Eloquence Psychological Manipulation: Improving Language Ability and Improving the Quality of Life

Chapter 25 Management Psychological Manipulation: Being able to speak chapters makes you a good lead

Chapter 25 Management Psychological Manipulation: Being able to talk makes you a good leader (2)
A manager is very good at announcing changes in company plans to employees.Once, the company changed the originally planned sales location from the urban area to the suburbs.When announcing the news to a planner, the manager said: "What should I do? Now the scope of sales has changed. There are two locations for sales promotion activities, one is in the suburbs and the other is in the outer suburbs. You choose Let’s go somewhere!” The employee who was notified was naturally willing to choose a suburb with a better environment, and the manager agreed to his request, so both goals were achieved, and both parties were satisfied.

2. The proposal is delayed.The superior agreed to "take a look" after accepting the subordinate's proposal, but after a period of time, he still did not read it.The subordinate wants to get an affirmative answer, so he asks the superior: "About that proposal, have you read it? What do you think?" At this time, you can say frankly: "I am very busy now, and I really don't have time to read it in detail. But I promise to give you a satisfactory answer within a week!"

It is best for the superior to take the initiative to reply to the subordinate before the appointed time.In this way, the subordinates will definitely be moved by the enthusiasm of the superiors.Especially when the answer is no, rather than being questioned by the subordinates, it is better for the superiors to take the initiative to explain. This can show that the superiors have indeed taken his proposal seriously, and are very sincere and not perfunctory.

If the proposal needs to be handed over to a higher-level superior, and the attitude of this superior is not very clear, so there is no definite conclusion, it is best for the superior to express his position at this time, explaining that he has handed over the proposal to the superior, but There is no reply for a long time.When you have to urge your superiors, you get a negative answer. At this time, you should explain in detail, and you must not just deal with a few words casually.

3. Downgrade notice.Sometimes, the company needs to carry out personnel transfer, the employee is demoted, or transferred to a branch, or put into a "cold palace". In short, he is no longer valued by his superiors. Responsibility informs him, and should comfort him patiently, let him keep a happy mood as much as possible to work in the new position.

Never use words that hurt feelings.The subordinate was already very unhappy when he was demoted. If the superior uses inappropriate language, or even maliciously satirizes the other party, it will only make the subordinate full of anger, which may cause unimaginable consequences.You can't wait for the matter to be a foregone conclusion, and then gradually reveal your intention to transfer him away, so as to avoid the subordinates misunderstanding that you want to drive him away, which will cause psychological imbalance.

People have an instinctive rejection of bad news. If you can use your own language skills to get rid of this rejection, you can not only reduce the damage to your subordinates, but also win their respect, so that you can serve you more wholeheartedly. Work.

5. So refusing to keep employees from getting hurt
There are many requests that you may agree to in normal times, but you have to refuse them on special occasions.Everyone wants to be pleasing and lovable, but it is inevitable to reject others at work.

For the following examples, it is suggested that managers must stand their ground.

1. Not approving leave for employees.Two situations need to be distinguished: one is that the subordinate does not follow the relevant regulations of the vacation plan, and the other is that other employees have been arranged to take vacation during this period.

If it is the first case, it should be said that he did not follow the rules.You can say something like this: "Excuse me, we plan to take inventory that week, and there is no shortage of staff for this. You also understand that this is why we have the annual vacation policy in January."

If the employee's request for leave conflicts with other people's pre-determined leave.In this case, you should clearly tell him that the principle of granting leave is "first application, first arrangement", so you cannot approve his request.However, you allow him to negotiate a vacation time swap with the employee who is already on vacation.

2. The employee asks for a raise or promotion.When a very dedicated employee asks for a raise or a promotion, it can be hard to say no.In particular, some employees' positions and salaries should have been increased long ago, but the company's budget is tight, business is bleak, or you cannot reward their diligence due to other reasons, and it is even more difficult to refuse.At this time, you'd better tell him the truth and clearly tell him the reason why he cannot be promoted or raised now.

When faced with this kind of problem, never make promises outside your purview.Even if you want to make a promise, it depends on the future development, such as after the business turns around, after the budget is loosened, etc., but employees may still regard it as your solemn promise.

3. The employee requests to change the commute time.Childcare, transportation, and other issues often plague employees.It's great if you can cooperate with your employees and help them through temporary difficulties, but it doesn't always work.

The point is how to say no.If the employee feels that you don't care about his difficulties at all, he is likely to find another position.

Be as flexible as possible in addressing the specific problem, and discuss all possible countermeasures, so that even if you have to turn him down in the end, your efforts to eliminate the employee's resentment.

Sometimes, it's okay to allow employees to be late or leave early occasionally.The key is to get your permission in advance, otherwise, sooner or later, employees will go their own way to determine their own commute and commute times.

Sometimes you can allow an employee to leave work early, but sometimes you have to refuse such requests. At this time, you need to clearly tell the employee why, otherwise they will think that you are unprincipled or always favor certain people.

4. Employees request to be transferred to other departments.If a person who doesn't care asks for a transfer, then approve him as soon as possible, and you should also congratulate yourself for your good luck.But if the best assistant asks for a transfer, and it is a very busy time, you may not be able to find someone to replace him for a while, and you must not refuse it casually, which will only demoralize a good employee.

At this time, you should have a good chat with him and ask him why he asked for a transfer.Maybe you will find that the reason why he wants to transfer may not have much to do with work, it may be because he has a bad relationship with a colleague, or it may be some problems that can be solved by transferring jobs, and these can only be solved by talking Find.

