Eloquence Psychological Manipulation: Improving Language Ability and Improving the Quality of Life

Chapter 24 Management Psychological Manipulation: Being able to speak chapters makes you a good lead

Chapter 24 Management Psychological Manipulation: Being able to talk makes you a good leader (1)
Being a good employee is not easy, and being a good leader requires even more effort.A boss who does not understand employees' psychology is not a good boss, and a leader who does not understand the art of language is not a good leader.Subordinates are the people who do things for you, and they are the foundation of your career success. Although you have the right to manage, the people under you must be willing to be managed. Only by letting them do things for you willingly can things be done well.A successful manager knows how to "speak" and knows what language to use to make his employees "obedient".

1. Only by grasping the psychology of employees can we manage effectively

As a leader, you must have appropriate language and grasp the psychology of employees in order to get along with them in harmony, so that employees can work spontaneously for themselves.Sometimes it's not easy to get employees to work for you from the bottom of their hearts.If a leader can speak properly, he will be better at management.

To establish a good relationship with employees, the first thing is to cherish the great opportunity to get along with employees so that they are willing to work for you.However, maybe things are not as easy as imagined, the so-called "those who employ people are also used by others", "those who make people are like carpenters who make wood".You should make full use of the usual opportunities to talk to employees to establish a good image of yourself and let employees have a sense of trust in you.

1. Instead of blaming employees for their mistakes, it is better to emphasize the benefits of reforming.Some bosses only know how to blindly blame their subordinates for their mistakes, but do not know how to praise them for their conscientious and responsible spirit. This will only make employees feel frustrated and even very angry.

For example, the superior assigned a certain task to A, so he worked very hard to work overtime for several days, but because of a small mistake, he was called useless by the superior.At this time, A must be full of dissatisfaction in his heart, feeling that he just made a small mistake, and all his hard work was in vain?
When this happens, if you, as the boss, can say: "Thank you very much for helping me, but it seems that there is still a little problem, please help me to modify it, I believe you will do it. It was perfect."

2. If you find that the employee is negligent, you can remind him through a third party.A company has recruited several new employees. These new employees are very capable of doing things, but their attitudes are a little rash, which makes the company executives feel very troubled.So he recruited a senior employee, hoping that he could remind these new colleagues to pay attention to their attitude when chatting with them.The trick worked, and the newcomers have improved a lot in their behavior since then.

Reminding others of their negligence through a third party can effectively alleviate the other party's prejudice and resentment, and the effect will be very obvious.However, when using this method, you must be cautious in choosing the messenger, and you should avoid "fake tiger prestige", so as not to leave a bad impression on the other party.

3. You should say something for the sake of the other party first, and then point out the shortcomings.There is a saying: "Swear one, praise two, educate three." It means that when you want to criticize the other party, you only need to criticize him for one mistake, then praise him for two points, and take the opportunity to educate him for three points. the goal of.

Warner Mack, the king of American department stores, once blamed his employees for their lack of customer service, and asked the employees: "Recently, you seem to be in a bad mood. I am very worried about whether you have encountered difficulties. If you have difficulties, please contact me. I said, I hope I can help." If the other party said no, he would continue to ask: "So is there something else that bothers you? Otherwise, judging by your usual performance, how could it be possible? Will there be any protests from customers?" After hearing this, the other party felt very ashamed, and thus he treated customers very kindly, and won praise from many customers.

There is always a reason for a person to make a mistake. If the supervisor of the company can properly express his concern when the employee makes a mistake, the employee will be very moved and will take the initiative to conduct self-reflection.

4. Don't accuse employees in public.Everyone has self-esteem, so even if an employee makes a mistake, you can't blame him in front of other colleagues and hurt his self-esteem. The best way is to praise him in front of everyone and point out his mistakes in private. Where is the mistake, so that the other party can admire from the bottom of his heart.

5. When complimenting a female employee, it is more important to praise her ability to handle affairs.In the office, the status of male and female employees is equal. If you often only focus on the appearance and dress of female employees, the other party will think that you despise women. It is better to praise them for their outstanding performance in business. It is easy to make the other party feel respected.

6. Listen attentively to the suggestions of your subordinates.When a subordinate wants to express his opinion, you should encourage him to speak up bravely and listen attentively. If you encounter something unclear, you can ask him to repeat it with a smile.After the other party has finished speaking, you can start a discussion with him on any doubts or omissions.

