Chapter 632

The patriarch's power is still the biggest, but it is difficult for the patriarch to deal with other forces of the Uzbek clan united, especially the Meng family, who always win over other Uzbek forces, and gradually ignore the patriarch.If you can use some thought to get rid of the Meng family and suppress other forces at this time, that would be the best!

"Situ Qingfeng is Murong Rui's man, can he be trusted?" Yun Feilong asked suddenly, rolling his eyes.

"Creditable!" Long Yuyan said without hesitation.As long as it is Murong Rui's person, it is absolutely credible!

"Since we entered Wuwu Mountain, his army has disappeared. Do they have other plans?" Yun Feilong also brought the Nanyue army, but his general had a very tacit understanding with him. know what to do.So, what about Situ Qingfeng's army?

"Of course there is, but it's all for taking down the Western Regions!" Therefore, it doesn't matter what actions Situ Qingfeng takes, but Long Yuyan feels that there is no need to tell Situ Qingfeng about the Chiyan Kingdom.

"Then..." Yun Feilong still wanted to ask, but was stopped by the big brother's look.

"You have so many questions! Let me ask you a question too, do you like that little girl who is so attentive to you?"

Eldest brother is really nothing but a blockbuster!

"What?" Yun Feilong didn't expect Long Yuyan to change the subject suddenly, and asked him instead.

"It's nothing. If you like her, don't go into this muddy water, so as not to be difficult to get along with in the future. The senior brother will take care of everything. If you don't like her, then feel free." Long Yuyan glanced at Yun Feilong lightly. Said meaningfully.

Do you like her?

Yun Feilong actually didn't know, the only real thing was that what happened today, lingering in his mind, the shy look of the girl, the glint in the bright eyes, were spotless, making him feel very clean .

"Time is running out, think about it carefully!"

"Hey, don't make it seem like you understand it very well. At such a big age, it's not like no girl likes you!"

Long Yuyan couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the roaring voice behind him. God knows that when he first came to the Western Regions to take over 5 horses, there were quite a few women in the army, which caused a lot of embarrassment.

Now that I think about it, I think it's understandable, many of the people inside are the forces secretly accumulated by Xiang'er, with extraordinary skills, even if they are women, it makes sense!
Long Yuyan quickly disappeared from sight, Yun Feilong felt very irritable, he had never felt this way before, his whole body was as anxious as a tyrannosaurus.

Undoubtedly, what he has to do is to be consistent with Xiang'er, and it is bound to stand in opposition to the people of the three countries and six races in the Western Regions, and now they have chosen the Wu people first, and the matter is unexpectedly placed in front of him so quickly.

When Long Yuyan asked him if he liked Wumei, he did hesitate, but it didn't have to do with him being on Xiang'er's side, so he couldn't just stand by and watch, so naturally he wanted to deal with the Wuzu with Long Yuyan.

"Xiang'er, what are you writing?" Early in the morning, Prince Zhan was in a very upset mood, Wuying shrunk his neck and hid far away. It's almost May, it's so cold!
His Majesty Sheng Tian didn't know why he was going crazy this morning. He showed great hospitality in front of the princess, and boiled a pot of fresh and delicious carp porridge. He said that the baby in the princess' stomach must like it very much, and it was specially made for the baby!

God knows that the prince just brought nutritious chicken porridge to the table at that time. The princess looked left and right, sniffed right, couldn't help the delicious smell of carp, and ignored the prince's chicken porridge.

No, the concubine wrote a letter to Mr. Long again, what bird language was written, the lord couldn't understand!
"It's just to let the elder brother take care of things, and then, ask him where he is now." The little woman finished writing quickly, and drew a small cartoon character at the place where the pen was written. I drew a small figure at the opening, and then I was about to seal the envelope.

"Come on, let's take a look for my husband, what is this writing?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan took the letter paper over with his hands, he looked at it carefully, and then shook his head, "How does this look like Brother Yu Yan? Xiang'er I haven't seen my elder brother for a long time, I'm afraid I don't remember his appearance."

As Xuanyuan Tianzhan said, he immediately started. Instead of taking the sharpened charcoal, he directly picked up the brush and brushed a few strokes on Long Yuyan's head.

"This is Brother Long!" After finishing the painting, he said with satisfaction.

"Ah Zhan, why are you messing up? Elder brother is not so old!" Yun Feixiang's face turned dark immediately, this man either painted or erased the head of the elder brother, he drew it with a brush, It still looks like a big brother, but it is ten years older. If the big brother saw it, he would have a heart attack!
"Okay, Wuying Mingyue, hurry up and send a message!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan shouted towards the door, and the two of them ran over quickly, their smiling faces froze in an instant.

Oh, the princess's complexion is not very good!They would rather the prince have a bad face than the princess.

"Xiang'er, you see that my husband has learned to draw manga, can I show you how to draw? Hey, who should I draw?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the little woman beside him with a smile. Pick up a pen and start painting.

This time he didn't use a brush. He took charcoal and scribbled back and forth on the paper, looking very serious!
"This is Xiang'er! The beautiful Xiang'er!" He quickly finished drawing one and brought it in front of Yun Feixiang, but the little woman snorted softly and didn't even look at it.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was not discouraged, and continued to paint.

"This is Ah Zhan, the handsome Ah Zhan!" He imitated the childish tone of a child, and said happily.

Oh!It's pretty fast!

Yun Feixiang couldn't sit still, she was really curious about what Ah Zhan saw in him, but considering that he was not very proficient in manga, she didn't hold out much hope.

She casually picked up the manga on the table, her expression was calm, she glanced at it, and was stunned, was this drawn by Ah Zhan?He had some suspicions that it was drawn by a comic master of the 21st century!
The man in the comics has his hands behind his back, unruly, handsome face sideways, with a stern look, delicate as a knife, bangs flying obliquely, elegant and unrestrained, a mysterious brocade robe with a high collar, the corners of which are blown by the wind, Show dignity!
Yun Feixiang wanted to say that he painted himself too domineeringly!Well, she admitted that he was so cold and domineering, well, it's good to know it in your heart, and you must not say it to make him proud.She couldn't help picking up Xuanyuan Tianzhan's painting of herself, and when she saw it, she immediately looked like a deflated ball.

She wants to yell, she is not so delicate!The root of this weak Liu Fufeng is Lin Daiyu, where is she?
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan! You don't want to paint if you draw so badly!" The little girl was furious, and the house was about to shake three times. No, the hidden guard on the roof fell down gorgeously.

(End of this chapter)

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