Eloquence Psychological Manipulation: Improving Language Ability and Improving the Quality of Life

Chapter 26 Management Psychological Manipulation: Being able to speak chapters makes you a good lead

Chapter 26 Management Psychological Manipulation: Being able to talk makes you a good leader (3)
Blaming often arouses the resentment of others, and after the blamer finishes blaming, his emotions will be relieved and his rationality will gradually return. At this time, he will feel that his words may have hurt the other party.Knowing that this will happen, but if you don't blame it, you will appease the other party, which is obviously not conducive to further improvement of the matter.So you still have to blame, the key is that after you blame, you have to let the other party understand that "you have not lost trust in him", so the way you deal with it after the blame is particularly important.

Konosuke Matsushita's approval and concern belonged to this type.It is his unique skill to subconsciously reveal some relevant information (Goto Seiichi is in a bad mood) to a third party (Goto Seiichi's wife) indirectly.Of course he knew that this third party would definitely disclose it to the other party, which would naturally make the other party think, "It turns out that the chairman loves me deeply and takes responsibility for me."

In this way, not only will it not arouse the other party's disgust, but it will make the other party feel grateful and work harder from then on.Therefore, we say that blame is necessary, but what is even more necessary is to properly handle blame afterward.Konosuke Matsushita's method of communicating with people is worth learning. It proves to us that harmony and win-win can be truly achieved even in the case of blaming others.

8. Use honor to inspire motivation

There is a story about moving bricks.

Two people are moving bricks on the same construction site. Their work is not the slightest difference, but their attitudes are very different.One of them is very lazy, listless and unmotivated all day long; the other is full of enthusiasm and very active.

Someone looked very curious and asked them, "What are you doing?"

The listless one replied: "Didn't you see that? I am moving bricks according to the orders of the foreman!"

And another bubbly says: "I'm building a skyscraper!"

Why do different people have such different moods for the same job?It is because of the role of mentality that this phenomenon is called "admitting desire" in psychology.

"Desire to admit" is a feeling of wanting to be affirmed by others, and it is also a kind of energy that can make people motivated.When a person feels that his behavior is done because he is ordered by others, his "recognition desire" will show a state of dissatisfaction; on the contrary, when a person thinks his behavior is an honorable When doing a mission (such as building a skyscraper in the story), there will be a sense of honor, and its "desire for recognition" will be satisfied. The different degrees of satisfaction of "acknowledging the desire" lead to different attitudes and enthusiasm for work.

As a leader, if you can effectively use this kind of psychology of employees and give them a sense of honor in their work, you can stimulate their enthusiasm for work and make their work more passionate and efficient.Even tedious, menial tasks can energize employees.

A department manager of a medium-sized company is very good at using this kind of psychology of employees.

The front desk lady in this company is not serious about her work because she thinks her job is insignificant and boring.She thinks that it is a hopeless and very painful thing to do some trivial work of recording visitors and answering phone calls every day, but still smiling at people.So listless all day long, the service attitude is very bad.When the department manager found out about this situation, he didn't criticize her or fire her, but said to her: "I think our company should focus on training a front desk lady again, because the work of the front desk lady is so important and represents the company. The image of him is that of a salesman standing on the front line, it would be impossible if there were fewer people!"

After hearing these words, the lady at the front desk immediately took a 180-degree turn in her work attitude. Not only was she serious and responsible for her work, but she also kept the most professional smile when receiving guests and answering calls. The company image was naturally recognized by customers.

The words of the department manager satisfied the "desire for recognition" of the front desk lady, because her own value was recognized, which aroused her sense of honor.It makes her feel that her work is not only dispensable, but also extremely important. She represents the image of the entire company, and her work can create the same value as the most important salesman for the company.

Everyone is unique, irreplaceable, and most important in their own world.Of course, they also hope that they are the same in the eyes of others, and they also hope that their value and importance are recognized by people.Therefore, no matter what method you take, as long as you can make your employees feel "I am very important", "My work is different from others", and "This job needs me".Then, even if there is no change in the content of the work and no change in the salary, the employees can still be motivated!
As a leader, in addition to seeing the abilities that employees have shown, they must also know how to stimulate their potential to create higher value.And if you can grasp this "desire for recognition" of employees, and use it to stimulate employees' sense of honor, and then drive their enthusiasm, that is an indispensable quality for a wise leader.Because as long as you simply say a word, you can create huge wealth, and this kind of investment is the most sensible and cost-effective.

9. Don’t be stingy with your compliments to employees

Mark Twain once said: "One compliment can add two months to my life." Public praise is the most effective way to inspire enthusiasm and increase motivation in others.

Many bosses believe that there are generally two ways to motivate employees: rewards and punishments.From the perspective of human nature, people usually want to do things that are enjoyable, not things that are criticized.If employees do what the boss tells them, the boss will often reward them and recognize them, and these are what employees want in their hearts.Once you don't do what the boss says, the boss will make an example and give punishment, such as warning, blame, downgrade, probation, dismissal and dismissal, these are what employees don't want to see.

Frequent encouragement and more expressions of support are very effective ways to motivate.Every employee who does his best for his work needs to be affirmed by others.Income is important, but most employees view income as a mere entitlement, something they have earned in exchange for hard work.

A number of research results show that praise and affirmation are the magic weapons that can best motivate employees to do their best and develop their talents at a higher level.In addition to the rewards they deserve, what people need more is to feel that they have contributed to the company, that their efforts have achieved results, and that they have been appreciated by the company boss.

