Chapter 14 Dark Clouds Over the Sky (1)
The windows were closed, and the room was very dark.

When the raindrops hit the roof and the windows, it was like drums and thunder, and thousands of horses galloping.

Ye Kai sat obliquely, stretched his legs, looked at his worn-out boots, sighed, and murmured, "It's raining heavily."

Xiao Bieli carefully turned over the last domino, stared at it for a long time, then turned around and smiled and said, "It rarely rains in this place."

Ye Kai pondered, and said: "Maybe it's because it rarely rains, so it's very heavy all at once."

Xiao Bieli nodded, listened to the sound of rain outside the window, and suddenly heaved a long sigh, saying: "This rain is really not at the right time."

Ye Kai said: "Why?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Today is the day when they come to the town once a month to buy needles, thread and pollen."

Ye Kai said: "They? Who are they?"

Xiao Bieli had a smile in his eyes, and said: "Among them, there is always one you really want to see."

Ye Kai understood, but still asked: "How do you know that I really want to see her?"

Xiao Bieli smiled and said, "I can see it."

Ye Kai said: "What do you think?"

Xiao Bieli caressed the dominoes on the table, and said slowly: "Maybe you don't believe it, but I can always see a lot of things from it."

Ye Kai said: "What else did you see?"

Xiao Bieli stared at the dominoes, his face gradually became heavy, and his eyes revealed a gloomy look. He said slowly: "I also saw a dark cloud, covering the Wanmatang. There is a knife in the dark cloud, dripping blood..."

He suddenly raised his head, stared at Ye Kai, and said in a deep voice, "Did some ominous murders happen in Wanmatang last night?"

Ye Kai seemed to be stunned, and after a long time, he forced a smile and said: "You should change your career to tell fortunes for others."

Xiao Bieli sighed and said: "It's a pity that I can only see other people's disasters, but I can't see other people's good fortune."

Ye Kai said: "You... have you seen it for me?"

Xiao Bieli said, "You want to listen to the truth?"

Ye Kai said: "Of course."

Xiao Bieli's gaze suddenly became very empty, as if he was staring into the distance and said: "You also have a dark cloud above your head, obviously you also have a lot of troubles."

Ye laughed and said, "I seem to be a troubled person?"

Xiao Bieli said: "These troubles may not be yours, but since you were born, it seems that you have already had many other people's troubles entangled with you, and you can't get rid of them."

Ye Kai seemed to be a little forced to laugh, and forced a smile: "Is there a knife in the dark cloud?"

Xiao Bieli said: "It doesn't matter if you have a knife."

Ye Kai said: "Why?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Because you have many noble people in your life, no matter what happens, you can turn bad luck into good luck."

Ye Kai said: "My lord?"

Xiao Bieli said: "A nobleman means someone who likes you and can help you, for example..."

Ye Kai said: "For example, you?"

Xiao Bieli smiled, shook his head and said: "Most of the nobles you hit are women, such as Cui Nong!"

He looked at the bead flower on Ye Kai's lapel, and said with a smile: "She was waiting for you last night, why didn't you go find her?"

Ye Kai also laughed, and said: "The head of the bed is full of gold, and the strong man has no face. Since he will be kicked out sooner or later, why bother?"

Xiao Bieli said, "You are wrong."

Ye Kai said: "Oh?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Women in this place may not all worship money."

Ye Kai said: "I would rather they be like this."

Xiao Bieli said, "Why?"

Ye Kaidao: "This way, there will be nothing to worry about, and there will be no worries."

Xiao Bieli said: "Do you mean that those who have feelings have troubles?"

Ye Kai said: "That's right."

Xiao Bieli smiled and said: "You are wrong again. If a person has no worries at all, life may not be interesting."

Ye Kai said with a smile: "I'd rather sit here, unless there are no guests here during the day."

Xiao Bieli said: "You are an exception, you can come whenever you want, and sit for as long as you want, but I..."

He suddenly sighed again, and said with a wry smile: "I'm old and my energy is exhausted. When it's time to sleep, I feel like I'm about to collapse."

Ye Kai said: "You haven't slept yet."

Xiao Bieli smiled sadly, and said leisurely: "The old man is always reluctant to sleep more, because he knows that there is not much time left, not to mention that I am a night owl."

He picked up the crutch beside the chair, put it under his ribs, stood up slowly, and suddenly smiled again: "Maybe the rain will stop at noon, maybe you will see her."

Xiao Bieli has already gone to the small building.

He stood up, and Ye Kai realized that the hem of his gown was empty.Both legs had been amputated at the knee.

How did the legs get cut off?for what?
Anyone can see that if he is not a very ordinary person, how could he come to this deserted town to do such disgraceful business?
Is he trying to use this to hide his past?Is there really a mysterious power that can predict other people's disasters?
Ye Kai was contemplating, and when he saw the dominoes on the table, he couldn't help but walked over and reached out to touch them.Suddenly, he realized that the dominoes were not bones, but made of pure steel.

