want to go back to Chiyan Kingdom even more.

It seems that he must speed up the speed of taking down the Wuzu, and he can't wait any longer!
Yun Feilong seemed to feel that he was being ignored, twisted his body a few times, and stretched out his elbow to touch Long Yuyan.

"Hey, senior brother, I have a strange question! Why does the patriarch of the Wu clan seem to attach great importance to you and 'protect' you so well?"

"Did you see it?" After a long time, Long Yuyan finally spoke.

"The idiots can see it." Yun Feilong rolled his eyes, talking to this senior brother, he was really anxious to death, the gaze cast on him by the patriarch of the Wu tribe, he and Situ Qingfeng combined could not match.

"Hehe..." The man let out a few powerful laughs from his chest, and then stopped talking.

Yun Feilong was about to go crazy, it turned out that Long Yuyan had such a dull personality, it was really boring, he thought to himself: If I were Xiang'er, I wouldn't like you either, you see how cunning Xuanyuan Tianzhan is, you have to be good study!

"Ah..." In the warm room, Xuanyuan Tianzhan sneezed abruptly. He stretched out his hand, habitually wrapped the quilt around the little woman's body, touched her round belly, and prepared to start again. sleep.

"A Zhan wants to say again, is the second brother thinking about you?" Yun Feixiang laughed happily, and a small hand climbed up the man's chest. His smooth and well-defined muscles were her favorite place.

"Wake up Xiang'er? There are so many people thinking about me this time, I'm afraid all the forces in the Western Regions are thinking about me." Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled faintly, hugged the little woman tightly, and breathed warmly. Beside her ears, her eyes were already emotional.

Yun Feixiang was a little helpless, she was just acting normally and casually, but this man actually reacted, did he come too fast?
"Ah Zhan, the baby will be born in two months!" She turned her head slightly, but her cheek touched the man's lips inadvertently. His lips were as hot as fire, just like his body, which was always full of energy.

However, no matter who lit the fire, it was he who suffered in the end!
If it was before, she would still light some fires as a prank, and watch him burn with a snickering smile, but after seeing him endure the deepest emotion again and again, she could no longer bear it.This is the man she loves the most, how can she bear to see him suffer so much every day and night?

"After the baby is born, it will be much better to be a husband!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan demanded domineeringly, but secretly calmed down the restlessness in his heart.

Yun Feixiang suddenly felt a faint pain in her heart. Everyone saw that Prince Zhan was aloof, dignified and domineering, but she was the only one who saw him put down his figure, his tenderness was like water, he gave him all his tenderness, and left the world with a cold arrogance.

"Okay!" She smiled softly, wrapped her arms around his lean and strong waist, a tear of happiness flowed down the corner of her eye, and fell asleep peacefully.

"Fool!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan patted her on the back and smiled softly...

The night gradually deepened, and the moonlight became colder and colder, illuminating the entire Wucheng. On the roof in the center of Wucheng, two men still had big bright eyes open!

"I really didn't expect that senior brother would play tricks on people, but he still has a set of tricks!" Yun Feilong couldn't help but sigh, there are not many good people in this world!
Although Long Yuyan looked dumb, but once he got serious, he had a dark heart comparable to Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

But no, even the patriarch of the Wu clan was fooled around by him!
"The Wu tribe is in civil turmoil, and the patriarch can no longer take care of so much. To put it bluntly, he can't even protect his position as the patriarch. At this time, there is a pie in the sky, so he naturally believes it is true. .Besides, even if the Chiyan Kingdom has no real treasures, solving these people on the way will be of great help to him in consolidating his power!"

(End of this chapter)

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