7. When asking employees to do things, avoid using commanding tone.When the boss asks his employees to do things, the following two situations may generally occur: one is to ask his subordinates in an orderly tone, such as "you want..." and "you should..."; Ask to express your own thoughts: "If it were you, how would you solve it?" For most people, the latter is often preferred.The tone of order usually makes the other party feel that he is not respected, and feels that the boss treats himself like a servant, which can easily cause the other party's resentment.

8. When subordinates correct their mistakes, they must be brave enough to accept them.Many bosses feel that they have a high position and authority. If employees make mistakes, they are often unwilling to admit it or even hold a grudge, and will do everything possible to make things difficult for them in future work.There should be a concerted effort between the boss and the employees.People are not sages, and there is nothing wrong with it. You can accept other people's suggestions and make improvements. Your modest and sincere noble qualities will make employees more convinced.

9. Although there are subordinates who are closely related to themselves, they should be treated equally.If the boss wants to establish a good interactive relationship with the employees, the employees must be convinced, so every employee must be treated equally, lest they feel that you are doing things unfairly.Especially on the issue of remuneration, the amount is often secondary, and people care more about being treated fairly and justly.As a successful leader, you must know the psychological weakness of people's belief in justice, so that they can realize that you value him from daily conversations, so as not to make employees feel rebellious.

2. The secret to making commands efficient
Orders are the most common way for leaders to manage their subordinates. They can be conveyed indirectly through documents or directly in oral form. "Abiding by orders" is the principle in management activities.On the contrary, if the command is "discounted" in the actual execution process, the expected effect will definitely not be achieved.In the modern management process of enterprises, it is common for orders to be discounted, or orders are out of shape during the process of being executed, which will make it difficult for enterprises to effectively carry out their work.

If the boss's orders are often discounted by subordinates, it may be because the leaders themselves lack the power they should, but the main reason is that they do not understand the skills and methods of ordering.

Commanding is a delicate art that requires skill and method.If you want to be successful in the field you choose, you must learn to direct the actions of others with your orders, because you can't force anyone to do something, you must know how to use the other's psychology and use leadership means to make others I am willing to work for you, and respect and admire you in my heart.

A smart manager needs to pay attention to the following points when giving orders to his subordinates.

1. Commands should be focused, not exhaustive.Overly detailed and lengthy orders will only lead to misunderstanding and confusion.

2. The order is concise and pertinent, only emphasizing the result, not the process.To do this, you can use mission-based commands.That is, tell the employee what you need him to do and the time limit, but you don't have to tell him how to do it. "How to do it" is the question he should consider.Task-based orders can fully mobilize the imagination, initiative and enthusiasm of employees.No matter what your purpose is, this method will lead people to the best way to do things.If you are in your own business, improving your methods means increasing your profits.

When subordinates know what they are expected to do and the results you want to see, you can distribute authority and oversee their work more effectively.

Your orders are concise and clear, so your subordinates know exactly what you want and start doing it right away.They don't come and ask you over and over to figure out what you're saying.Many times, employees don't do a good job mainly because they don't understand what you mean.If you want others to fully carry out your orders, then the simplicity of the order is absolutely necessary.

3. The command should not be too complicated, but as simple as possible.The simplest plan is often the best plan, because it is not only easier for everyone to understand, but also reduces the chance of error.In the commercial field, a successful company strives for a streamlined work style in all aspects, such as simple strategies, simple plans and execution programs, a dedicated decision-making body, and the ability to simplify administrative procedures so that simple and direct contacts can be adopted.

Once you understand the above skills, you will be confident when issuing orders. Unless your subordinates deliberately make trouble, they have no reason not to implement your orders.

As a leader, whether your orders can be effectively delivered is related to the final outcome of the event.If you want to implement orders efficiently, you must master the skills of conveying orders, know how to grasp the psychological rhythm of your subordinates, and don't say things that are irrelevant or irrelevant.Conciseness, clarity, and focus will not confuse the recipient of the order, will not cause resistance to the order, and will enable the information to be accepted and executed more clearly.Don't think that you are a leader and you can issue orders as you like. You may be rewarded with obedience and disobedience. Incomplete implementation of orders is also futile.Therefore, knowing the language skills of command is also an essential quality of a good leader.

3. Have a knack for communicating with subordinates

As a leader, if you can understand the inner thoughts of employees, it will definitely bring great help to future work.However, subordinates are generally defensive towards their bosses. If you want to communicate and communicate well with your subordinates, you must spend some thought.

