Chapter 753 Becomes stronger (2)
She believes that there will be another life, and in the next life, she will be able to have a perfect start with Piao Jian again, and there will be no more hardships like this life, and they can live peacefully and forever.

"A Luo, are you okay?" Dugu Piaojian glanced at Long Yuyan gratefully, and quickly supported Dongluo. He was already covered in injuries, but he couldn't take care of himself at all. He only had women in his eyes, and his heart was so painful that he couldn't help it. breathe.

Dong Luo had been injured to the extent that there was almost no intact part. As soon as she was unchained, she fell into a coma state. Perhaps it was because she had endured too much before. The woman's body was too weak to bear it, and her body had reached the limit of support.

"Brother Piaojian, let's leave first!" Long Yuyan reminded them that they had no chance to stay here now.Mu Rusuo's people are outside, and they may be found at any time. What worries Long Yuyan even more is that they have been rescued, but it is extremely difficult to bring them out of Fengcheng .

Both of them were already scarred, and now Dongluo was in a coma. It was really difficult for him to take them out alone.

Dugu Piaojian naturally understood this truth, and was about to carry Dongluo on his back to fight out together, Long Yuyan raised his hand to stop him, he had already consumed too much, and carrying a woman on his back might not be enough.

"It's okay, let's go." Dugu Piaojian looked firm and insisted on carrying Dongluo on his back. It was because he didn't take good care of her that Mu Rusuo took advantage of the loopholes, and they both went to jail.

He doesn't care what he does, but seeing his beloved woman being tortured to this point, life is worse than death. He didn't look at her before, but he already felt her pain in his heart, and he didn't even know how to face himself , how to face the one you love?

This time when he fought against Mu Rusuo, he obviously felt that his martial arts were far inferior to Mu Rusuo's. He thought it was because his martial arts had weakened, but the gap was too obvious. He soon realized that Mu Rusuo had made terrible progress. .

Thinking of this, Dugu Piaojian couldn't help reminding: "Brother Yu Yan, Mu Rusuo's skill has improved so fast, it's really too high!"

Ridiculously high?Long Yuyan raised his eyebrows, and replied yes, Dugu Piaojian said so, presumably Mu Rushu's martial arts has indeed improved a lot, but he really has no idea what it means to be ridiculously high.

But in terms of martial arts, he still has great confidence in himself. He has practiced in Heishuiya since he was a child, and under the guidance of Master Xiaoyao, he has reached a certain level for more than 30 years. He really wants to see Mu Rusuo now What is the situation.

The dungeon in Fengcheng is very large, but the entrance and exit and the central area are tortuous, and every place is guarded. There is almost no blind spot in the guarded place. Long Yuyan took the two of them out step by step, carefully. Throw it continuously, directly hitting the acupoints of the guards.

"It's almost there!" A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Long Yuyan raised his head and saw the gate of the dungeon, but the atmosphere seemed a little different.

A master's sense has always been keen, and he can detect information based on the surrounding situation. Both Long Yuyan and Dugu Piaojian felt something was wrong, so they couldn't help slowing down, and walked gently towards the prison door.

The world suddenly became very quiet, and the atmosphere tensed into a string, tightly held, and then, the door opened with a bang, and strong light shone in.

"Fire the arrows!" Mu Rusuo gave an order as he looked coldly at the wide open cell door.

"Be careful!" Long Yuyan quickly blocked the Dugu Piaojian behind him, and quickly blocked the arrow with his skills.

True Qi condenses around the body, forming a protective layer. When the arrows that fly quickly meet the True Qi, they emit strong vibrations and arouse powerful airflow fluctuations.Seeing layers of water droplets popping out of the air, Long Yuyan couldn't help but turn cold. There is a colorless, odorless and highly poisonous arrow on the arrow. When it encounters true energy and disperses, once it touches people, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, although these people are skilled in archery, their skills are not deep, otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to resist the attack alone.

"Your Highness, Long Yuyan's skill is so strong that no arrow can pierce through his protective layer of true qi!" Said a soldier beside Mu Rusuo.

"Really?" Mu Rusuo said, picked up the arrow beside her, put on the bow, and aimed directly at Long Yuyan.

The bow was fully drawn and tensed, Mu Rushu looked at Long Yuyan in the distance, let go, and the arrow left the string.

Suddenly there was a strong vibration in the air, an arrow mixed with many other arrows, and flew out at an extremely fast speed, and then, everyone felt the vacuum burst, and a flying arrow shot out in sight.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the arrow piercing into the flesh sounded. Long Yuyan covered his shoulder and saw the blood flowing out from the side. It was black. After all, it was impossible to defend against it. The strength of this arrow was indeed dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary arrows.

Has Mu Rusuo really become so powerful?
Mu Rusuo frowned faintly. She had profound skills, but her archery skills were average, so she only shot Long Yuyan on the shoulder. In fact, she really wanted to watch the poison of the arrow disperse from Long Yuyan's heart.

"Brother Piaojian, you've been hit by an arrow, see if you can force the poison out!" Dugu Piaojian looked at Long Yuyan worriedly, and quickly put down Dongluo on his back, wanting to check for Long Yuyan.

As soon as Dong Luo was put down, he woke up. Seeing Long Yuyan's shoulder injury, his pupils dilated instantly, and he couldn't help feeling worried.

"This is rotten muscle poison, it will make the skin fester, there is no poison to cure!" Dong Luo spent a lot of time in the poison training room of Xigan Daying, she recognized this poison, her skin was corroded and swallowed, leaving only The bone, wherever it is injured, spreads throughout the body.

The poison in the Xigan Kingdom is not only cruel, but the antidote is also difficult to prepare, and some even have no antidote at all. Once poisoned, there is no power to recover.

"You guys go first, I can hold back for a while!" Long Yuyan looked at the densely packed Xigan army outside the door, and smiled lightly. Life and death have long been ignored, so why be afraid of this rotten muscle poison?

He has long since had nothing to worry about in this world, the master has already left, and the little junior sister is also taken care of by the jealous jar, he is very relieved, but he can no longer accompany her to travel the world, nor can he revisit the Heishuiya with her, and even, he cannot watch the world again. For the last time, she felt somewhat regretful.

"No! We can't leave you behind!" Dugu Piaojian said resolutely.Long Yuyan took the risk to save him alone. How could he leave Long Yuyan behind? Dugu Piaojian couldn't do it, and he couldn't do it. Today, even if everyone dies together, it's nothing!
"I'll be fine, you go first, the Dulong team is outside, I'll deal with the enemy, you two take the opportunity to go out, and then..." Long Yuyan looked at Dugu Piaojian, and said again.Dugu Piaojian and Dongluo are not easy, the young couple live together, there are still many meaningful things to do, and he is alone, so it doesn't matter!
(End of this chapter)

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