Anthology of Gu Long: The Prodigal Son of Border Town

Chapter 13 Who is the knife buried man

Chapter 13 Who is the knife buried man (2)
His expression suddenly became agitated, and he continued loudly: "All life and property on the earth also belong to me! My roots have grown in this land."

Ye Kai listened, he just listened.

He really couldn't understand the man, nor what he meant by these words.

After a long time, Ma Kongqun's excitement gradually subsided, and he sighed: "It is not easy for anyone to own this piece of land."

Ye Kai couldn't help sighing: "It's really not easy."

Ma Kongqun said: "Do you know how I got all this?"

Ye Kai said: "I don't know."

Ma Kongqun suddenly tore off his clothes, revealing his steel-like chest, and said, "Look at what this is again?"

Ye Kai looked at his chest, his breathing seemed to have stopped.

He had never seen so many knife wounds and so many sword marks on a person's chest!
Ma Kongqun's expression was sudden and excited, his eyes sparkled, and he said loudly: "This is the price I paid, all of this was paid for with my blood, my sweat, and the lives of countless my brothers!"

Ye Kai sighed: "I understand."

Ma Kongqun sternly said: "So no one can take all this away from me—no one can do it!"

Ye Kai said: "I understand."

Ma Kongqun was panting, this old man who had experienced many battles, although his chest was still as strong as steel, but his physical strength was obviously not as good as that of a young man.

Isn't this just the sadness shared by aging heroes.

When he recovered from his breathing, he turned around, patted Ye Kai's shoulder, and said slowly, "I know you are a very ambitious young man, and you would rather die than harm others." There are not many youngsters like you in the world."

Ye Kai said: "What I did was only what I felt I should do, it was nothing."

Ma Kongqun said: "You are doing well, I really want you to be my friend, even my son-in-law..."

His face sank again, his eyes shot out a sharp light like a knife, he stared at Ye Kai, and said slowly, "But you'd better leave quickly."

Ye Kai said: "Let's go?"

Ma Kongqun said: "That's right, go, go quickly, the sooner the better."

Ye Kai said: "Why are you leaving?"

Ma Kongqun said with a sullen face, "Because there are too many troubles here, no matter who is here, it will inevitably be stained with blood."

Ye Kai smiled lightly and said, "I'm not afraid of trouble or blood."

Ma Kongqun said sharply: "But you shouldn't have come to this place, you should go back."

Ye Kai said: "Where are you going back?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Go back to your hometown, that's where you live and live."

Ye Kai also slowly turned to face the grassland. After a long time, he said slowly, "Do you know where my hometown is?"

Ma Kongqun shook his head and said, "No matter how far away your hometown is, no matter how much money you want, I can give it to you."

Ye Kai suddenly smiled again and said, "That's not necessary, my hometown is not far away."

Ma Kongqun said: "Not far? Where is it?"

Ye Kai looked at a white cloud in the sky, and said word by word: "My hometown is here."

Ma Kongqun was stunned.

Ye Kai turned around, stared at him, with a strange expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "I was born here and grew up here, where do you want me to go?"

Ma Kongqun's chest rose and fell, he clenched his fists tightly, and there was a "cluck" in his throat, but he couldn't even utter a word.

Ye Kai said lightly: "I have already said that I only do what I should do, and I am never afraid of trouble or blood."

Ma Kongqun sternly said: "So you must stay here?"

Ye Kai's answer was very simple and straightforward.

His answer was only one word: "Yes!"

The west wind blows up the leaves, and the poplar trembles alone.

A dark cloud rolled over, covering the sun, and the sky was already dark.

Although Ma Kongqun's waist was still straight, his stomach was shrinking, as if an invisible hand was pressing between his chest and stomach, making him almost unable to hold back his vomiting.

He just felt that his mouth was full of sour water, sour and bitter.

Ye Kai has left.

He knew it, but he didn't stop him, and he didn't even look back.

If you can't stop it, why bother to see it?

If it was five years ago, he would never let the boy go.

If it was five years ago, he might have buried the young man on this hillside by now.

No one has ever refused his request, and no one has ever dared to defy what he said.

But now there is.

