Chapter 664 Want to escape

All of this came too suddenly, beyond everyone's expectations!
"Mingzhu!" Xiao Tianyue yelled in shock, and knelt on the ground, holding Qin Mingzhu covered in blood, his eyes were shocked, as if he couldn't believe this scene.

Everyone was stunned, Xuanyuan Wangyue reacted instantly, and threw the long sword in his hand, what's going on?He didn't know at all, he shouldn't be here at all, the emperor sent him to gather troops outside the city to control the riot, he remembered that he went with Long Yuyan, why did he come back here again?

"Master, master..." Qin Mingzhu stretched out her hand and grabbed Yun Feixiang's direction. Her eyes were blurred and she couldn't see anything clearly.

Yun Feixiang grabbed Qin Mingzhu's hand and held it tightly. She quickly touched a few acupuncture points on Qin Mingzhu's body, but the bleeding still continued.

"Be careful... Be careful of Gu Youzhi's mind control technique." Qin Mingzhu said weakly, then closed his eyes, everyone dared not speak, their eyes looked at Qin Mingzhu, they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Pearl!" Yun Feixiang stretched out her hand tremblingly, and the woman in front of her, like the little life just now, lost her breath.

"Murong Rui, if you keep entangled with me, your beloved woman will die. I know how to control my mind, I think you know it too, right?" Gu Youzhi smiled wickedly, with a mouthful of blood in his throat. If he kept fighting, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on.

He felt that he was about to lose sight of this world, and that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was so powerful that it made him feel unbelievable.

However, he didn't expect Murong Rui's martial arts to reach the level of perfection. If these two people join hands, the entire Shengtian Continent will be invincible.

He shouldn't have listened to Mu Rusuo's words and hid here to watch her provoke Yun Feixiang. He should have left this dangerous place early, but it was too late.

They managed to get Xuanyuan Ning, but they were snatched back by Murong Rui. Everything they did before was completely in vain. Now that Mu Rusuo went to nowhere, it was very difficult for him to face Murong Rui alone. under pressure.

Gu Youzhi looked up at the man opposite, dressed in green, with a tall and straight figure, his face was stern, his eyes were bloodthirsty, he was completely different from the usual gentle man, as if he hadn't heard his words at all.

A bad feeling rose in Gu Youzhi's heart, Murong Rui didn't say a word, but the smile on his lips kept deepening, he looked at Gu Youzhi as if he was looking at a cornered clown.

Isn't Gu Youzhi just a clown? !
"Murong Rui, it's not your child. What are you so interested in? If this child dies, and the relationship between Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan breaks, don't you have a chance?" Gu Youzhi looked at Murong Rui, Said harshly.

He wanted to see some emotion on Murong Rui's face, didn't this man always like Yun Feixiang?This is a great opportunity!

He is a man, he knows that there is no man who does not want to be with his beloved woman, and no man is willing to see his beloved woman loving other men all day long, Murong Rui must have resentment in his heart.

"National Master Xigan's words are very reasonable!" Murong Rui replied coldly, his whole body exuded a faint purple light, he held Xuanyuan Ning in one hand, and promoted the circulation of his inner force with the other hand. forward.

Gu Youzhi's eyes dimmed, and he stepped back again and again. A cold air flew in front of him, and countless purple phantom swords appeared in his eyes. The real sword is even sharper, his pupils are constantly dilated, and the true energy in his body is condensed to the maximum extent.

"Ah..." Gu Youzhi's pupils suddenly turned green, and he stared at Murong Rui like a wild wolf. The air waves flew in the small space, and a powerful air burst suddenly broke out, and the green and purple illusions When the swords collided, the stone wall was bounced away.

Murong Rui jumped out with Xuanyuan Ning in his arms, the ground also began to shake, and the broken stones fell on the ground, making a booming sound.He hugged Xuanyuanning completely in his arms, and walked up the original road to the city wall.

He had thought a long time ago that Gu Youzhi should hide not far from the city wall, and then release his internal energy to find out, but he was found very quickly.

Mu Rushu was leaning against the edge of the narrow wall, panting deeply, Yun Feixiang actually slashed her chest, which was the most sexy and charming part of her body that she was most proud of!
Damn it, she still wants to save that idiot Gu Youzhi!Mu Rusuo felt his mind was in a mess, as if a wooden stick was stirring it.

Murong Rui quickly went up to the city wall, holding Xuanyuan Ning in his arms, happily wanting to tell Xiang'er that Ning'er was fine, but when he saw a pool of blood on the city wall, and a woman lying in the pool of blood, the smile on her face was very pleasant. Fast stiff.

Qin Mingyue had already fainted from crying, Wuying was hugging her, Qin Mingzhu in Xiao Tianyue's arms was crooked, her arms were hanging down feebly, Yun Feixiang stood aside, her expression extremely cold.

Xuanyuan Wangyue frowned in pain, stared blankly at his hands, he was the one who killed Ming Zhu, he was going to kill Huang's wife, Ming Zhu blocked the knife for Huang's wife.No, why did she kill the emperor's wife, why did she kill the emperor's wife?

The Yinwei guards were dumbfounded, with an unbearable look on their faces.

When everyone saw Princess Ning'er in Murong Rui's hands, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the princess was safe and sound, otherwise, they were worried that the prince would let the entire Xigan Kingdom be buried with him!

"Who? Who's talking?" Xuanyuan Wangyue suddenly covered his head with a painful expression on his face. He didn't know what was wrong with him, and he didn't even know what was right and what was wrong. He only heard a voice saying, "Put the poison, put the poison !"

Everyone was confused and looked at Xuanyuan Wangyue in confusion. Is Wangyue Wang crazy?Why are you talking so crazy?But anyone who understood Qin Mingzhu's last sentence knew that Xuanyuan Wangyue must be controlled by Gu Youzhi's mind control technique!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stepped up quickly, directly touched Xuanyuan Wangyue's acupuncture points, and was carried back by someone, and told them to take good care of him.

Thinking of the past, Yun Feixiang couldn't help crying, she hadn't cried for a long time, she thought that happiness would surround her tightly, tears would never belong to her again, until Mingzhu's death made her taste the pain again!

Mingzhu was still so young, she still had so many things to do, and she didn't even have time to say goodbye to the person she loved the most, so she left so suddenly.

"Ah Zhan, why is this happening? Why, why is this happening?" Yun Feixiang cried, unable to bear the emotions in her heart, clutching the hem of the man's clothes, crying out in pain.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan sighed softly, and hugged the woman into his arms. The man patted her on the back, hoping that his warm chest could give her more comfort.

Qin Mingzhu's death was unexpected by everyone, but no one was more chilled and terrified than Xuanyuan Tianzhan. He knew that the sword was intended to stab Xiang'er. Without Mingzhu, he would not dare to imagine the little girl in front of him. Whether the woman is safe or not.

(End of this chapter)

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