Chapter 172 Spike!

"I thought if you stay here and don't leave, there is no way to deal with us, so it turns out that this is all you can do?

Everyone listens to orders and goes all out, don't let them run away! "

"As ordered!"

The leading woman still didn't make a move, but just watched from the side.

It has only been about ten minutes since they arrived here and started fighting.

This battle can be said to be one-sided without any suspense.

After all, there are a lot of them, each of them is the soul king and the soul sect, and the worst one is the soul master, and there is only one person.

With such a configuration, if they can't take down a few soul masters and soul sects, they really don't have to mess around.

Even the leading woman's strength has reached the level of a soul saint.

If she makes a move, Gu Yuena and the others can be killed immediately.

However, if she made a move, her soul power would fluctuate too much, and it would easily attract the attention of others.

After all, she didn't want to lure Tang Hao over.

What's more, in this forest, besides Tang Hao, there are two title Douluo, Chen Xin and Dugu Bo.

Outside, there is even a Bone Douluo!

In order to prevent exposure, she tried not to do anything if she could.

And in her opinion, dealing with these people, her own subordinates are completely enough.

But at this time.

A loud voice came from the front.

The sky is full of wind and snow!

A chill instantly submerged her feet, and even continued to gather on her body.

Not just her.

Everything around was covered by this ice and snow, causing the surroundings to become covered in silver.

Even her subordinates were frozen in ice at this time.

However, these people used their soul power to protect themselves in advance, so the ice seal only existed for a moment before they could lift it.

This woman is even more so.

"It's really a good martial soul fusion skill, but in my opinion, you are still a little tender..."

"Sister, someone among us has died!"

Just when this person was about to say something, the only woman in the team ran over.

"how is this possible?!"

Hearing her words, the woman felt a little unbelievable.

Then he saw that the soul master who was completely frozen and had blank eyes was already dead!

The death of this soul master was actually a bit of a coincidence.

Because at that time Xuedi and Gu Yuena found an opportunity to release their martial soul fusion skills.

Tianmeng Iceworm just released one, the greatest mental shock, causing this soul master to temporarily lose consciousness.

In this way, the soul power that protects oneself cannot be activated.

Even so, he would be fine.

But coincidentally, the martial soul fusion skill was also released at this time.

Then he was still unconscious.

After this person was frozen under such circumstances, he would never wake up again.

Because his body was completely frozen and his heart stopped beating.

But this time, Bingdi and Gu Yuena also exhausted all their strength to come up with a super-wide-range martial soul fusion skill.

Its power is several times greater than when it dealt with the Elephant Armored Sect before.

But even so, it can only be delayed for a moment, and it is impossible to deal a severe blow to the enemy.

"You dare to kill my subordinates, you really don't want to live at all!"

The woman was a little angry.

Suddenly, a powerful soul power emerged from his body.

Seven standard spirit rings emerged from her body.

Those people, seeing that their leader was about to make a move, immediately backed away to prevent being affected.

They are very clear about how strong their boss is.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me!"

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul!"

Accompanied by a roar.

The woman instantly transformed into a huge black figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

With the appearance of this huge figure, inexplicable fluctuations appeared in the surrounding space,

next second.

Endless black spikes emerged from the air!

This is spatial ability!

The opponent's Martial Soul is of space attribute!

After seeing this scene.

Gu Yuena and the others were shocked.

But instead of being afraid, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they were looking for the soul master with the space attribute martial soul before.

After all, this person was the culprit who created the spirit beast riot.

Now that the other party has appeared and is attacking Gu Yuena and the others.

Limulu felt that there was no need to pretend anymore.

I saw him jumping out of Gu Yuena's skirt.

A slime the size of a palm exudes a huge soul power, completely sealing off the surrounding space!
Those black spikes were smashed to pieces in this instant!

Before, in order to confuse the enemy, he had been hiding in Gu Yuena's skirt, waiting for the opportunity.

Now is a good opportunity, so he came out!
The moment Limuru landed on the ground, it transformed into a huge silver dragon, roaring towards the sky!
The shocking roar, accompanied by the monstrous soul power, completely dispersed the surrounding air.

A vortex of soul power condensed from his mouth.

next second!

This vortex of soul power formed an endless power of ice!
"Breath of ice—"

With Limulu's soft drink.

A breath mixed with powerful ice elements instantly engulfed all enemies!
Even the distance of about a kilometer in front of him was covered with a piece of white snow!
In comparison, Gu Yuena and Bingdi can only freeze tens of meters of martial soul fusion skills.

Limulu's ability is the real Frozen Thousand Miles!

However, the Ice Empress could reach this level before she took shape.

Even stronger.

But whether she can recover this power in the future depends on good luck.

"How is it possible, why are you here?!"

The woman was a little surprised.

She had no idea that Limuru would appear here.

For this, Limuru did not explain, but exhaled again, completely blowing the other party out.

As for the others, under Limulu's power, they have already turned into ice sculptures.

Dead can't die anymore!
For him, it was enough to leave one of the highest rank alive.

When the time comes, just leave her at the Xinghu Lake and give her to Ditian and others to train her.

"You did a good job this time. When you go back, I will give each of you a reward."

Hearing Limuru's words, everyone present became excited.

Although they still have injuries.

But when he heard the reward that Limuru said, he immediately forgot about the pain.

And Limulu is quite satisfied with their performance.

Originally, he thought that Gu Yuena and the others would not be able to last even 10 minutes.

So from the beginning, he was closely observing everyone's situation so that he could do it at any time.

But what he didn't expect was that.

This battle lasted for about 15 minutes, and Gu Yuena and the others were gradually defeated.

In the end, Gu Yuena and Bingdi's martial soul fusion skills even killed a person.

This was beyond Limuru's expectation.

And also aroused the wrath of the enemy.

Fortunately, the whole battle was within Limulu's controllable range.

He had nothing to worry about either.

(End of this chapter)

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