Signing in Douluo starts with Slime

Chapter 241 Killing Capital

Chapter 241 Killing Capital

"Is this the killing capital? It doesn't look like much."

Gu Yuena and the others followed Limulu to this place full of killings.

However, unlike the original book, Limulu didn't take them to drink a Bloody Mary, but walked directly to the door.

The guards saw them, but did not step forward to stop them.

It's not that they don't care, but that they can't!
Because these guards were all suppressed by Limulu with mental power.

They couldn't move even if they wanted to.

"That's right, this is the Capital of Suicide and Slaughter. Next, you have to go inside to study, and then try it out to improve your own strength.

I don't ask how high your soul power level can be raised, but I need you to find the secret here within a year and a half, and then destroy it.

This can be regarded as a common topic I gave to all of you. I will be at the Slime Academy, waiting for you to give me the answer sheet.

But before going in, I want to remind you that the food here is edible, but you should not drink a wine called Bloody Mary.

This kind of alcohol is a chronic toxin, it will slowly erode your spirit, make you dependent on it, and then you can't quit it.

Unless you are a Title Douluo, you simply cannot resist the temptation of this kind of thing, so it is best not to touch it.

Other than that, the biggest boss here, I'll take care of it.

As for the following things, I will leave them to you, and I will try not to interfere. "

After Limulu said these words, she looked at the employees calmly.

Actually, Rimuru didn't say a word.

That is for the safety of all of them. As early as a week ago, Limulu arranged for Tang Hao, who had been here before, to enter it while concealing his identity and strength.

So if they encountered something that they couldn't solve, Tang Hao would appear in front of these people in another capacity.

But Gu Yuena and the others are all human beings, and Tang San is also here.

Tang Hao can't appear for too long, otherwise he will definitely be discovered.

Therefore, Limulu's task for Tang Hao is that he must not make a move unless it is absolutely critical.

Besides, regarding the situation in the killing capital, Limulu had already explained clearly when he came here.

Now he just needs to let go and let Gu Yuena and the others do their best.

After all, with their abilities, it would be strange not to turn this place upside down.

And Limulu also promised that when all of them came out, each of them would get at least two celestial grasses and their own to help them improve their strength.

And these fairy grasses, Limulu has actually been prepared in advance.

One of them is the same kind of fairy grass, which can remove the killing aura lingering on their appearance, and then gradually restore their mentality to its original state.

It is a kind of fairy grass that can purify the heart, and it is also helpful for the purification of soul power.

As for the other kind, Limulu prepared a fairy grass suitable for each of them.

This writing was already prepared when Limulu thought about the plan.

Originally, this was supposed to be a reward for participating in the soul master competition, but because of Qian Daoliu, the competition ended early, so Limuru couldn't send it out, so he had to keep it temporarily.

However, there is no waste in the secondary use now.

Then Li Mulu took Gu Yuena and the others, and walked in swaggeringly in front of the guards.

These people wanted to come out to stop it, but after Limuru became level 98, her mental power became extremely large.

These people, even if they were originally soul emperors or soul saints, could not break free from the spiritual bondage that Limulu was not good at.

So these guards can only be like wooden stakes, watching them enter it blankly, but there is nothing they can do.

After everyone went in, Limulu released the control over these people.

"Quick, hurry up and stop the King of Slaughter, saying that an uninvited guest has entered here!
Everyone else, come with me and arrest them all! "

The captain of the guard shouted hastily.

This kind of thing is his dereliction of duty, if he doesn't hurry up to remedy it, he will be considered dead.

However, just when they were about to rush in, a huge dark golden hammer fell from the sky!

"The Clear Sky Hammer?!"

The moment he saw the huge hammer, the captain of the guard recognized it and turned pale with shock.

They wanted to escape, but their bodies seemed to be locked, and they were powerless to escape!

In the end, when the hammer fell, everyone present turned into a puddle of mud!
At the same time, a man wearing a cloak and a full-face mask stands at the very end of the hammer.

"Hmph! You guys still want to threaten Rimuru-sama?
I really want to die! "


At the same time, after Limulu and others entered the killing capital, they saw the tragic situation here.

Those old people, children, and women can only get a very small amount of Bloody Mary and a small amount of food by surrendering their own blood or flesh.

They are here, living people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, and there is no personal appearance at all.

Limulu even saw human bones with unshaven fascia and some minced meat.


They are already trying to eat people!

Seeing this scene, Gu Yuena and the others immediately felt extremely disgusted!

"Master Limuru, you told us to come here for trials, do you mean that you want us to know that there is such a cruel hell in this continent?!"

Xue Qinghe frowned and asked suspiciously.

It was the first time he had seen such a hell-like scene in front of him when he grew up so old.

As the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, what he had learned from an early age was to be sympathetic to the people and not to let his people go hungry.

This is the most basic responsibility of being an emperor.

Although the killing capital is not managed by any country, the hell scene here is so shocking and outrageous!

Xue Qinghe's ability to hold back his anger already shows that he has grown up.

Otherwise, according to his previous temper, he must rush to the front now and go to the person in charge here to make a theory.

Not only Xue Qinghe, but even Gu Yuena and others were disgusted by the environment here.

"These humans would be better off dead than alive!"

Gu Yuena said it right.

When the other people heard this, they nodded immediately, and it was hard to disagree.

But Limuru sighed, casually threw a piece of bread to a begging man.

"But if you can live, who wants to die?"

As soon as Limulu finished speaking, he saw the man who got the bread turned into a ferocious beast in an instant, and rushed towards Limulu!
But before he jumped in front of Limulu, Tang San released the Blue Silver Emperor, piercing through the opponent's chest!

When the other party died, the people around who were still afraid immediately rushed up and dismembered the man's body.

The hands of each of them were filled with blood, but there were satisfied smiles on their faces.

Because they have meat to eat!

(End of this chapter)

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