Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 173 Snow Night's Helplessness

Chapter 173 Snow Night's Helplessness

Outside the sunset forest.

At this time, Emperor Xue Ye was still anxiously waiting.

Although, the trial teams were pulled out one after another during this period of time.

But the team from Slime Academy hasn't come out yet.

After all, they are going to act as bait to lure the other party to do it, and by the way, find out who is making trouble in this trial.

So Emperor Xue Ye was very worried about their safety.

Anyway, Xue Qinghe was among them.

Whether he is the lord of a country or a father, he is unwilling to put his son in danger.

But this is something that has been discussed before, even if he regrets it now, there is no way to stop it.

Because of the action, it has already begun.

"Emperor Xue Ye, don't worry, they will be fine with Limulu here."

Ning Fengzhi at the side spoke.

Although Emperor Xue Ye didn't say anything, he could tell at a glance that Emperor Xue Ye was not in a good mood.

In particular, the uneasiness and anxiety had already spread out.

Anyone who is a little sensitive can find Emperor Xue Ye, and now they are very worried about them.

"Ahem, I know Limuru is here, but what if something happens?

No one can guarantee this kind of thing, there will be no accidents, how can I not worry. "

Emperor Xue Ye coughed lightly, then sighed.

He doesn't know anything about what happened in the forest now, just like a blind man.

After all, all the people from the Heaven Dou Empire had withdrawn from Ross Forest.

So he had no choice but to send someone in to find out information.

And at this time.

Bone Douluo Gurong, who had been resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

"That fellow Lao Jian came out, besides that, Dugu Bo and Tang Hao also came out together.

But only the three of them, Limulu and the others from Slime Academy, I didn't perceive it. "

Gu Rong just finished speaking.

I saw a middle-aged man in a white robe, landing gracefully.

In his hand, he still held a person.

This person, without any vital signs, is so dead that he can't die anymore!

"This is a corpse found in the center of the Sunset Forest, near the Eye of Binghuo Yinyi.

Based on his clothes and the badge on his body, I preliminarily concluded that this person should be a student of the Ghost Academy.

In addition, there are a large number of corpses around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, all of which have been buried.

This was jointly discovered by Tang Ritian and Dugu Bo. I just ran faster than them, so I rushed over to report to you in advance. "

Chen Xin said calmly.

He has no intention of taking credit at all, after all, he is not that kind of person.

Just when he finished these words.

Tang Hao and Dugu Bo also rushed here.

"I have already reported the specific things."

Seeing Tang Hao and Dugu Bo appear, Chen Xin nodded and said.

Tang Hao and Dugu Bo didn't talk nonsense, but stared at Emperor Xue Ye intently.

"Emperor Xue Ye, I was the first to discover these corpses.

Among them, apart from this student, I made new discoveries later.

Not only the students of the Wandering Soul Academy were brutally killed, but even their leading teacher was dead, and his face was completely disfigured, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

From this, it can be concluded that Wandering Soul Academy is not an inner ghost, they are just a soft persimmon targeted by the other party.

After all, according to the data, the leading teacher of Wandering Soul Academy is only a level 69 Soul Emperor.

As for other academies, the worst teachers are soul saints.

So the opponent obviously made a good deal of it, the strength level of the opponent, and the lack of fame, so they chose to replace them. "

Tang Hao's analysis makes sense.

After hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye kept nodding his head.

"In that case, what do you think of this matter?"

"Your Majesty, no matter how you look at this matter, I cannot bear it!
Not to mention, those of them killed all the personnel of Ghost Academy and replaced them.

Just talking about them, using my hermitage as a place to dump my body, I can't bear it!

So no matter what, as long as I find out who is behind the other party, I will take revenge on him!No one can stop me! "

Dugu Bo said angrily.

No one can bear to have his old lair being treated as a corpse dump, let alone someone like Dugu Bo who has a surly temper.

So as long as he can find out the murderer behind the scenes, even if it is not in the name of revenge, he will take revenge on the other party.

Who made Dugu Bo, it is this kind of character that must be revenged.

"Dugu Bo, when can you change your temper..."

Emperor Xue Ye sighed helplessly, and then set his gaze on Tang Hao.

"Mr. Tang Hao, do you have any latest news about Limulu?

What's going on with them, is anyone injured? "

"Master Rimuru, you don't need to worry, and what I can tell you is that she has completely resolved the specific matter.

But for your safety, within the next few days, it is better not to enter the Sunset Forest if you are below the Soul Sage level. "

"Not allowed in? Why?"

Hearing what Tang Hao said, Emperor Xue Ye was a little puzzled.

Although it is said that marriages below the level of Soul Sage are not allowed to enter, but this has nothing to do with Emperor Xue Ye.

As the lord of a country, although his strength is not very good, he is at least at the level of a soul saint.

"Because this is for your safety. After all, the spirit beasts inside are still sleeping, and I don't know if they will suddenly run away after waking up.

What's more, Master Limulu made a move, completely turning a small area into a world of ice and snow.

In a day or two, this environment cannot be restored, so it is better for you to wait.

As for those people, Lord Limuru has already taken the people from Slime Academy and left first.

After all, the person who is still alive is an important breakthrough. Master Rimuru intends to interrogate the other party! "

"He just left?!"

Emperor Xue Ye did not expect that Limulu would take him away without even saying hello.

Tang Hao shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.

Didn't Limulu do this because he was worried that Emperor Xue Ye would rob her.

So she just took a step first, and it was enough to leave Tang Hao here to explain.

In this regard.

Emperor Xue Ye was also very helpless, then he walked out of the camp, glanced at the trial teams outside, and sighed.

"Xue Xing, gather everyone together, and I will announce the result of the trial according to the previous situation!
Although the trial was interrupted, there was no shortage of rewards that should be given. "

"I obey Your Majesty, but Rimuru's side..."

Prince Xue Xing asked uncertainly.

Emperor Xue Ye shook his head: "Since they have already left, there is no need to wait any longer.

After all, we have an appointment, and their results will not be included in the ranking.

But you have to pay close attention to the promotional tasks afterwards, this is your job after all. "

Upon hearing this, Prince Xue Xing also nodded, "I obey, Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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