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Chapter 135 Clown Behavior

Chapter 135 Clown Behavior (Subscribe)

"Isn't this guy dead?!"

See this suddenly resurrected person.

Everyone was immediately confused.

Because he was the guard who had his neck broken!
"Hehe, my soul skills can break bones and reconnect, suspend heartbeat, and suspend my breath!

Otherwise, the ghost would be willing to act with that bastard!
Now I tell you, let me go quickly, or this child will die! "

As soon as he said this, everyone was surprised.

Even Limulu didn't expect that this person's soul skills were so amazing.

From this point of view, he is also an old actor!

Do you want to be so proficient!

Even Limuru didn't deliberately care about the 'corpse' lying on the ground.

Everyone naturally ignored him.

That's why he waited until now to jump out.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't jump out.

At most, it was regarded as a real corpse and buried alive.

But for Tang San being held hostage, everyone didn't have any idea, and even just looked at it like this.

Although most of the people present had the ability to save people directly, they didn't do so.

Because it's not necessary.

And they all looked at the warrior with sympathetic eyes.

"What's your expression? Hurry up and get out of here, or I will..."

"What are you going to do?"

Before the man could finish speaking, an ethereal voice appeared behind him, causing goose bumps all over his body.

"How can..."

"Dare to hold my son hostage, it seems that you have never experienced real death, what is it like!"

The voice just fell.

Countless blue vines emerged from under the man's body!

Countless blue silver grass lifted the man to a high place, and no matter how much the other party screamed, they did not stop growing.

"Mom, I'm sorry..."

Tang San threw himself on Ah Yin's body, looking a little scared.

No one thought of this person's feigning death.

Even if Tang San is a human being in two lifetimes, it is impossible for Tang San to want so much.

In addition, he is already very young now, so he can't stand the toss.

"Little San, you're still cuter like this, please act like a baby more in the future, don't always be like an adult, after all, you are just a child now!"

Hearing Ah Yin's words, Tang San blushed, and then completely buried his face in it.

The others didn't feel anything when they heard Ah Yin's words.

But Rimuru could hear it.

There is a high probability that Ah Yin already knew about Tang San's memory of his previous life.

But it's nothing, as long as he is still Tang San and her son, she won't care about it.

at the same time.

Ah Yin was also the Blue Silver Grass that released herself, and they all disbanded.



As the blue silver grass retracted to the watch, there was a whistling sound in the sky.

It was the man's scream.

Although it doesn't matter if this person falls to his death.

But for the sake of Bai Chenxiang's physical and mental health, Limulu still stretched out his tentacles, caught him in mid-air, and then threw him behind, handing it over to Bai Mingming.

"Ayin, how is your strength recovering?"

Rimuru asked curiously.

Because the strength that Ah Yin showed just now is far behind compared to the peak period.

But it's not a problem to instantly kill a three-ring soul master.

Although this soul master is very watery, and the soul rings are all three white, but he is still a soul master after all.

"It can only be said that it is barely strong. If I want to restore my peak strength, I still have to see how strong my precious son is.

If he can't do it, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover much of my strength. After all, we, mother and son, are one.

As for me now, I am almost equal to the strength of the Soul Sect.

If it weren't for the fact that this soul master is so weak, and because of the sneak attack, it would be very difficult for me to defeat him. "

Ah Yin said while stroking Tang San's head.

The rest of the people cast envious glances at Tang San.

Because of this mother-level soul.

For Tang San, that was his own protective umbrella!

And after he became a soul master in the future, he really answered that sentence.

After beating the small ones, the old ones will come out!

And it still appeared in seconds!
After all, the current Ah Yin is also part of Tang San's strength.

This is not bullying the small with the big, but a fair two against one!

"Limulu, I wanted to ask before, is this person also a soul?"

Ice Empress asked.

Rimuru nodded.

"Remember what I told you before, there are also two people in the Soul Beast Empire who have souls?
One of them is Tang San, and his soul is his mother A Yin.

And Ah Yin's body is also transformed from the 10-year-old Blue Silver Grass.

But to be honest, if there were other methods, I wouldn't have made her what she is now. "

Rimuru sighed.

After hearing this, Ah Yin shook his head and showed a gentle smile.

"Master Rimuru, you don't have to blame yourself so much, if you want to blame it, you can blame Chihiro Ji.

If it weren't for him, our husband and wife would not have been hunted down.

You just came here to save us, so there's nothing wrong with you. "

"That said, but..."

Rimuru said halfway, then stopped, and then shook his head.

"Forget it, there's nothing to say, it's been so long, we won't mention it.

Let's talk about the business now, regarding these guys, I will follow Xue Qinghe to the Heaven Dou Empire later.

As for the trading village, you still need to put in more effort, Ah Yin, to manage it.

After waiting for more than four years, after Tang San awakens his martial spirit and this place stabilizes, you don't have to be so busy. "

"Actually, it doesn't matter. I have long been used to this kind of fulfilling life, and I quite like it."

Afterwards, Li Mulu briefly explained a few other things, and then set out on the road with Xue Qinghe.

Because they need to take those intruders with them, their walking speed is a little slower.

Until the evening fell, the group of them still hadn't reached the Heaven Dou Empire.

But at this time, the nobleman had already woken up.

When he woke up, he took a look at the sky and laughed a little maniacally.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"You are finished! All of you are going to die!
As I said before, if I don't go back at night, someone will come and flatten all the villages in this area!
Now, you repent for your ignorance!Ha ha ha ha! "

"Really? The ignorant person, it should be you, right?"

Hearing what the other party said, Rimuru didn't even bother to laugh at the other party.

Because he is so ignorant!

at the same time.

In the territory of a certain nobleman.

A guard of Xueqinghe, with Xueqinghe's order and token, came here to manage it!

Now, everyone in this place belongs to Xue Qinghe!
That ignorant noble didn't even know that he was the clown!

(End of this chapter)

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