When they were facing each other just now, he had a chance to smash the bridge of the boy's nose with one punch.

The speed of his first punch was as fast as a lightning strike. If it was five years ago, he was confident that he could knock down anyone who stood in front of him!
Whoever smashes the bridge of his nose will feel dizzy and his eyes will be blocked by the blood from his own nose, making it difficult to dodge and fight back.

This is called closing the door with one punch!
He was extremely sure of this punch, and he almost never missed it.

But this time he didn't make a move!

Over the years, although his muscles are still tight and firm, not even a little extra fat has grown on his neck. Whether he is sitting or standing, his body is still as straight as a javelin.

His appearance has hardly changed over the years.

But the aging inside a person is something that no one can see.

Sometimes you can't even see it yourself.

This is not to say that his stomach has gradually become unable to bear too strong wine, nor does it mean that his need for women has gradually become less intense than before.

The real change is in his heart.

He suddenly found that he had more and more scruples, no matter what he was doing, he was no longer as sure as before.

Even on the bed, when hugging the woman he loves most, he is no longer as controllable as before. In recent times, he has doubted whether he can really satisfy her.

Does this mean that he is getting old?

A person is only really old when he has the feeling of aging in himself.

Five years... Maybe only three years... Three years ago, no matter who dared to refuse his request, they would never stand in front of him and walk away!

But even if he is willing to exchange all his wealth and power, he cannot get back these three years.

How many three years are left?
He didn't want to think about it, didn't dare to think about it—he just wanted to lie down quietly now.

He suddenly felt very tired.

The sky is getting darker, and it seems that there will be thunderstorms.

Of course Ma Kongqun could see that years of experience had made him see changes in the weather as accurately as he could see changes in people's hearts.

But he was too lazy to stand up, too lazy to go back.

He lay quietly in front of the stone tablet, looking at the few lines engraved on the stone tablet: "Bai Tianyu and his wife, Bai Baiyong and his wife..."

They had been his brothers, and they had indeed died terribly.

But he couldn't avenge them!


Apart from himself and the dead, not many people knew this secret.

This secret has been hidden in his heart for 19 years, like a thorn in his heart, as long as he thinks about it, his heart will ache.

He didn't hear the hooves of the horses, but he felt someone walking up the hill.

The man's steps were not light, but his strides were long, big and fast.

He knew it was Gongsun Duan who had come.

Only Gongsun Duan is the only one who can share all the secrets with him.

He trusted Gongsun Duan, just like a child trusts his mother.

Footsteps are like voices, and everyone has his own unique characteristics.

Therefore, blind people can often tell who it is as long as they hear a person's footsteps.

Gongsun Duan's footsteps were just like his own, huge, violent, and impatient, and it was difficult to stop halfway from the beginning.

He ran up the mountain in one breath, and stopped when he saw Ma Kongqun. As soon as he stopped, he immediately asked, "Where's the man?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Let's go."

Gongsun said: "You let him go like this?"

Ma Kongqun sighed, and said: "Perhaps what you said is right, I am old and a little scared."

Gongsun said: "Afraid of trouble?"

Ma Kongqun smiled wryly: "The meaning of being afraid of trouble is that you don't want to cause unnecessary trouble."

Gongsun said: "You think it's not him?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Anyway, at least what happened last night was not done by him, someone can prove it for him."

Gongsun said: "Why didn't he say it?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Maybe it's because he is still young, too young..."

Speaking of the word "young", bitter water seemed to flow from his mouth again.Bitter and sour.

Gongsun Duan lowered his head, saw the name on the stone tablet, and gradually clenched his fists again, the look in his eyes became strange, he didn't know whether it was grief, anger, fear, or hatred.

After a long time, he slowly said in a deep voice: "Are you sure that Boss Bai really has a son?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Yes."

Gongsun said: "How do you know that this time it is his orphan who came to take revenge?"

Ma Kongqun closed his eyes and said word by word: "This kind of hatred must be avenged."

Gongsun Duan clenched his hands even tighter, and said in a choked voice, "But what we do is so secret, how can anyone know about it except the dead?"

Ma Kongqun sighed, and said: "No matter what kind of secret, sooner or later someone will know - if you want people to know, unless you do something about it yourself, you must believe this sentence."

