The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 754: Mental Preparation

Chapter 754: Mental Preparation
"No! Brother Yu Yan, stop talking, I will never agree!" Dugu Piaojian also insisted very much, his life was originally saved by Xiang'er, how could he leave Xiang'er's elder brother at the most dangerous time?
"Hahahaha, do you think anyone can leave? Today, you are all going to die in this dark place!" Mu Rusu smiled arrogantly, her eyes looked directly at Long Yuyan's shoulder from afar Well, this man is really strong, his shoulders have begun to corrode, but he still doesn't change his face.

Seeing that the two refused to leave, Long Yuyan couldn't help but sighed softly, turned around to look at Mu Rusuo, and made up his mind.

He, Long Yuyan, is not that weak, even if he is poisoned, but according to the rate of corrosion, he still has a chance to fight Mu Rusuo to the death!

He was hit by an arrow just now, but he didn't notice that there would be an explosive arrow flying towards him. He was careless for a while, and now he is not necessarily going to lose to Mu Rusuo in the duel!
Mu Rusuo suddenly felt a chill all over her body, and a bone-piercing chill flowed through her heart. When she looked up, she saw the man's turbulent and icy eyes.

If it was before, she would not dare to challenge Long Yuyan. This man who came down from Heishuiya has unique skills and is not easy to deal with. But now, she has inherited the powerful power of her master. If she doesn't give it a try, it's really not her What's more, she is very interested in competing with Yun Feixiang's senior brother.

"If senior brother can beat this princess, this princess will personally send senior senior brother out of Fengcheng in front of the people of the world." Mu Rusu gave Long Yuyan a meaningful look, and said confidently.

Her tone was a bit chilly, especially when she said the word "big brother", there was a hint of sarcasm in it, Yun Feixiang's big brother, she naturally had to treat him well, with her around, no one could get out Fengcheng!

Dugu Piaojian's expression darkened, and he felt the oppression he had never felt before. Mu Rusuo's arrogance was not without reason. He had already seen her ability, and her skill had improved to a terrifying degree.

Long Yuyan wasn't unaware of it either, the strength of the arrow on his shoulder made him feel the strength of Mu Rushou, the rotting muscle poison was spreading, and his shoulder was burning and aching.

"Since Princess Xigan is so confident, just give it a try!" Long Yuyan smiled, and slowly pulled out the sword in his hand. He was still gentle, with a smile on his lips, and the shining silver blade reflected his beautiful eyes. The face, the eyes like flying stars are deep and bright.

The man's movements were slow and graceful, but his gaze became colder and colder. The cold sword light gradually enlarged, exuding a breathtaking aura, and the man also exuded an irresistible charm and brilliance.

Almost everyone's eyes turned to Long Yuyan. Everyone looked forward to the radiant man in front of him, guessing!
Mu Rusuo's expression also changed. She only noticed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's peerless elegance, but never Long Yuyan's amazing courage. The men beside Yun Feixiang were all rare in the world!
However, she will soon let Yun Feixiang know what pain is unforgettable for a lifetime!
Mu Rushu sneered coldly, and immediately disappeared in place. Long Yuyan jumped up and flew into the air. The confrontation between top experts is always so unexpected. The two appeared at the same time and disappeared from everyone's sight.

However, the air pressure in the air was gradually decreasing, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, covering the sun, and then, a colorful dress flew by, and cold laughter spread in the air, but Long Yuyan still did not have any shadow.

Dugu Piaojian couldn't bear the worry in his heart, and looked anxiously into the air, just now he seemed to have heard the sound of sizzling, as if his body had been cut by a sword.

Long Yuyan closed his eyes, and shot based on the fluctuations in the air, but he was often intercepted by Mu Rushao as soon as he made a shot. The other party obviously also had a strong perception ability, and he could capture his figure through the vibration in the air.

The people below looked at the sky in bewilderment. They only felt that the lights and shadows were changing, and they couldn't see the figures clearly at all. They could only see the light and darkness of the light jumping around.

For Long Yuyan's performance, Mu Rusuo seemed a little surprised. She had also fought against Dugu Piaojian before. Dugu Piaojian could be regarded as a master among the masters, but Long Yuyan was even better than Dugu Piaojian. a lot of.

Although Long Yuyan didn't gain the upper hand in the two fights, it was already very powerful to not be attacked by her. After all, she had inherited hundreds of years of skill, and once she made a move, her power was extraordinary.

In fact, Long Yuyan has already felt the strength of Mu Rusuo. It can be said that Mu Rusuo is the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered. If he hadn't cultivated too much shadow and confused Mu Rusuo's vision, he might have lost .

Long Yuyan also finally understood that there are always things that a person cannot do, and some seemingly destined endings cannot be changed.

Just like Xiang'er disappeared from his life more than ten years ago, at that moment, the future distance was actually doomed.If he hadn't retreated at that time, if nothing happened to the master at that time, maybe now, he and his junior sister are still in Heishui Ya, listening to the jingle of the flowing water.

But how can there be so many ifs in this world?He should be sorry now!But the little junior sister is so happy, he should feel relieved!
There was a severe pain in the shoulder, and even the lungs were a little bit torn. The poison, after practicing the skills, spread more and more quickly.

Long Yuyan condensed all the strength of his body, and slashed at the side with the most violent changes in the air. Mu Rucomb's lips curled up into a smile, facing this swift sword, even if the opponent exhausted all his strength, he could only Knock her back a few steps.

"Brother's skill needs to be improved!" The voice in the sky laughed wantonly with a bit of playfulness.

Mu Rusuo finally knew how comfortable it was to be able to do whatever she wanted, the feeling of being unstoppable. She had tolerated too much in the past, and watched others try it coldly, while she hid in the corner, thinking about her occupying Ruan During the period of Ling'er's identity, how aggrieved it was, fortunately, it will never happen again.

"Uh..." There was a sudden pain from behind Mu Rusuo, she turned her head in a daze, but saw Long Yuyan standing behind her, his sword piercing her chest from behind.

Mu Rusuo's eyes widened in disbelief, and she turned her head to look ahead again. The Long Yuyan in front of her was actually just a phantom, slowly disappearing, and the real Long Yuyan was standing behind her.

This man really has some skills, but she is not so easy to deal with, the woman pulled out the sword that had penetrated her body, and sneered.

Her face suddenly became a little distorted, and she looked at Long Yuyan fiercely. She swung out her palm, and she condensed a deep skill in her palm. With all her strength, she wanted to kill Long Yuyan To pieces.

A strong wind blew up in the air, whistling and hunting, as if a storm was about to come, people on the ground could hardly open their eyes, only felt the air pressure getting lower and lower, chest tightness, and it was difficult to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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