The rebirth of the sky

259 Chapter 2 No Survival

259 Chapter 2 No Survival ([-])
"You all go to the front! I'm going to give birth soon." After a while, the monster said in a painful voice.

After Zhizhi and Yaoteng heard what it said, they both walked forward for a long time before stopping. Yaoteng also sensed that the people outside seemed to be agitated. It is estimated that the people outside also felt that the monsters here seemed to be moving. Give birth!
"I really didn't expect that I originally wanted to get medicinal herbs, but now I became the guard of this monster. It seems that it really got lucky today." The demon vine joked.

Zhizhi thinks that there is nothing wrong with this, sometimes it should become more and more troublesome, besides, for tasks like this, whoever has the ability can succeed, the people outside are just waiting, but they come in, this is a big difference difference.

"You should be thankful that this magical beast knows how to speak human languages. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will have to struggle here for a long time!"

After hearing her words, Yaoteng nodded and said yes, if the monsters don't know how to speak human language, they may have to fight first before they can speak calmly. Of course, it is also possible Not calm and peaceful.

The people outside smelled a smell coming out of the cave, and those who were very familiar with this smell all stood up, while the others were still sitting on the ground, but their faces were not as relaxed as before.

"The monster is about to give birth. It seems that the timing is just right. The people who went in just now didn't come out. Could it be that the monster has already swallowed it as a snack?"

"Not necessarily, maybe they have already escaped. Since they have the guts to enter the cave, they must have different abilities. Otherwise, why did they enter the cave and seek death?" He said this casually, but he picked up all the weapons in his hand.

When the smell from the cave became more and more intense, a young master dressed in a fancy dress with several master guards stood up, and he cupped his hands at the people present.

"Heroes and heroes, I am Huajia Huaye. I am here this time to collect the herbs in this cave. If any hero gets the herbs, can you buy them for me? I, Huaye, will definitely A good price." Hua Ye, the handsome man, said to the people present with a sincere face.

However, as soon as he said this, he didn't have any conversation, and Yun Shao, who was lying on the side, rolled his eyes secretly when he heard that it was from the Hua family. It is very sincere, but behind the scenes it is no different from robbing.

It's no wonder that no one here made a sound, and everyone acted as if they hadn't heard what he said. Here are some hunters who have been in the job for a long time. How could they not have heard of the various evil deeds of the Hua family!

"Why, don't you heroes have the confidence to get the medicinal herbs inside?" Seeing that no one answered his words, Hua Ye put away the smile on his face. The meaning in the words was profound!
But after his words were over, the people present still remained silent, because no one had the confidence to get this herb, and when they got it, there might be a transition from a human-animal war to a human-human war, who could laugh In the end, it can only depend on God's will.

Hua Ye saw that the people present were still silent, so he just laughed a few words in a low voice, and then stopped talking, because if he spoke again, he might not have any effect at that time.

When there was a low growl in the cave, all the people who were ready to go shot towards the entrance of the cave like sharp swords, and those who were a little slower also accelerated their speed.

Hua Ye and his group didn't follow in, they just waited here, no matter who got the herb, the Hua family couldn't get what they wanted.

When this group of people entered the center of the cave, they saw Zhizhi and Yaoteng standing there motionless. These people immediately stopped their movements, and the roar of the beasts in the depths of the cave became louder and louder, which was obvious. It's the last critical time.

"What are you guys doing here? Get out if you're sensible." There are so many people and strength, and these people have the confidence to want Zhizhi and the others to get out without stopping.

Zhizhi held the sword horizontally in front of her, looked at the people who came, and replied without any fluctuations in her complexion: "If you don't want to die, get out now, I accepted the commission, so we need to eliminate those who want to enter. "

The Demon Vine released its own vines without any concealment, and the ostentatious vines behind it made people who came in be careful.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. You, a human being, actually accepted the commission of a monster. Why did it do you any good? It made you willing to serve a beast." laughed.

And other people also think it is absurd. They are going to kill this monster now, and then take the medicinal herbs. able to buy for a good price.

"There's no need to say more to them. It's just a waste of time to say one more word now. Maybe these two people are just delaying time. Let's hurry up, we can't delay any more, time is running out." Originally, they wanted to take advantage of it. When the monster is the weakest, give the monster a blow, but the longer you delay here, the less likely you will be able to get that herb by then.

The other people said hello one after another, then drew their weapons, and rushed over in a swarm. The opening of the hole was not very big, but now that they squeezed it so tightly, the opening of the hole seemed smaller.

Seeing them rushing towards them, Zhi Zhi just stuck the sword on the ground, and a horizontal barrier appeared in front of them, as long as anyone touched this horizontal barrier, they would be immediately injured by the sword energy.

This horizontal barrier can last for an hour, and the cub will definitely come out after an hour. Even if the monster itself is weak, the body of the monster itself is very strong, so it will recover after a short rest after birth.

The people on the opposite side gritted their teeth angrily when they saw this horizontal barrier. They kept attacking the horizontal barrier with their spiritual weapons. After attacking for more than ten minutes, the horizontal barrier became bigger and bigger, rebounding. His sword energy is getting stronger and stronger.

A sensible person knows that he has encountered a difficult problem, while an unwise person will naturally attack desperately.

Some people understand that it is not good to get benefits today, but they also have their own self-esteem. Isn't it too ridiculous that there is no way to break such a horizontal barrier?If you go out now, I'm afraid you will be laughed out of your teeth by those who didn't come in!

"Get ready, we're going to retreat." Zhizhi turned her head and said to Yaovine after feeling the situation in the deepest part of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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