Gongsun Duan stared at the inscription on the stone tablet, the fear in his eyes seemed to deepen, he gritted his teeth and said:

"If this orphan grows up, he will be about the same age as Ye Kai."

Ma Kongqun said, "It's similar to Fu Hongxue."

Gongsun Duan suddenly turned around, looked down at him, and said, "Who do you think is more suspect?"

Ma Kongqun pondered, and said, "According to the current situation, it seems to be Fu Hongxue."

Gongsun said: "Why?"

Ma Kongqun said: "This boy seems to be a very calm and patient person, but he is actually more excited than anyone else."

Gongsun Duan sneered and said: "But he would rather sneak in like a dog from under the fence than kill a person."

Ma Kongqun said: "It's just because that person is not worth killing, and he didn't want to kill him!"

Gongsun Duan's expression changed a little.

Ma Kongqun said slowly: "There is only one reason why a person who is fierce and impulsive suddenly becomes complacent."

Gongsun said: "What is the reason?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Hatred!"

Gongsun Duan shook his body and said, "Hate?"

Ma Kongqun said: "If he has the hatred that must be revenged, he will forcefully control himself, will beg for mercy, endure humiliation, just because he only wants revenge!"

He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be some fear in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Have you heard the story of Gou Jian's revenge? It's because the hatred in his heart is too deep, so he can do everything that others can't bear." Bear."

Gongsun Duan clenched his fists tightly and said in a low voice, "If that's the case, why don't you let me kill him?"

Ma Kongqun stared at the dark sky, and did not speak for a long time.

Gongsun Duan said sharply: "Now we have thirteen lives sacrificed, are you still afraid of killing the wrong person?"

Ma Kongqun said: "You are wrong."

Gongsun said: "Do you think he still has accomplices?"

Ma Kongqun said: "This kind of thing cannot be done by one person!"

Gongsun concluded: "But isn't the Bai family already dead?"

Ma Kongqun's people suddenly jumped up like a spring, and said sharply: "If he is dead, where did this orphan come from? If there is no one who is helping in secret, how can a child live until now? If that person is not a very A powerful character, how can we find out that we did it? How can we avoid our pursuit?"

Gongsun Duan lowered his head, speechless.

Ma Kongqun's fists were also clenched, and he said word by word: "So if we want to make a move this time, we must be sure to wipe out all their people, and we must not leave any future troubles!"

Gongsun Duan gritted his teeth and said, "But how long will we wait like this?"

Ma Kongqun said: "No matter how long you wait, you have to wait!"

Gongsun concluded: "Now we have lost thirteen lives, if we wait any longer..."

Ma Kongqun said coldly: "As long as it's someone else's life, why not send another three hundred?"

Gongsun said: "Aren't you afraid that he will strike first?"

Ma Kongqun sneered: "Don't worry, he will never attack us anytime soon!"

Gongsun said: "Why?"

Ma Kongqun said: "Because he will not let us die too quickly and too easily!"

Gongsun Duan's face was ashen, and his huge palm was pressed against the handle of the knife again!
Ma Kongqun said coldly: "The most important point is that he must not have grasped the real evidence to prove that we did it, so..."

Gongsun said: "So what?"

Ma Kongqun said: "That's why he wants to make us fear. No matter who is afraid, he is most likely to do wrong things. Only when we do something wrong, he has the opportunity to catch us!"

Gongsun Duan gritted his teeth and said, "So we can't do anything now?"

Ma Kongqun nodded, and said in a deep voice: "So now we have to wait until he makes mistakes first!"

His expression gradually calmed down again, and he continued slowly word by word: "Just wait, it will never be wrong!"

Waiting is never wrong.

As long as a person can be patient and wait, sooner or later he will always get a chance!

But if you wait, you often have to pay a price, and the price is often terrible.

Gongsun Duan firmly grasped the handle of the knife, suddenly drew the knife, and slashed at the stone tablet, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly struck down in the dark sky!
The silver knife lost its brilliance in the lightning.

Raindrops larger than soybeans fell on the stone tablet and flowed down the gap cut by the silver knife, as if the stone tablet was also crying.

(End of this chapter)

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