Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 116 Pure White Spider

Chapter 116 Pure White Spider
"Why do I always feel like scolding when you talk?"

Limulu gave Bingdi a white look, and said casually: "What I can tell you is that my ability can adapt to any environment.

Whether it's scorching heat or extreme cold, my body adapts perfectly.

So don't look at me like this, you still can't learn this. "

"It's such an exaggerated race, I'm a little curious about whether your race has any natural enemies.

Otherwise, with your invincible ability to adapt to the environment, I am afraid that you can survive anywhere, right? "

Bingdi was a little emotional, then touched his arm, and couldn't help but sighed.

She simulates the state of becoming a human being, and will also be affected by the environment here.

So this leads to her skin, which is a very unhealthy white.

Rimuru didn't explain anything about this either.

Because of his race, it simply does not exist in this world.

"Here we are, come in with me."

At this moment, the Snow Empress spoke, and then brought them to a circular valley covered in ice and snow.

Surrounded by many icebergs, it looks majestic and spectacular.

And the temperature here is even colder than when we first entered the extreme north!
Especially Bibi Dong.

Her feelings are the most obvious.

If her soul power was not strong enough, she would have been frozen into a popsicle by now.

"Master Xuedi, why are you here..."

With the sound, everyone realized that a fluffy white spider covered in ice and snow appeared in front of everyone.

Except for the buttocks and its feet, this white spider is all snow white.

Even the eyes are crystal clear, clean and bright, as pure as colored glaze.

And this white spider is at least four meters long and wide.

But the opponent is lying here, and the overall height seems to be only more than one meter.

However, Limulu could feel a very weak breath of life from this spider.

It has no days left to live!
This loss of life force is irreversible. Even Limuru cannot help it continue its life through external force unless it is swallowed.

And the lifespan of this soul beast is just like Xue Di said, it is a 9-year soul beast, and it is only a short step away from breaking through to 10 years.


This somewhat listless soul beast finally fell on the final threshold of the soul beast! .

10 years is a very big threshold for soul beasts.

After each soul beast becomes 10 years old, it needs to face a choice.

Or turn into a human.

Or choose to survive for 1000 years to accept the coming catastrophe!
It's okay to choose the first option, but it's difficult to choose the second option.

Because soul beasts want to break through this kind of shackles, they can only practice continuously, and then choose to cross the catastrophe when their energy and spirit have reached their peak.

And once it fails, it will die directly!

If it wasn't for the Snow Empress' help to weaken the spider's self-cultivation, the Thunder Tribulation would be interrupted in time.

Otherwise it would have died long ago.

But even so, it won't be able to live for a few days, because its injuries are too serious, even Limuru can't recover.

So the life of soul beasts in this world is really too difficult.

"Son, don't talk, you are speeding up the passage of life if you don't say a word now, just listen with peace of mind.

We'll ask you a few questions in a moment, and if you agree, just nod your head. "

The snow-white spider nodded, expressing its understanding.

But this talking soul beast surprised Bibi Dong a little.

"Can the soul beast of ten thousand years actually be able to speak?"

"This is not an ordinary ten-thousand-year soul beast. He was reduced to this point after he failed for a hundred thousand years, and his cultivation base has retreated.

So it's normal for him to be able to speak now, and some ten-thousand-year soul beasts with special blood can speak.

For example, the Titan Great Ape in the Star Dou Great Forest, he is a ten thousand year soul beast with a special bloodline. "

Although it is said that there are many soul beast materials in the Wuhun Temple, including more than 10 years, or even millions of years of soul beast materials.

However, most of these materials are simply explanations, and the characteristics and strength of these soul beasts are not described in too much detail.

This is all the information that Limulu got from wandering around the Spirit Hall with Bibidong before.

have to say.

In terms of mobile phone soul beast data, Wuhundian is more than ten years ahead of the other two empires.

"Master Xuedi, what should we do next, is it to let him play freely? Are we really going to let this child become the soul ring of this human being?"

Ice Empress hesitated.

Although Limulu didn't have any malice, the matter of the soul is very beneficial to these dying soul beasts.

But it is still a bit unacceptable for the ice emperor to let soul beasts assist humans.

Xue Di didn't think so much, she just nodded silently, then reached out and touched the fluff on the white spider's head.

"Son, do you want to survive?"

The spider nodded, it really didn't want to die, its eyes were full of pleading.

But the look in its eyes quickly dimmed.

Because it is very clear that its own life is running out.

"Son, I will give you a chance to survive.

But the consequence of doing so is that you have to abandon your physical body and become the soul ring of that human being.

I don't mean to make you sacrifice voluntarily, but to let the soul survive in another way.

In this way, you will live in that human body in the state of a soul and become one with her. "

"Master Snow Emperor..."

Hearing what Xuedi said, the white spider hesitated.

It doesn't know what a soul is, so even if there is such an opportunity, it doesn't dare to accept it rashly.

Then Xuedi gave Limulu a look, and stepped aside to let him explain.

Limulu also didn't talk nonsense, and directly and simply told the other party the concept of the soul.

Now let's see what kind of decision it will make.

After a moment.

The white spider suddenly shook its body, shaking off all the white snowflakes on its body, and then stood up with its weak body.

After the other party got up completely, his height also gained more than three meters, which looked very magnificent!

But in comparison, the former Titan Snow Demon King and Xiaobai are several grades behind.

"Although I don't quite know what a soul is, I want to live, so please help me!"

The white spider showed those big piercing eyes, staring at Limuru.

In this regard, Limulu nodded sadly, and then took the opportunity to grab Xuedi's cold wrist and smiled.

'Sign in to Snow Emperor successfully, the second martial soul has obtained the seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul!Comes with a soul skill, dancing in the snow and shining the sun! '

Hearing the sound of the system, Limulu's mood suddenly became much happier.

"Xue Di, I thank you very much for this matter.

So if there is anything that needs my help in the future, as long as I can help, then feel free to mention it! "

Li Mulu spoke, and Bibi Dong was also very moved when she heard it.

But Xue Di withdrew his arm indifferently.

"In the extreme north, there is no place that needs your help right now, so hurry up.

I want to see how the soul is born. "

(End of this chapter)

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