The rebirth of the sky

Chapter 260 Want to Encircle and Suppress

Chapter 260 Want to Encircle and Suppress
After Yaovine heard her words, she retracted the used vines, and completely retracted her entire aura. The attackers looked at each other, and knew that Zhizhi and the others were definitely going to retreat.

Some people understood that there must be no way to get the medicinal herbs this time, so they all started to retreat to the entrance of the cave, because the weakness of the monsters would not last long, and naturally it would not take much effort to deal with them.

"Retreat!" Zhizhi said, and then took the demon vines to the depths of the cave.

After the two of them left, the horizontal barrier was still there, but its power was not that great. When these people broke the horizontal barrier, the monster that had already given birth to its cubs let out a low growl, and the sound shook the hole. The ears of the people inside felt prickly.

After Zhizhi and Yaoteng exchanged glances with the monster, they quickly left the small hole, and when the monster saw them go out, they kicked the whole mountain and knocked it down. All are blocked.

And those people who originally thought of taking advantage of your illness to kill you have started to back off now. They now think that saving their lives is more important, and they don't even think about taking that herb again.

After Zhizhi and Yaoteng quickly got out of the monster's cave, they started to walk on the way they came just now, because there were still things left there that had not been recovered.

However, Zhizhi and Yaoteng hadn't walked a long way before they were blocked by people, and the other people who came out of the cave also looked like tigers looking at each other.

After Yaoteng saw these people, he touched his nose speechlessly, then turned to Zhizhi and said, "This is really a coincidence, why did we meet here!"

As soon as the demon vine's words fell, it was sprayed from the hole.

"Fuck you, do you think I want to see you? If it weren't for the two of you, would we be in this miserable situation?"

"Didn't you all collude with that monster a long time ago, that's why you stand there to help the monster!"

"Shut up, you guys are not strong enough, no wonder others, besides, I'm willing to help only after Warcraft pays a lot of money. Since we are both hunters, you should understand some things even if I don't say them. You can accept commissions, it’s no different from being a human or a monster.” Seeing a large group of them making noise, Zhizhi shouted in a low voice.

After those people heard Zhizhi's words, some of them also realized that their current behavior seemed to be no different from shrews, but some of them shut up, while others were unwilling to shut up.

The Hua family, who were originally sitting in front of the cave entrance, immediately rushed over when they heard that someone had obtained the medicinal herbs in the cave.

"Heroes, I'm Hua Ye from the Hua family. I'm willing to pay you a price for the herbs you get. What do you think?" Hua Ye said to Zhizhi and the others with a smile.

"Hidden treachery in our smiles, are we that stupid?" Zhi Zhi glanced at Hua Ye, jumped off the sword body lightly, she fought with the sword, Xue Tu shot out like a sword that was off the string.

After Hua Ye saw that Yu Jian had gone out, the smile on his face stopped: "It seems that these two don't know the reputation of the Hua family, it's okay, let them see it, and in the end, don't leave anyone alive."

Hua Ye thought that the medicinal herb he wanted was in their hands, so as long as the two of them were arranged, then he would have to talk to them about it. Anyway, Hua Ye also understands these people Hearing the attitude of the Hua family.

Anyway, these people won't listen to good things, but he won't come up with any price that satisfies them. Anyway, it's not like he hasn't done it before. Besides, when the Hua family has missed something, even if the people here How can they hate the Hua family, but they also know that messing with the Hua family will not end well.

"It seems that Mr. Hua is quite courageous. We are really flattered that so many people have gone out." Yaoteng replied in surprise when he saw them rushing over.

After Hua Ye heard Yaoteng's words, the smile on his face completely disappeared, and the face of the person who rushed over showed a bit of a sneer. He probably thought that after killing these two people by then, he would put them in his pocket. I put all the things in my pocket, anyway, the young master said, now they have a share in the business, as long as they have the ability, it will be done.

Young Master Yun stood in the inner circle, watching these people rushing over, with a look of indifference on his face, he knew what these two people were capable of, and even if they rushed over, there was no way they could get rid of them. Individually stopped.

"Young master, do we still have to stay and watch the excitement? I don't think that Hua is a good guy. Now the reputation of the Hua family is getting worse and worse. When the time comes, this Hua will see that we don't see eye to eye. You're making trouble for us again." The person following Young Master Yun whispered in his ear.

It's no wonder they think so, because the Hua family has troubled the Yun family before, but recently they have stopped causing trouble, but they have troubled these hunters. Most hunters have nothing to do with the sect. During missions, they usually work on the Linglong Tower, so these people don't have any background behind them.

"No, let's watch here again. Now Hua Ye doesn't have the heart to trouble us. Now they have to deal with those two seniors. Don't worry. I think those two seniors will solve the problem here soon. Now, it seems that the power of the Hua family is getting bigger and bigger now, and now the people of the Hua family don't know how to use their brains to think about things." Yun Shao looked at Hua Ye looking for death, only sneered in his heart, he would not remind the Hua family People, anyway, these people have to learn a lesson.

"The young master is right. Those two are capable of killing people like the black monster, so they can't beat the people here?" After hearing what Yun Shao said, the other people felt very right. So they didn't urge Yun Shao to leave. After all, if they could see the Hua family suffer here, they would be quite happy in their hearts.

Seeing them rushing towards them, Zhizhi did not confront them for a moment, but the Demon Vine, who was originally there with her arms crossed, rushed over.

"Come on, come on, young master will play with you guys. I really didn't expect it. I thought I would do it later, and the target is not trash like you, but even if you are mosquitoes, you are still meat!" When Teng saw them rushing over, he rushed over with great interest.

A few people from the Hua family stopped in mid-air, surrounded by the demon vine with weapons in their hands. After meeting their eyes, they rushed over with weapons.

They put the weapon in front of them, and then gently stroked the sword with their fingers. After the sword absorbed the blood, it began to release a corrosive white mist. This mist followed their gestures and firmly held the demon vine tightly surrounded in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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