Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 117 Bibi Dong's Mutation

Chapter 117 Bibi Dong's Mutation
"Are you all ready?"

"Now I'm going to do it!"

Limulu briefly asked about Bibi Dong and the huge white spider in front of her.

They both nodded at the same time, and then sat down facing each other.

Bibi Dong first released her second martial spirit, and at the same time unleashed all her spirit power.

In addition, she even took out the Wannian Ice Essence and put it on her lap.

The cold touch made her unable to bear it, and she shivered.

And she did this because of Rimuru's request.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bibi Dong can completely fuse the Wannian Ice Essence into her body to help her improve her own soul power.

If you are lucky, it is even possible to increase the age and quality of the soul.

The white spider thought for a while, then obeyed Limulu's command and began to sacrifice.

The standard process is displayed in front of Limulu.

Even if he doesn't rely on the King of Wisdom, he can easily fuse the souls of the two of them.

However, in order for the King of Wisdom to collect data, Limuru still handed over the control of his body to the King of Wisdom.

With the sacrifice of the white spider.

The surrounding blizzard suddenly stopped.

The majestic soul power constantly emerged from the depths of the spider's soul.

The Ten Thousand Years Ice Essence was even more integrated into the souls of Bibi Dong and Spider.

Although the blizzard stopped here, the surrounding chill became more intense.

This caused a thick layer of frost to appear on Bibi Dong's body.

Even the windbreaker that Limulu gave her was completely frozen now.

Under the influence of the extreme cold, cracks gradually appeared in this windbreaker due to the surge of soul power.

With the completion of the spider's sacrifice, the windbreaker on Bibi Dong's body also completely collapsed, revealing her perfect body.

Even the clothes on her body showed signs of gradually crumbling.

Seeing this scene, Xuedi knew how to create a blizzard to help her surround her body.

The King of Wisdom who controlled Limuru's body also successfully fused the souls of the two of them together.

The newest soul is born!

But Bibi Dong didn't open her eyes.

On her body, dense snow-white fluff appeared, completely covering her body.

Besides, a snow-white spider slowly appeared from Bibi Dong's shoulder.

This little spider is only the size of a palm, but its appearance is almost exactly the same as the one just now.

But neither of them spoke, but fell into a magical state.

With more and more fluff on Bibi Dong's body.

Soon, these fluffs completely included Bibi Dong, forming a huge pure white dome!

"Is this a normal phenomenon of soul birth?"

Xue Di asked suspiciously, but Limulu, who regained control of her body, shook her head.

He transformed into a slime form, jumped to the top of the giant egg, and observed it.

"This is not a normal phenomenon, the two souls born before did not have this kind of situation.

So I don't know exactly what is going on, but what is certain is that the soul has already been born. "

Limulu spoke, and then asked the King of Wisdom.

Because he also wanted to know what was going on.

'King of Wisdom, is this phenomenon normal?It won't have any effect, will it? '

'Answer: This is an abnormal mutation phenomenon, but it will not have any adverse effects on souls and soul masters. '

'In other words, how did this phenomenon come about?Why not before? '

'Answer: This phenomenon is a small probability event, which requires the soul master and the soul beast to be very strong, the gap in strength will not be too large, and both are on the verge of breakthrough.

At the same time, it also needs some specific treasures that can enhance the soul power to assist, and the attributes of the soul master and the soul beast must be [-]% similar to produce a mutation!
Comprehensive data shows that the probability of abnormal changes at the birth of the soul is less than one percent! '

Good guy!
This is the second mutated soul.

And this time, even the soul master mutated together!
This kind of low probability event can be encountered by Bibi Dong.

I'm afraid this guy isn't a European emperor, right?
This made Limulu, a non-chief, feel a little envious.

But this is also a turning point for Bibi Dong, because her two spirits are both spirits with a strong breath of death.

It would be perfect if this kind of mutation could reduce the hostility in her body a little.

'So she needs to stay here for a long time? '

'Answer: It's impossible to estimate, it depends on whether her own mental power is strong, the stronger the mental power, the longer the time of deep sleep! '

"It seems that Bibi Dong needs to sleep for a while."

Limuru sighed, and then turned his gaze back to Snow Empress and Ice Empress.

"Let's talk about what's going on between us.

Now I really want to know what kind of attitude you guys have towards my Soul Beast Empire.

If you agree to join, then everything will be fine. If you don't agree, I also want to know the reason for your refusal. "

Hearing Limulu's words, Ice Empress blinked, and then set her sights on Snow Empress.

Regarding the Soul Beast Empire, the Ice Emperor is very interested.

More importantly, she was more interested in Limulu.

But this matter is not up to her alone, so it still depends on Xuedi's answer.

But Xue Di was silent for a moment, and finally closed his eyes.

"Sorry, I can't give you an answer about this matter at the moment.

Because just listening to what you said, I can't tell where the future of the Soul Beast Empire lies.

But I have an idea, although I will not lead all the soul beasts in the extreme north to join the soul beast empire.

But I can be friends with you. If one day in the future, when we all need help, we can rely on each other. "

After thinking about it for a while, Xuedi finally gave such an answer.

Limulu nodded, not disappointed.

He had expected the other party's answer.

As the strongest overlord of the extreme north, Snow Empress is of course not willing to depend on others.

Even within the Soul Beast Empire, Di Tian only joined the Soul Beast Empire because of Gu Yuena's face.

So Xuedi is willing to communicate with Limulu, which is already a good answer.

"It doesn't matter if we don't join now, as long as we remain friends.

But next, I may be here for a while. "

As he said that, Limuru pointed helplessly at the fluffy gray-white giant egg behind.

"It's okay, you stay here, I will treat you well.

But I want you to be prepared. "

"Prepare? What?"

Hearing Xuedi's words, Limulu was a little puzzled.

Xuedi showed his first smile since he showed up.

"The extremely cold storm is coming soon, and there is no shelter in the extreme north.

So you need to find a burrow as soon as possible to avoid the wind and snow, and take that human to hide, otherwise she will die! "

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(End of this chapter)

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