As a manager, if you are good at using praise to express your care and trust to your subordinates, it will greatly increase the work enthusiasm of your subordinates.However, not every manager knows how to praise subordinates.So, what is the more appropriate way to praise subordinates?

General Manager Zhao of a certain company is a boss who knows the art of affirmation very well. He is very good at communicating with people in the form of praise.Once, the director of the financial department made a report at the company's meeting. His report was ordinary and did not win any applause. After the meeting, Mr. Zhao and the director met by chance. He said to the director: "Your report just now is very good. , to be concise, I admire your ability."

The director didn't have any confidence in his report, he didn't take it to heart, and he didn't expect to get anyone's attention, but a few words from General Manager Zhao made him happy, and he was very happy from the bottom of his heart. Appreciate your leadership.From then on, he was full of confidence in his work and worked harder.

Anyone who has been in contact with General Manager Zhao will quickly establish friendship with him.Therefore, it is conceivable that General Manager Zhao gets along very well with every employee in the company, and this good relationship between superiors and subordinates has also brought unexpected benefits to the company.

Of course, sometimes it is not the best way to praise subordinates face to face, which may make him doubt the motivation of the manager's praise.For example, a subordinate may think "Did I do something wrong, he is trying to comfort me".Enhance the concealment of praise, and pass the praise of the manager to the ears of subordinates through a third party, which may receive better results.Managers can inadvertently praise subordinates while talking to other people.Subordinates will feel more sincere and credible when they hear their superiors' praise in this way.

It is more effective to praise the specific work of the subordinate than to praise his ability.First of all, the subordinate knows why he has been praised, which can also motivate him to do better in this matter.Second, other subordinates will not feel jealous about it.If other subordinates do not know why this subordinate is being praised, they will feel that they have been treated unfairly and even complain.Praising specific work can make other subordinates follow it as an example and do their own work more attentively.

It is not necessary to praise deliberately for the sake of praise. The praise should come from the heart of the manager.If subordinates think that the manager is deliberately praising, they may also have a rebellious mentality and feel that the manager is very hypocritical.In addition, don't praise when assigning tasks. At this time, subordinates may think that the manager's praise must not be sincere.

The words of praise should be spoken well and with your heart. As an excellent leader, you should pay more attention to others, use your observation and creativity, and say those praises that can penetrate into the heart of the other party.

10. Express your thoughts clearly and don't let your subordinates have doubts

Some people think that as a manager, people cannot easily understand their minds, so that they can maintain a sense of distance and mystery, and establish their majesty and prestige.However, this method is not conducive to the work in many cases.It is true that leaders should not be transparent in many cases, and it is indeed inappropriate to disclose important events and business secrets about some companies to employees.However, deliberately keeping a serious and silent attitude in some small matters of dealing with colleagues will bring great psychological pressure to employees.Because employees don't know your true thoughts, they will have a lot of concerns, which will affect the effective transmission of opinions and even affect their emotions at work.

Linlin works as a secretary in a company.Once, she took a document and asked the new manager to review it.But for some reason, she, who was always cautious, accidentally knocked over the teacup in front of the manager when she was handing over the documents to the new manager, and the water spilled all over the new manager.Linlin gasped, waiting for the new manager to throw a tantrum at her.But I didn't expect that the new manager just glanced at her fiercely and motioned her to go out, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

This reminded Linlin that a week ago, she was scolded by the former manager because of a mistake at work.But that time, after she walked out of the office, she felt relaxed.This time, I felt uneasy.Because the dissatisfied eyes of the new manager made her heart beat.She began to worry that her bonus would be withheld or that she would be reassigned.In the following time, Linlin has been in a state of anxiety, no longer interested in working.

Perhaps it is difficult for some people to understand why Linlin is not so afraid of the manager who is furious, but the manager who keeps silent and just glances at her makes her uneasy?
In fact, the reason is very simple. The former manager has clearly conveyed his bad mood to Linlin through vocal language, and Linlin will know that this matter is over.However, the new manager expressed his dissatisfaction with "silent language", which made it impossible for Linlin to judge the new manager's opinion on how to deal with the matter.Before many guesses are uncertain, it is usually difficult to stabilize people's emotions, and it is naturally difficult to work patiently.

In real life, such managers are not rare.Their performance is not limited to the criticism of subordinates for doing wrong things, but is often reflected in the transmission of work tasks and orders.Some leaders will ask the following questions during the meeting: "How do you think this plan should be implemented?" "How do you think this matter should be handled?" Well, how to do it, but they still have to deliberately come up with questions to "test" their subordinates. Some leaders even hand over the work to their subordinates without saying anything. As for how to do the work, what to do, and the time schedule, etc. Don't say anything, you can "guess" yourself.

These practices will obviously bring great trouble to employees, because everyone's way of thinking and perspective on problems are biased.No matter how good an employee is, his ideas and practices may not necessarily be the same as those of the leader.If you have to guess everything, then the employees will be in a state of tension all the time, and the fear of saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing will be aggravated.Once you really say or do something wrong, it will inevitably affect the self-confidence and action of employees.At the same time, unclear communication of information will also affect the progress of work and the quality of completion.Because the expression at the beginning was unclear, time wasted on guesswork, the task could not be clearly and effectively performed, and there was no clear understanding of the goal, so it was naturally half the effort to complete it.

Therefore, effectively conveying your emotions, opinions and work information is an essential professional quality for a manager.If the leadership puts on airs in the transmission of information, then in the end, it cannot be blamed for the poor qualifications of the employees and the rotten wood is hard to carve.

(End of this chapter)

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