Chapter 752 Becomes stronger (1)
"What now?"

"Big Brother and Second Brother, you continue to stay in Mocheng, don't act rashly, and Azhan and I will go to Fengcheng to see the specific situation." Yun Feixiang's eyes flashed determination, no matter what, she would never allow them to have an accident.

"Xiang'er, I'm afraid this is inappropriate..." Both Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong disagreed. Xiang'er has just gone through so many storms, and now she has to go to Fengcheng in person. It should be them.

"Big brother and second brother don't need to say more, I've made up my mind!" After Yun Feixiang finished speaking, she was about to get up and set off. The situation is unknown now, so if you wait a little longer, Piao Jian and senior brother will be in more danger.

Yun Feihong looked at the backs of the two people who came and went in a hurry, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart. Not everyone can point out the country, and not everyone can bear the weight of the country. Everyone has seen the surface The power is overwhelming and the scenery is infinite, but who knows the hardships and sacrifices behind it?

In the gloomy Fengcheng Prison, Mu Rusu sits in person. She looks at the two lovers coldly, as if she wants to prove something. However, no matter how cruel the punishment, all she sees are two extremely forbearing, full of love. Painful, yet unyielding face.

Dong Luo's body was torn apart, and her light-colored clothes were stained red with blood. She gritted her teeth and kept silent, neither looking at the man's expression. In the whole night, she fell into a coma three times, and was awakened mercilessly again, as woody as a comb. He didn't even give her any chance to breathe, and stayed here all the time, staring at people who imposed the punishment in prison on her.

She didn't know how she endured it. Now that the whip was on her body, she had become numb. She felt that her life was being lost, so powerless.

After going through so much, I still can't escape the clutches of fate in the end, but it is also a happy thing to be able to stay by the side of the one I love when I die!

"Don't even look at each other until you die. Is this the way you love each other?" Mu Rusuo's mocking words rang in his ears, and Dugu Piaojian struggled in his heart. , but buried him like the endlessly spreading night.

He didn't even dare to look at her, he was afraid that if he looked at her one more time, he couldn't help but want to get rid of this pain. However, he clearly understood that the pain of betraying Xiang'er was even more unbearable for him.

It can be said that Xiang'er gave him the beginning of everything. Without Xiang'er, Dugu Piaojian would not have a new life at all, let alone a team of heart-to-heart good brothers. Therefore, he can only watch his beloved women are tortured!
"It doesn't matter if I don't see it? The person I love has already been imprinted on my heart. As soon as I close my eyes, I will see him, and I will feel extremely warm in my heart. We love each other, and our hearts are connected. Even if it is death, it is worth it. And you, wood like comb, you can only guard your empty soul, imagining the unattainable love, the feeling that you will never be able to touch, isn't it very uncomfortable? "Dong Luo smiled slightly, looked at Mu Rusuo, and responded to the incomparable woman with the same sarcasm.

Dongluo's face was already covered with bloodstains, and her hair was already disheveled, but her bright smile suddenly hurt Mu Rusuo.

Mu Rusu walked towards the woman with a sneer, pinched her chin with one hand, and said viciously: "Is death worth it? Good! Then I will fulfill you!"

Since these two people are connected with each other, she will let their blood cool down and their souls drift away. Then, let's see how they feel each other's mind?

Yes, she can't get it, and she has never been able to touch it. That man's heart is as hard as iron, and he only pretended to be Yun Feixiang, and he will never see her again. The past when she was a child is just a few words. Hope, it will eventually become empty.

However, she will have a chance soon, step by step, she will get what she wants in her heart, and if she can't get it, she will destroy it.

A night of torture did not yield results, and Mu Rusu's patience was finally exhausted. She pointed at Dongluo, and immediately gave an order: "Get rid of her."

Dugu Piaojian's expression finally became obviously sad, and he was about to leave, just like the woman who unexpectedly appeared in his life at the beginning, and then quietly left under such unclear circumstances, but it didn't matter, no matter where she went, he Will be with her, have been separated for such a long time, and will never be separated again.

Seeing the man's expression, Mu Rushu smiled coldly, turned around and left the dark prison cell, since Dongluo died, Dugu Piaojian would definitely not live alone, either way, since the two of them refused to give in, she didn't want to bother , It's best to die, Yun Feixiang will definitely be in pain.

In the end, everything becomes powerless, and I don't feel hopeless anymore. The two hearts are always leaning together to bear everything, and all the storms will only become the scenery on the road.

In the dark torture room, the fire in the stove was sizzling, and the breath of death exuded everywhere, but Dongluo felt calmer than ever before. She heard the sound of drawing a knife, which is usually heard by people in the world. It was the most normal sound, but at this moment, it was the bell of fate.

There was a gust of wind blowing past the ears, a bone-chilling feeling, blood gushed out, and the obvious liquid fell to the ground, and then, the knife was perfectly retracted, the head fell to the ground and rolled to the feet.

At this moment, the world was still. Dugu Piaojian opened his eyes wide, only to find that Dong Luo also opened his eyes wide. Someone's head fell to the ground, but it wasn't Dong Luo's. The sound of rolling.

"Are you all right?" Long Yuyan waved his sword in a low voice, and cut off the iron chain that bound the two of them. In fact, he had already seen that none of their bodies was intact.

"Brother Yu Yan?" Dugu Piaojian raised his head suddenly, and looked at the man in disbelief. He even suspected that his eyes were dazzled. The news of his accident was not sent to Long Yuyan, so he came here alone. ?

"Well, I'll rescue you first, and the members of the Dulong team are outside to help." Long Yuyan came alone, but he met the Dulong team who was planning to rescue Dugu Piaojian in Fengcheng.

Due to the strict guards here, people from the Dulong team couldn't come in at all, so he asked the people from the Dulong team to guard outside for the time being, and he went in to see the situation. .

For Long Yuyan's sudden arrival, Dugu Piaojian had no idea at all, whether he spent more time with Xiang'er and the warmth around him, if it was in the past, no one would come to rescue them at all.

Dongluo didn't expect it at all. She kept staring stupidly, as if she didn't understand how her fate changed. All the while, she was in a state of calm on the surface and tense in her heart until the moment she was about to die. Gradually calming down, she thought not to be a burden to a man, as long as she resisted, even death was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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