Chapter 665 Perfect Divorce (1)
Murong Rui's eyes fell on the thin back of the little woman, and she felt a sudden pain in her heart. She cried and trembled, her petite body seemed to fall down at any time, which made people feel distressed.

In sight, a pair of small hands waved up, and the tender white fingertips touched Murong Rui's chin. The man lowered his head, and saw a pair of big black and bright eyes.

This eye is crystal clear, like a shining star in the dark night, and it is the brightest one.These eyes can make people calm down, as if the soul has been washed, the heart is suddenly clear and clean.

"Xiang'er, Ning'er is back." Murong Rui walked over with the child in his arms, and brought the child in front of Yun Feixiang.

When the little girl heard the sound of her daughter smashing her mouth, her heart suddenly softened. She rubbed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's chest to wipe away the tears from her face, but her body was still trembling uncontrollably!

"Ning'er, be good..." Yun Feixiang had actually seen her daughter a long time ago, and was relieved when she saw Murong Rui holding her.

Just like before, the little guy stretched out his little hand and swung it in the air. She grabbed a few indiscriminately and touched Yun Feixiang's face.

She seemed to be able to feel the sadness of others, and wanted to smooth the sadness with her hands, the tears that Yun Feixiang had just wiped away immediately flowed down again.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged the mother and daughter, feeling the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he would rather put all the pain on him, so that his wife and children could have a safe life and never worry and pain.

"Ah Zhan, they can't escape!" Yun Feixiang suddenly wiped away her tears, her gaze fell to the west of the imperial city.

"Is it a signal from the Dulong team?"

"And senior brother! I'm going to kill those two crooked people!" A cold light flashed in the woman's eyes, and her complexion was as dark as night.

"Xiang girl, it's easy to slaughter men, but not women!" Master Miaoshou couldn't help reminding when he saw the woman's angry face.

Yun Feixiang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Master Miaoshou, Sheng'er was lying quietly in his arms, as if she had fallen asleep.She saw the white beard of Master Miaoshou, the wrinkle-free face had faded from cynicism, and was stained with a trace of seriousness.

"En!" Yun Feixiang knew that the reason why they were able to repair Mu Rusao just now was really because of Master Miaoshou's guidance.

In fact, she couldn't feel Mu Rusuo's position at all, but Master Miaoshou seemed to be able to see Mu Rusuo, including what kind of movements Mu Rusuo was about to make, and how far away she was from her. Don't let people sigh the power of the strong.

Yun Feixiang kissed Xuanyuan Ning on the cheek, put it back into Murong Rui's hands, and flew towards the direction of the signal without looking back.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan followed the little woman silently, with a hint of distress in his eyes, he wanted to say that he would handle everything, but he also knew that with Xiang'er's character, he had to do it himself.

After several struggles, Mu Rusuo and Gu Youzhi finally left the imperial city of Xiyue. They planned to find a place in the outskirts, where they could hide for a while, but what they didn't expect was that there were spies from Hanhai Kingdom everywhere outside the city of Xiyue.

And unfortunately, they ran into Long Yuyan who was patrolling outside, and Gu Youzhi suddenly felt that he had been hit in the head and felt powerless.

This man's martial arts are unfathomable, how should he deal with it?He looked at Mu Rusuo beside him, and felt that there was still a chance.

"It's unlucky, Murong Rui is gone, and Long Yuyan is here!" Gu Youzhi spit out, completely disregarding his own image, he looked at Long Yuyan on the horse with a gloomy expression, a flash of light flashed in his eyes envy.

Why does Xuanyuan Tianzhan's rivals in love help him? A bunch of men obviously like Yun Feixiang, but they still watch her marry Xuanyuan Tianzhan, with a look of no regrets. He really doubts that these men have brains sick.

"National Master Xigan, Princess Xigan, you are really rare visitors. Since you have come from afar, we should treat you as good hostesses. Why do you have to leave in such a hurry?" Tall, with star-like eyes, and the same cold smile on his stern face, it makes people feel chills.

Gu Youzhi looked at himself again, his whole body was in a mess, his purple clothes were cut by Murong Rui's phantom sword, and his body was injured, with flesh and blood exposed in some places.

He is no longer able to fight anymore, the only way out now is to run away!
"Brother Yu Yan is right, we should entertain these two guests who came from afar!" Dugu Piaojian's cold voice came from behind Gu You, as if carrying the chill of a millennium cold pool , Poured a basin of cold water on someone's head.

Especially when he said the word "guest", it was obvious that he was gnashing his teeth.

"Young Master Long, why don't we make a deal, I'll help you catch Master Guoshi, how about you let me go?" Mu Rushu smiled, looking at Long Yuyan, where he glanced out of the corner of his eye, Gu You Zhi's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

"Shu'er, what you said isn't true, is it?" Gu Youzhi's eyes suddenly sank, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes. He was always plotting against others, and no one dared to treat him like this!
What is the benefit to Mu Rucomb by doing this?Did she think that if they captured him and offered it to Long Yuyan, they would spare her life?Maybe, but has she ever considered what Xigan will be like without him?
"What do you think?" Mu Rusu asked coldly, with an indifferent expression on her face, and a deep sense of alienation between her words.She didn't even look at Gu Youzhi, just a silhouette, which showed that she didn't care much about men!

Something exploded in his heart, Gu Youzhi didn't even have time to think, his body seemed to be disobedient, and he grabbed the woody arm.

"Why?" the man asked puzzled.

"I like it!" Mu Ru combed her red lips and spit out two words.

"..." Gu You's words choked.

He saw a determination from the woman that he had never seen before, and she didn't even look at him, as if he was just an irrelevant person, which made him feel heartbroken.

The man couldn't believe it. The last moment they supported and encouraged each other, but at this moment, she couldn't wait to face each other?
"That's great! Since the saintesses of the Western Regions have this intention, we have no choice but to accept it, then please ask the saintesses of the Western Regions to take down the Xigan State Master for us!" Long Yuyan clasped his hands on his chest, looking relaxed .

The corners of his sexy lips were slightly raised, and there was a cold smile on his face. Since there was a good show coming up, he didn't want to watch it for nothing, and waited until it was over before making a move, which saved a lot of effort.

Dugu Piaojian remained expressionless. Behind him, the ten members of the Dulong team stood still, their sharp eyes fixed on Gu Youzhi and Mu Rucomb. Ten pairs of eyes controlled the scene, ready to attack at any time.

"Shu'er, take back what you just said, I'll pretend you didn't say anything!" Gu Youzhi looked at Mu Rusuo, this face that hadn't aged due to the use of supernatural powers was really beautiful, compared to the most youthful At that time, the wood was like a mirror, and it was even more beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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