The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 638: The Shocking Stone

Chapter 638: The Shocking Stone (1)
"Your princess is here." Situ Qingfeng smiled at Yun Feilong, with a hint of self-mockery in his tone.

Yun Feilong didn't answer, and listened intently to the movement in the aisle. The girl still came, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, a smile that he didn't even notice was hanging on his lips.

"Ah... my sister, there are mice!" The woman screamed and immediately jumped up.

Wu La's eyebrows twitched, and her face turned black immediately. Now the two men didn't know if they were coming. Wu Mei's loud voice woke up the other prisoners in the prison.

"Where are the mice?" Wu La growled in a low voice, motioning Wu Mei to whisper.

However, Wu Mei didn't seem to see it, screamed, and quickly slipped past Wu La. While screaming that there was a mouse, she rushed forward without looking back.

Wu La was shocked, it was impossible to grab Wu Mei, and she was stunned, why did this girl go crazy today, although she is usually silly, she has never seen her so frizzy.

Forget it, if they know it, they will know it!
Yun Feilong laughed immediately. Although the cell was gloomy and dark, he had already seen where Wu La and Wu Mei were located just now. Wu La blocked Wu Mei in front to prevent her from passing. This ghostly and clever girl insisted on yelling that there are mice!

Rushing to the innermost part of the aisle, Wu Mei immediately calmed down. The familiar face of the man in front of her appeared in front of her eyes. He was still handsome. smile.

All the pain and struggle in my heart turned into tears in an instant, like a bank bursting, flowing down continuously...

Yun Feilong was stunned, this girl was clever and courageous, but after all she was still just an inexperienced young girl, if there was any grievance in her heart, she still let it out like this wantonly.

Slowly stood up and walked towards the woman, Yun Feilong stretched out his hand without saying a word, and wiped away the tears from the woman's cheeks, there were a lot of tears on Wu Mei's cheeks, when the man wiped away one layer, it became another shiny layer, Yun Feilong sighed softly , the so-called tears like rain, that's it!
"Young Master Yun..." Wu Mei looked up with tears in her eyes, and when she saw Wu La who was walking slowly, she quickly grabbed Yun Feilong's sleeve and handed something with her small hand.

Yun Feilong was still wiping the girl's tears with one hand, when he touched something cold with the other hand, he held it in his hand, and soon felt that it was a key, so this girl came to save her!

Suddenly his heart became very soft, Yun Feilong thought maybe he shouldn't show his distrust at that time to make Wu Mei sad, this girl has dark circles under her eyes, it seems that she hasn't slept well recently.

He doesn't want to test a woman, he just wants to see if she is willing to stand by his side and follow him, if she is willing, he will take her, but if she is not willing, he will not force her.

Wu La gradually approached, her eyes fell on Yun Feilong and Wu Mei, but she seemed to inadvertently sweep over the place where Situ Qingfeng was.

He didn't even look at her!
The heart suddenly hurt, and the man's gentle face and gentle eyes appeared in front of his eyes. He always looked at her dotingly, touched her head, and shook his head helplessly, but now, in just half a month, she saw What he saw was his stiff back, and he didn't even give her a look.

Is it really self-inflicted? !
Situ Qingfeng's heart became extremely relaxed, as if he had figured it out, what appeared in his mind was not Wu La's dark eyes, but Yun Feilong's teasing words, he is a majestic general of the South Heaven, why don't he have someone he knows and treats him well!
"I'll always love you!" until I can't love anymore.

When Yun Feilong read these six words from Wumei's mouth in this short moment, no matter how hard his heart was, it was soft at this moment, the cells in his whole body seemed to be activated, and his blood was boiling.

Love, all trust!Xiang'er's words echoed in his mind again, the beautiful face of the woman in front of him became extra alluring under the candlelight, and the soft little hands were scratching his generous palm, but it seemed to be scratching his heart.

The man was so shocked that he couldn't speak. The small person in front of him showed firmness and courage in front of love, even a big man like him felt inferior.

Little girl, I will never think of escaping from Yun Feilong's palm in this life!
"Wu Mei, let's go!" Wu La looked coldly, looking at Situ Qingfeng, but she was speaking to Wu Mei.

She seemed a little unwilling, but thinking that everything was her own choice now, she could only blame herself!
She had two chances to make a choice, but both times she chose to give up on the man in front of her, and the second time, she gave up like a betrayal. No matter which man, after experiencing so much pain and injury, I am afraid that she will also give up. There will be no more affection for that woman.

"En!" Wu Mei was reluctant to part with her, but her heart suddenly became clear.

From Mr. Yun's eyes, she has seen trust, passion, and love. Sometimes she is dull, but sometimes she is extremely sensitive. At this moment, she can even feel his subtle heart.

Wu Mei was about to follow Wu La, when she saw the cell boss running over in a hurry, she couldn't help but stop.

Wula frowned, didn't she tell the cell boss not to come over?

"Miss, it's too bad, the patriarch's key is missing." The prison chief whispered, while looking vigilantly at Yun Feilong and Situ Qingfeng. Fortunately, both of them were still there, otherwise, he would be guilty of dereliction of duty. "The patriarch said that these two people will be killed overnight, and he has already sent someone to ask the eldest lady to go to the dungeon together!"

The patriarch didn't know that the eldest lady was in the dungeon, and their servants couldn't disclose it, so they could only come to report.

"The key is gone?" Wu La was a little puzzled, she glanced sharply across the dungeon, and then landed on Wu Mei. She was flirting with Yun Feilong just now, is there any suspicion?

However, her father wanted to kill Yun Feilong and Situ Qingfeng without discussing with her, which also made her very dissatisfied.

"Where is father now?" Ula asked in a deep voice.

"The patriarch is coming this way!" The jailer seemed to feel that the young lady was in a bad mood instantly, and her voice became much lower. People outside said that the young lady liked the man surnamed Situ, which seemed to be true. , no woman is willing to watch the man she loves die.

"Let's go! I'll go and have a look." As soon as Wula stepped forward, she felt a heavy blow on the top of her head. She turned her head in shock, and saw Wumei's trembling body behind her, with her hands in a slashing posture, she rolled her eyes. fainted.

Wu Mei's foundation is weak and she doesn't know martial arts. As an elder sister, she only taught her some simple defense methods.

"Sister, I'm sorry." Tears welled up in the girl's eyes, but a gleam of firmness flashed through the girl's eyes. She put away her hands, and immediately turned to look at Yun Feilong, and said anxiously, "Young Master Yun, go! Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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