Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 134 Waste Utilization

Chapter 134 Waste Utilization (for Subscription)

"Bai Mingming, you've done a good job. Originally, I thought that with your level 51 soul power, your combat effectiveness should not be very high.

It seems that I underestimated you, you Min clan, you are quite good. "

"Your Highness, please stop mocking me, a normal level 51 soul king is facing the siege of more than 20 soul masters and great soul masters.

Although it can't be said that it can be killed in one hit, it is not like me, and I can't be completely defeated after several minutes of fighting.

It's still because your guards are so powerful. They subdued everyone with only two shots. They are much better than me! "

Bai Mingming is also Bai Chenxiang's guard, at this moment his face is full of shame.

After all, among soul masters of the same level, the Min clan has the strongest attack power.

The only ones with lower attack power than them might be auxiliary soul masters.

So Xue Qinghe's praise was so harsh to Bai Mingming's ears.

The lack of means of attack has been an insurmountable problem since the Min Clan was born.

Fortunately, their speed is unrivaled in the entire continent, otherwise the Min clan would have been driven to extinction by the enemies long ago.

Don't say anything else.

In terms of escaping, no one is more professional than them!

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this, I just want to know who gave him the courage to come to the trading village to find trouble!"

Xue Qinghe walked towards the nobleman angrily, and kicked him without hesitation.

His soul power of more than 30 levels, normally speaking, cannot kick a [-]th level soul sect.

But the opponent was suppressed by the fifty-level soul king, so Xue Qinghe kicked the opponent half a meter away.

"To be honest, who gave you the order to come here!
Baroque Principality?Star Luo Empire?Or is it Wuhundian? "

"What are you! A mere pariah, how dare you speak to me, a nobleman, in such a tone.

Just wait for me, if the people in my territory know that I didn't go back today, they will flatten this area! "

This nobleman is still so arrogant.

Xue Qinghe felt his anger, which had never been so luxuriant.

He is a very quiet and somewhat dark-hearted person.

In terms of dealing with people, he is also very easy-going, with almost no airs.

So there are very few things that can make him feel angry.

But this time, Xue Qinghe was really angry.

Because the other party's behavior is obviously caused by the habit formed over the years!
This made the other party take it for granted that nobles are superior to others!
"It's really unreasonable! Don't you think that you are a nobleman and you have status?

Let me tell you now, I am Xue Qinghe, the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire!

If you want to live, tell me the truth, who sent you! "


Hearing Xue Qinghe's words, the nobleman froze for a moment, and his son was even more frightened to tremble.

But soon, the nobleman showed a mocking smile.

"If you were the prince, then I would be Emperor Xue Ye!

Come on son, call me daddy to listen? "

"Hmph! There is no cure!"

Hearing what the other party said, Xue Qinghe suddenly stopped being angry.

Because he found that this person was already terminally ill, there was no need to keep him.

"In that case, take me and make a decision on your own, and let you..."

"Xue Qinghe, wait a moment, this person is still useful!"

Just when Xue Qinghe wanted to order the execution of the other party.

Rimuru's voice came from the sky.

Then he saw a man who was half alive and was thrown from the air by Limuru.

He is the suspicious person who just tried to escape!

"You bastard! You lied to me for three years, saying that you are the soul sect.

So you are a soul saint?
Why are you lying to me! "

When the nobleman saw that this person had been captured, he became a little hysterical.

His roar stunned everyone present.

A soul sage can hide for three years without being discovered, and then still be regarded as a soul sect?

This nobleman is probably not a fool, is he?
Now all the eyes looking at him have changed.

Because they feel that this person is probably a fool and also blind!

"Ahem, you are really a waste! By your side, I was trying to replace you.

But the territory of your trash has been gradually shrinking in the past three years.

In order to get away as soon as possible, I bewitched your son to come out and cause trouble, just to make you offend someone you can't afford to offend!

But I didn't expect that he found the trading village after looking for trouble. I miscalculated! "

The man also felt a little remorse at this time.

The leisure time these years has made his perception of the outside world much worse.

Even in terms of intelligence, it was just a hasty glance.

So he only knew the direction of the trading village and the people behind it.

As for the rest, he didn't know anything.

After all, he believes that in this countryside, no one can do anything to him.

But unfortunately, he still miscalculated.

"Xue Qinghe, this is the token of the Spirit Hall, he is a member of the Hall of Spirits.

I guess that this incident was not carefully planned, and it was probably just an accident.

As for this nobleman, in my opinion, he can use his waste heat to make use of waste.

Although his status is very low and he only belongs to the lower ranks of the nobility, it is still no problem to use him to make an example of others. "

"Killing chickens to scare monkeys..."

Xue Qinghe played with the Spirit Hall Token in his hand, and then hung it around his waist.

"In that case, I know what to do!

Without further ado, I will take them to meet my royal father now! "

With that said, Xue Qinghe gave his guard a look.

The two of them looked at each other, immediately knocked out all the intruders, and tied them together.

This person from Wuhundian was also knocked out by Limulu himself, and then tied up.

"This time, I will go with you, because I still have some matters to discuss with Emperor Xue Ye.

This matter is of great importance, I must meet him in person! "

Saying that, Limuru glanced at Bingdi.

Bingdi also nodded, then walked up to Limuru and held hands with him.

"Besides, Bingbing will also go together, and you know his identity, so please inform me about this matter."

"Understood Mr. Rimuru, I know what to do..."

"Don't move, otherwise, I will kill him!"

While talking here.

An inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

I saw Tang San held hostage in his arms by a man.

A sharp blade touched Tang San's throat.

Three white soul rings surrounded his body, revealing the extraordinary identity of this man!

(End of this chapter)

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