If your conversation doesn't lead to anything and he still insists on the transfer, all you have to do is say no.But we should pay attention to minimize the negative impact on him, and leave him a glimmer of hope as much as possible.It can be said like this: "I can't transfer at the moment. I'll see if there are other opportunities in a month or two."

Not only does this buy you time to think about other possibilities, but during this time the employee's mind is likely to change.In any case, it is necessary to show great concern for the employee's transfer request, which will help reduce the harm caused to the employee by rejection.

Everyone has self-esteem, even as an employee who treats you respectfully and obeys you.A good leader should know the art of rejection, so that employees' self-esteem will not be hurt when they are rejected.And a person who can save face for others when rejecting others will be more respected and loved by others.

6. Grasp the psychological rhythm and make criticism more effective

If you are a leader, when your employees are late for work, leave early, do not work hard enough, cause bad influence, or make some mistakes, what method should you use to criticize and educate him, so as to help How about he get rid of his faults and mistakes?There is not a single method of criticism, but if you want employees to pay attention to their own problems from the psychological point of view and make thorough corrections, you must learn to grasp the psychological rhythm of employees, and use different criticism methods and criticism methods according to different people's different problems. Only in this way can the effect of criticism be brought into full play.The following several very ingenious admonition methods may give you some inspiration.

1. Hint.For example, if a person is late, he must have his reasons. If you reprimand him severely indiscriminately, it will only cause his passive resistance.You might as well smile and say hello to him first: "Good morning!" He will realize that he was really wrong, and he will feel very warm that he was not blamed, so he will work harder to make up for his mistakes.

2. Advice.Criticism can also be used in the form of advice.For example, if A does not do well in certain things, you can tell A like this: "This is how B succeeded, and you can try it too." Please help me." "If you think this method works, you can try it." Such words of encouragement and help are good examples.

3. Remind.You can put some pressure on him, but you must respect the personality of the other party, and pay attention to your attitude and wording: "You are usually very cautious, this time it is really unexpected, but please forgive me...a good medicine tastes better than a disease, I just want to remind you to pay attention to..." First declare that this is out of kind concern, not harsh criticism, so as to make the other party feel more ashamed and convinced.

4. Blame.You should think carefully before adopting this method, because first of all, the accuser is very sad, and the accused will not feel good after hearing it.Therefore, when criticizing others, it is very important to reflect on yourself first. When criticizing the other party, you should think that you are also responsible, and tell the accused person your leadership responsibility.It is the responsibility of everyone to share, so that the subordinates will not feel that they have become a scapegoat and have a psychological imbalance, and they can better solve the problem.

5. Punishment.Before using this trick, everything was clear, and it was really a last resort to take punitive measures.The work rules formulated in advance are very important. They are the basis and basis for your punishment. At the same time, you must understand that your real purpose is not to criticize and punish itself, but to let employees recognize mistakes and solve problems.Therefore, the use of this method must be realistic and just right in order to be convincing.

Criticizing subordinates is also a science. How to treat subordinates who have made mistakes is an important issue that leaders must treat carefully.If it is resolved, both parties are satisfied and can promote the smooth development of the work; if it is not handled properly, it will create a hostile surface for itself, which will virtually increase the resistance in the work. We must keep in mind careful criticism and punishment, and pay attention to propriety, so that we can learn from past mistakes and kill two birds with one stone.

7. Effective recovery after blame

As a leader, you always have to face more problems and bear more responsibilities than your own subordinates.Sometimes, when the mistakes made by subordinates are really annoying, it is inevitable that they cannot control their emotions, and it is inevitable to blame the other party too much.However, a mature leader knows that this way of blaming subordinates will inevitably hurt the other party's feelings, even destroy their work mood, and ultimately affect the quality of work.Therefore, when you blame and hurt your subordinates because of a temporary increase in blood, you must make up for it and apologize in time, even if you are the leader.Because a sincere apology can not only make up for a broken relationship, but also promote mutual psychological communication.

Of course, this kind of apology and remedy is also skillful. The successful remedy is to save the other party's face without hurting one's own dignity.Konosuke Matsushita is a leader who is good at this. Let's take a look at how he does it.

Konosuke Matsushita, who is known as the "God of Management", is also top-notch in employing people.The way he blames and criticizes his subordinates is very ingenious, "ingenious" in the way he handles the blame.

Goto Seiichi, the former vice chairman of Sanyo Electric, was scolded by Konosuke Matsushita for making a small mistake when he was working in Panasonic Corporation: When he walked into Konosuke Matsushita's office, he saw Konosuke Matsushita holding a He tapped the tongs on the table angrily, after which Goto Seiichi was blamed by the angry boss for his own mistakes.When Goto Seiichi was about to leave after blaming, Konosuke Matsushita calmed down and realized that his blaming might have hurt his subordinates, so he suddenly said: "Wait a minute, because I was too angry just now, I accidentally sent the This poker is bent, would you please straighten it?"

Goto Seiichi had no choice but to take a hammer and beat desperately, and his aggrieved mood after being blamed gradually stabilized with the sound of the beating.When he handed the straightening tongs to Konosuke Matsushita, Konosuke Matsushita said: "That's great, it's better than the original one, you did a really good job!" Then he laughed happily.

After blaming, praise the other party with off-topic words, which can easily eliminate the other party's dissatisfaction.However, this is just the beginning, and more exciting things are yet to come.Soon after the incident, Konosuke Matsushita called Goto Seiichi's wife and said, "When your husband goes back today, his face may be very ugly. I hope you can take good care of him."

Goto Kiyoichi, whose self-esteem was hurt after being blamed by his boss, wanted to resign, but Konosuke Matsushita's actions moved him so much that he determined to be loyal to the company.

(End of this chapter)

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