General leaders talk to subordinates, there are four main purposes.First, get the detailed progress of the work and supervise the implementation of each department.Second, it is used to discover problems in the implementation, and then discuss solutions, so that the leadership changes from inspection to participation.Third, pass on instructions from superiors or personal decisions.Finally, through contact with employees, understand their character, so as to know people and be good at their duties.So, how should leaders talk to subordinates correctly?
1. Highlight key points.The conversation must highlight the key points and hold on to one point. The boss himself should lead by example, and quickly turn to the topic after greetings to discuss existing problems; in addition, as a subordinate, he should also maintain a good conversation habit.

2. Find opportunities to talk to subordinates.Learn to make good use of your spare time to talk to your subordinates.At this time, the other party is generally not on guard, so a few words can often play a big role.

3. Let subordinates like to talk.The conversation is two-sided. If one party responds positively and appropriately to the other party's words, the other party will be more interested in talking about it, and the atmosphere of the conversation will be more harmonious.Therefore, the leader must pay attention to his attitude when talking with his subordinates, and make full use of all resources.For example, feelings, questions, gestures and interjections, etc., express that you are very interested in what your subordinates have to say.

If subordinates are unwilling to speak, the conversation will inevitably be deadlocked.This requires the leader to have rich and delicate emotions, and pay attention to the attitude and way of speaking, even the voice and intonation. The purpose is to stimulate the desire of subordinates to speak, so that the conversation can also exchange information in the process of exchanging emotions.At this time, the boss's smile, nod, or enthusiastically say "yes" can encourage the subordinates to speak positively.

4. Let subordinates tell the truth.The purpose of talking with subordinates is to understand the real situation, but some subordinates have scruples, usually speaking insincerely, and not telling the truth during the conversation, thus making the conversation meaningless.Therefore, leaders must be kind and gentle, avoid autocratic and overbearing work styles, and use a frank, sincere, and realistic attitude to try to make the other party understand that you want to understand the facts during the conversation, rather than listening to flattery and perfunctory words. Subordinates' concerns or catering to psychology.

5. Master the proportion of the conversation.When listening to the speeches of subordinates, leaders can express some critical opinions.But comments should usually be put at the end of the conversation, and they can only be constructive opinions. They must be expressed carefully, with appropriate language, and pay attention to the use of appropriate speaking methods to make it easy for subordinates to accept.

6. Take advantage of the pauses in the conversation.When a subordinate pauses in the conversation, it can generally be divided into the following two situations: one is intentional, and this is the subordinate’s response to his speech in order to test the leader’s speech. At this time, it is necessary for the leader to insert a few words of encouragement. The other is caused by a sudden interruption of thinking. In this case, it is best for the leader to help the subordinates pick up the original speech and repeat what he just said in the form of questions, so that He can go on.

Effective communication with subordinates is the premise and basis for the smooth progress of the work, and of course this is also a process that needs to be adjusted.The tacit understanding between the superior and the subordinate needs to be cultivated through long-term communication, and once this tacit understanding is formed, the subordinate will become your right-hand man, and the future work will be smoother.Therefore, as a mature leader, he should pay attention to the communication with his subordinates, and the above communication methods are naturally derived under the guidance of psychological strategies.

4. Bad news puts it mildly
Although some things are difficult to say, but as a boss, you have to say it. The key is to express it tactfully and sincerely, so as to minimize the blow to your subordinates.Sometimes, even though the words are not excessive and there is no improper intention, it is still difficult for you as a boss to say it.For example, notify employees that they will be demoted or fired; your subordinates have worked hard to draft a plan, but you reject it; while waiting.How should you respond to the above situation?
1. Change plans.Let's first consider such a question: How should we explain to the subordinates the modification of the plan that has been approved?Never tell your subordinates: "This is none of my business, the manager has the final say, and I can't do anything about it." Although this explanation transfers the responsibility to your superior and you are fine for the time being, the subordinate will resent the manager.And once the subordinates know that you are shirking responsibility, they will definitely be particularly disgusted with you, and it will also reduce your prestige.

What's more, coercive means should not be used to prevent the other party from speaking in order to prevent subordinates from objecting.Doing so will only make subordinates feel dissatisfied with you and work from the bottom of their hearts. This approach is the most unwise and undesirable.The correct method should be to take into account both reason and reason, and persuade the other party with good intentions, so that the subordinates can truly admire them without losing their enthusiasm for work.A wise boss knows how to make bad news cheerful for subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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