The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 633 Express Your Heart

Chapter 633 Express Your Heart (1)
"Hey... I used a little exaggeration and imagination for my husband. In front of my husband, Xiang'er is a delicate little woman who needs to be taken care of at any time. This is a painting to remind me of myself!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan wrote quickly. When the little woman was looking at the paintings, he drew two pictures. While talking just now, he finished another picture.

"What about this one? Murong Rui's beard is also your imagination?" The little woman asked, pointing to a painting that was obviously painted by Murong Rui.

"It's not a beard, it's because he drank carp porridge in the morning and didn't wipe his mouth clean!"

"..." The little woman's eyes widened, didn't she wipe her mouth clean?What a thunderous explanation!

"Xiang'er, what's more, this is your elder brother. When I met him once, his folding fan was bitten by a mouse. Look, there are mouse hairs on his face."

Yun Feixiang was shocked, she thought it was the scar of his "imagined" eldest brother who was cut by robbers!
"And your second brother, look on his clothes, what is this?"

"Accidentally touched dog poop?" Yun Feixiang gave him an annoyed look.

"Hahaha, Xiang'er guessed wrong, this is the real auspicious cloud!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan pointed at the shit-like auspicious cloud, and smiled triumphantly.

"..." Oh, My God!Who will tell her if this is still her wise, mighty, omnipotent husband? !

"Xiang'er, these are not for you to read, but for the baby in the future. The baby likes to read interesting things, and I will tell him stories with these cartoons for my husband! I will tell him that Daddy is a man who stands above heaven and earth. A man who is not afraid of heaven and earth, mother is like a hibiscus flower in the courtyard, she needs to be taken good care of!"

"What else?" The little woman's eyes gradually softened, and she couldn't help asking.

"Well, also, his Uncle Murong will cook delicious food, so he must pester him so that he has no time to harass his mother. His eldest uncle is very cool, but the folding fan was bitten by a mouse. If his second uncle speaks ill of Daddy , don’t listen, correct him!” Xuanyuan Tianzhan’s eyes narrowed, this childish but tender appearance really made people love and hate.

"Oh! You are so thoughtful!" Yun Feixiang had already silently mourned for the few in her heart. With such a black-bellied father, his children would only be promoted.

"Xiang'er, I've already thought of a name for the child." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression became serious again, he looked into the little woman's eyes, and said softly.

"Is it a boy's name, or a girl's name?"

"There are boys and girls, the boys are called Xuanyuan Cheng, and the girls are called Xuanyuan Ning! What do you think of Xiang'er?"

"Whatever Ah Zhan says, so be it!" The name he chose naturally had his intentions.

"Why didn't Xiang'er ask me why I chose these two names?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect the little girl to be so obedient and say nothing.

"If you give birth to a boy, he will rise like the rising sun. Even after going through bloody storms, he will still stand upright and shine brightly. If you give birth to a girl, I only hope that she will have a peaceful heart, a peaceful life, and never suffer from our rushing around today!" Yun Feixiang said slowly. She opened her mouth slowly, one word at a time, hitting the man's heart, her dark eyes blinked lightly, and her bright pupils shone with crystal light.

Time flows quietly like this, in the long road of life, heart and heart blend together, if you don't tell me, I already understand!

In all directions, forces finally began to surge. The Imperial City of Xiyue ushered in a wave of attacks, and the soldiers guarding the north and south gates finally felt the pressure.

At this moment, they finally understood why when the prince attacked the city, he specially allocated two troops to guard the north and south gates. At that time, they didn't think it was necessary. Only now did they realize the significance of doing so!
The enemy is not a large-scale army, but they harass the imperial city day after day, disturbing their peace.

At this time, the atmosphere of the Wu tribe in the southern part of the Western Regions became more and more tense. The patriarch of the Wu tribe agreed to go to the Chiyan country with Long Yuyan to seek treasure, but there was no movement for a long time.

After thinking twice, Long Yuyan decided to give the Wu Clan patriarch one last chance. If the Wu Clan patriarch still delays and fails to act, he will have no choice but to attack.

After so many years of preparation, the leadership behind him has already matured. It can be said that it is easy to take down the Wu people. However, he is not willing to waste the slightest force here!

He is very familiar with the power of the Wu tribe, and the only headache is the snake controllers of the Wu tribe, and among the nobles of the Wu tribe, there are quite a few such snake controllers.If they all left the area of ​​the Wu nationality, of course, they would be slaughtered without being controlled by snakes. He was waiting for such an opportunity.

"Patriarch, I have stayed in the Wu Clan for a month. The time is too long. Now, I should leave." Long Yuyan was eager to leave.

"Don't worry, sir. I've already told the big families about this, and they all agreed, and they will be able to leave soon!" The head of the Wu Clan's eyes flashed with excitement. Naturally, he would not tell them what treasures to get, he just said In the deep mountains in the southwest, rare birds and beasts have appeared recently, and there may be a snake king.

The Wu people always like to raise precious and rare animals. They are not afraid of rare birds and beasts, no matter how dangerous they are. Moreover, their snake controllers' eyes glow when they hear about the king of snakes.

He laid an ambush there and wiped out everyone. When the time came, he would send someone back to say that they were eaten by monsters, and no one would suspect him.

Besides, even if they suspect that the backbone of the family has been lost, so what?

The corner of Long Yuyan's lips raised an almost invisible arc. From the wrinkled face of the Wuzu patriarch, he had already seen the fiasco of the Wuzu and the dawn of their imminent victory.

The moonlight tonight is uncertain, and there are fast-moving dark clouds in the sky, sometimes blocking the moon, creating a haze.

Still in this corner of the house, still lying in the same place, but the two are in different moods.

"Feilong, have you thought about the question I asked you?" As if feeling the melancholy of the man beside him, Long Yuyan couldn't help reminding him after all.

"Think it over!" Yun Feilong suddenly closed his eyes, and opened them again. It was a clear day, the second prince of Nanyue Kingdom, once he made up his mind, he was also a decisive person!
This night is destined not to be peaceful. The gloomy moonlight tonight seems to indicate that tomorrow is a foregone conclusion and there will be no changes in the cruel lore. Everything is just waiting for the dawn.

It was a hot day in May, and he thought a lot on the roof. Yun Feilong finally brushed off the last entanglement in his heart. He entered the room through the window. In the dim candlelight, he saw a petite figure huddled beside his bed. Tears a little bit, very pitiful.

Hearing the slight movement, Wu Mei raised her head almost instantly, surprise appeared in her eyes.

"Mr. Yun, where have you been?" She thought he left, just like many people who have been to the Wu tribe, they couldn't stand their father's surveillance and worried about their lives, so they left secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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