Chapter 240 The Return

At this time, the Wuhun Palace has returned to its original appearance.

However, the worship hall has been completely remodeled by Bibi Dong, turning it into a new elder point.

Next, all elders can settle in it, and there will be no more worship halls in the future.

Even the elders whose strength has reached Super Douluo will not have the same great authority as the previous elders of the worship hall.

And Limulu also stayed here for a week to help Bibi Dong with her transformation.

Gu Yuena and the others stayed here as a matter of course.

The same is true for Di Tian.

He regretted the catastrophe, which eventually caused him to be seriously injured.

Although not fatal, he was still in a coma for three days before waking up.

Even the current Ditian has some thunder scars on his body, which haven't disappeared.

This is the damage caused by the terrifying thunder tribulation!
Even this thunder calamity is much less powerful than the calamity of breaking through to become a god.

But even so, this is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Even Di Tian was choked by this lightning calamity.

Fortunately, no lives were hurt.

However, Di Tian's act of embarrassing Heavenly Tribulation also made people sweat, and at the same time made Bibi Dong feel shocked.

Because she had never seen that someone could do this.

But the existence of Ditian opened her eyes.

It's just that she has one heart and one mind for Rimuru.

Although Ditian showed her the New World, she didn't have any feelings for the Black Dragon King.

At this time, Li Mulu was staying in the same room with Bibi Dong, discussing matters.

Everyone else is outside.

However, people from other academies, except Shrek Academy, have all left the Spirit Hall, preparing for the Soul Master Competition three years from now.

And Shrek Academy stayed here purely because Flender wanted to stay and catch up with Yu Xiaogang.

Then Liu Erlong also came.

But after the two met, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

Only slowly, they also let go.

After all, Yu Xiaogang also apologized, and Liu Erlong was not completely unreasonable.

It's just that Yu Xiaogang can't leave now, because he still has to continue working for Bibidong.

Otherwise, with Bibi Dong's temper, although it wouldn't kill him, it would definitely make him unable to get out of bed.

Yu Xiaogang didn't want to do this, so it's better to pay off all the debts owed to Bibi Dong now.

time flies.

Li Mulu and Bibi Dong, after discussing the future, took Gu Yuena and the others and left the Spirit Hall.

When they left, Liu Erlong also went back together, but Shrek Academy hadn't left yet.

Limulu didn't know what they wanted to do, but Flender occasionally chatted privately.

And Bibi Dong didn't tell Limulu everything.

She just said, there is a little surprise.

That's it.

After all, Bibi Dong is not Limulu's subordinate, or a puppet.

She is a living person, a person with a mind of her own.

There is no need for Limulu, let the other party explain everything about himself clearly.

So Limuru didn't bother.

Anyway, when Bibi Dong couldn't hold it anymore, she would spit it out by herself.

In this way, Limulu and the others slowly returned to Slime Academy after spending half a month admiring all the customs along the way.

When they returned, Tang Hao and others also came over in person to drink Limulu and others' return.

But Rimuru doesn't eat this set.

After he came back, first all the teachers and students had a day off.

On the second day, a meeting of all teachers and students was held to start discussing the issue of enrollment.

This time.

Limulu intends to expand the number of students to more than 500 and less than 1000!
The number of teachers should also be increased to around 100.

In addition, the soul master competition three years later needs to be held at the Slime Academy.

Therefore, the competition venue also needs to be rebuilt.

Although the arena in the college is very large, it can accommodate 400 people.

But this small arena was only designed by Limulu according to the area of ​​the scene.

Compared with the magnificent venue of the Wuhun Temple, there is no comparison at all!
It's no problem for a thousand spectators to sit in that venue.

The coverage of the site is not generally large!
Fortunately, what the Soul Beast Empire needs most is money and land.

Limulu directly asked all teachers and students to diverge their thinking and offer their own suggestions.

A month later, Limulu will use their suggestions to build this venue, which is bigger than any arena!

As for the location, he had already made plans.

Next to the Slime Academy, there is a stagnant pool.

This place was originally a living water, but with the change of the earth's crust, the spring below has been blocked.

So now it has become a pool of stagnant water.

In the beginning, in order to restore the pool to normal, Limulu even opened up the underground spring himself.

But it doesn't take long for this to clog up again.

Limulu didn't bother to take care of the coming and going, so he just hired a few people to clean up the sundries, algae and other things on it.

And now, this piece of land can finally come in handy.

Just drain the water here and fill it in, it's a really good foundation!
And this kind of thing is the easiest for Limuru.

But now that the land has been selected, the design drawings have not yet come out.

So don't rush to work.

And next.

Limulu also started her own recruitment work.

Because Slime Academy, after this incident, became more famous.

So many people came to enroll in an endless stream.

But very few people come here to apply for teachers.

One month has passed, and after the enrollment season is over, the total number of students in the academy has reached 770 seven!
But the number of teachers is only 77.

The number of students has met expectations, but the number of teachers is still relatively small.

but it does not matter.

At that time, let these teachers be more busy, and they can still maintain the operation of the college.

And if they do more work, they can also get a lot of overtime pay.

After all, more than half of these people applied for the job because of money and some precious treasure subsidies.

Then, the design drawing of the arena came out.

This is the arena where all the teachers and students of the school contribute their brains together.

Its image is exactly one slime magnified tens of thousands of times!
This made the corner of Limulu's mouth twitch, but he couldn't veto it.

After all, this is the meaning of the whole school. If he wants to deny this, doesn't that mean breaking his word?
But Limulu thought of this from the very beginning, so he was already mentally prepared, so naturally he didn't break the defense.

It's just that it's hard for him to imagine how embarrassing he will be after this thing is built.

Still, he found someone to do the work and started working.


Li Mulu also summoned Gu Yuena and the others to give them all special training!
It's just that the location of this special training is rather special.

Because this is the killing capital!
(End of this chapter)

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