Only the sound of dry coughing could be heard faintly from the small building.

Ye Kai sighed, and felt that he was really a very mysterious person, every word he said seemed to have some kind of very mysterious meaning, and every thing he did seemed to have some kind of very mysterious purpose .

Even the small upstairs where he lives may hide some secrets that no one knows.

Ye Kai looked at the narrow and sloping stairs, and suddenly smiled again.

He thought the place was really interesting.


Sure enough, the rain stopped, and Ye Kai walked across the muddy street to the grocery store diagonally opposite.

The owner of the grocery store is a very optimistic middle-aged man with a round face, no matter who he sees, he always smiles.

When others want to pay a few cents less and grab two more handfuls of beans, he always smiles and says, "Well, let's forget about it, anyway, we are all neighbors in the neighborhood."

His surname is Li, so others call him Li Sloppy.

Ye Kai recognized Li Mahu, but forgot to check if the grocery store sold needles, thread and pollen.

At noon, it is also the time when everyone is eating, so there are always few people in the grocery store at this time.

Li Mahu was dozing off on the counter as usual.

Ye Kai didn't want to disturb him, and was looking around, when suddenly he heard a car rattling and horse neighing, a large carriage speeding across the long street.

The body is as black as a mirror, and the eight horses pulling the cart are also well-trained horses.

Ye Kai recognized that this car was the one who came to pick him up to Wanmatang yesterday, who is sitting in this car now?
He was about to rush out to have a look, when someone behind him said with a smile: "It must be that Wanmatang's aunt and eldest lady are out shopping again, but I don't know if they want eggs today."

Ye Kai laughed and said, "They're not the shopkeepers in the kitchen, what do they want eggs for?"

When he turned around, he found that Li Mahu had woken up at some point, was looking at him with a smile, and said:
"You don't understand this. Women wash their faces with eggs, and the more they wash, the younger they look."

Ye Kai laughed and said, "Does your wife wash her face with eggs every day?"

Li Mahu pursed his lips and said with a sneer: "Her, even if she washes her face with three hundred catties of eggs every day, she still has orange peels all over her face—and dried orange peels."

He suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled again, and said in a low voice: "But those two from Wanmatang are really beauties like daffodils, sir, if you are lucky enough to..."

Suddenly a child's voice was heard outside the door and said loudly: "Li Mahu, what are you chewing on?"

Li Mahu glanced at the door, his face immediately changed, and he smiled apologetically, "It's nothing, I'm thinking of making candied haws for you, young master."

A child stood outside the door with his hands on his hips, staring into his black eyes, and his clothes were redder than candied haws.

Although he is young, he is not small in style. When Li Mahu saw him, his face turned pale with fright.

But when he saw Ye Kai was also in the shop, his face turned pale with fright, and he turned around and wanted to slip away.

Ye Kai immediately chased him out, grabbed his braid, and said with a smile, "Don't say you're a little tiger, even if you're a little fox, you won't be able to escape."

Little Huzi seemed a little anxious, and said loudly, "I don't know you, what do you want me for?"

Ye Kai said: "Didn't you recognize me in the morning? Why don't you recognize me all of a sudden now?"

Little Huzi blushed and wanted to scream again.

Ye Kai said: "Be obedient and obedient, I will buy you as many candied haws as you want, otherwise I will tell your father and your fourth uncle that you were lying this morning."

Little Huzi was even more anxious, blushing, and said, "I... what did I lie about?"

Ye Kai lowered his voice, and said: "You fell asleep long ago last night, you didn't come out at all, and you didn't hide under your sister's horse belly, right?"

Little Huzi rolled his eyes, giggled and said, "That's just a favor I want to help you."

Ye Kai said: "Who taught you to say that?"

Little Huzi said: "No one, it's me..."

Ye Kai lowered his face and said, "If you don't tell me, I have no choice but to take you back and hand you over to your father."

Little Huzi's face turned pale with fright again, as soon as the child heard about his father, he immediately became honest, lowered his head and said, "Okay, I'll tell you if I tell you, my third aunt taught me to say it."

Ye Kai was taken aback, and said: "Your third aunt? Is it the person who dragged you away this morning?"

Little Huzi nodded.

Ye Kai frowned and said, "How does she know that I was with your sister last night?"

Little Huzi pursed his lips and said, "How do I know? Why didn't you ask her?"

Ye Kai had no choice but to let go of his hand, and the child immediately fled away like a smoke.After fleeing to the opposite side of the street, I turned around, made a grimace, and said with a smile: "You can ask her, but you can't hug her like my sister, or my father will be jealous."

Before he could finish speaking, his people had slipped into a silk shop on the corner of the street.

Ye Kai frowned, thinking.

This incident was obviously out of his expectation.

Who is the "third aunt", and how did she know what he did last night?Why do you want to save him?

(End of this chapter)

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