Chapter 637 Dungeon Dialogue
Immediately afterwards, there was an explosive sound in the air, and the man on Wulei's side rushed into the Meng family's camp with a knife, swung his strong arms, and slashed wildly.

It was only then that Meng Lie realized the seriousness of the matter. The other party was aggressive and confident, as if he had received an order.

The ancient forest was suddenly gleaming with blood, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and the roar that soared into the sky was like the sound of a roaring lion, shaking the entire deep forest.

The two teams of people with clear stances fought aggressively, while the rest of the small family forces stood aside, as if they had no intention of fighting.

The strongest army in the family, against the powerful Meng family, who can win?

They thought that no matter who wins or loses in the end, it will be a benefit to their family power. If the clan army is defeated, it is necessary to recuperate and recuperate, so they cannot continue to suppress them. They can get a chance to discover. If the Meng family loses , they will have the opportunity to add insult to injury and push the Meng family into the abyss, making it difficult for him to stand up, and their family will also have the opportunity to become the strongest family of the Wu nationality.Therefore, they will never help any party!
Long Yuyan smiled, and took out a bixiao from his sleeve. He thought about the past time, and thought it was very beautiful. This flute has also attracted your attention!
"It's so tragic, it is indeed the strongest Meng family!"

"The clan army is also very powerful, and the elites of the Meng family have all been dealt with."

"Haha, they killed each other, and the Snake King and those precious animals belong to us."

"You are stupid, there is no snake king at all."


Wu Mei's heart was pounding. It was the first time she did such a bold thing. After all, she was guilty and always felt that someone had discovered it. However, she had already given her father a ecstasy powder, and he wouldn't be able to wake up for a while. of!
Moreover, even if he wakes up, he may not immediately find that the key to the dungeon is missing. She took the key, but put another key back. Bag.

The girl thought, feeling cold all over, the night was very dark, she had fallen a lot, but she couldn't wait for a moment, even if he didn't believe her, she would prove her heart to him.

The woman thought, maybe Mr. Yun is right, at least her sister abandoned General Situ once, a woman's heart is always unpredictable!
Just like herself, she was sad and sad all day before the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, she seemed to have suddenly figured it out, resolutely, and stole the key to the dungeon.

"Wumey? Why are you here?" Ula looked at the moving figure in front of her suspiciously and shouted.This place is close to the dungeon, far away from Wumei's room, why is she here?

Wu Mei's heart sank when she heard the voice behind her, did her sister find her?

"Sister, I'm just...sister, you should know how much I like him, know, you encouraged me, but..." Wu Mei's voice was broken, she turned around trembling, her cheeks were already full of tears , her eyes were filled with crystal tears, and she looked at Ula pitifully.

There is a dim light outside the cell, and the figures of the two sisters are elongated, equally slim, yet equally lonely.

Wu La was stunned immediately, the purpose of my sister coming here was actually to see Yun Feilong?She was not the only one who was tossing and turning so late at night!
Her own tragedy was caused by herself, but Wu Mei's pain was caused indirectly by her. Ever since she was a child, Wu Mei had never liked a man. When she saw Wu Mei fell in love with Yun Feilong at first sight in Wuwu Mountain, she also forgot For family affairs, we tried our best to match.

Now that things had happened, it was indeed her elder sister who was sorry for her younger sister and killed her love!
"Sister, sister has never begged you for anything, but now I beg you, please take me to the prison to see him, just one..." Ula's sleeve was grabbed by the woman, she sobbed, Like a wronged child.

This is her younger sister who grew up with her, how could she bear to see her suffer?Besides, thinking of that cold and outstanding figure, she felt a sense of loss in her heart. Since both of the sisters had the same intention, they would go to see the person deep in their hearts together.

"Let's go." Ula said two words lightly, and her steps were already moving towards the cell.

Behind Wu La, Wu Mei's vision gradually became complicated. She thought she could sneak into the cell quietly, but now she walked in openly under the leadership of her sister. With her sister around, everything was not so easy.

Wula has a lot of power in the Wu family. For example, entering the dungeon does not require any passage, and the waist card that Wumei obtained secretly is useless.

Walking in the gloomy dungeon, the girl couldn't help but shudder, feeling more and more distressed, Mr. Yun has been in there for so long, is he okay?She shouldn't have thought for so long, she should have come to see him earlier, and come to rescue him earlier, the woman felt a little bit annoyed.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss? Why are you here?" The prison chief just dozed off, when he heard a slight movement in a daze, he was startled, and he lost any sleepiness, his eyes were still a little hazy, but I saw two pretty figures.

In the middle of the night, the Eldest Miss and the Second Miss appeared in the dungeon at the same time, which had never happened before, but after thinking about it for a while, he knew that it was probably related to the two men locked in the deepest part of the dungeon.

The man was brought in by the eldest lady herself, so the cell boss didn't worry about anything, he just thought about whether the eldest lady had something important to do and wanted to interrogate or question the prisoner himself.

In the depths of the dungeon, Situ Qingfeng and Yun Feilong sat leisurely on the straw. Situ Qinglai's earlier depression was also wiped away. One of the two is a prince who grew up in the vortex of power, and the other is a battle-tested prince. The experienced general of the God of War, the dungeon of the Uzumaki, can't trap them at all, but they have no plans to leave the Uzumaki for the time being, and are waiting for an opportunity.

There were footsteps in the aisle, light and quick, but a little hasty. The footsteps gradually approached, but they seemed to hesitate. Without lighting the lamp, this light-handed person looks like a woman.

The sound of footsteps disappeared again. It seemed that the visitor had already stood still. Who was hesitant to come in and not come in?The hearts of the two men jumped at the same time, and an unfathomable light flashed in the two pairs of deep eyes.

"Sister, I can't see you here." Wu Mei complained a little, she couldn't wait to see Mr. Yun, but her sister stopped here and didn't leave.

Wu La turned her head and glared at Wu Mei. The two of them were very skilled in martial arts, and they could hear even the slightest movement. It wasn't that she didn't want to go in, but she hadn't figured out how to face it?
She sent her beloved man here with her own hands, and now she came to see him in the middle of the night, thinking about it, she felt it was funny, even ironic.

(End of this chapter)

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