Chapter 43: One Sword Shocks the Quartet (2)
Many people have called him many kinds of ugly words, but no one has ever called him funny!

Fu Hongxue said lightly: "I always think that people who take a shower wearing pants are much more ridiculous than people who take off their pants and fart."

Ye Kai couldn't help laughing, and Ding Linglin also laughed.

A big man in only a pair of wet trousers looks really funny.

At least it doesn't look like a murderer.

Lu Xiaojia suddenly laughed too, and said with a smile: "Interesting and interesting, I never thought that you would be so interesting. I have always liked you the most."

He suddenly lowered his face again, and said coldly: "It's a pity that I still want to kill you!"

Fu Hongxue said, "Kill him now?"

Lu Xiaojia said: "Kill it now!"

Fu Hongxue said, "Just wearing these wet pants?"

Lu Xiaojia said: "Even if you don't wear pants, I still want to kill you."

Fu Hongxue said, "Very good."

Lu Xiaojia said: "Very good?"

Fu Hongxue said: "I also feel that it is a pity to miss this opportunity."

Lu Xiaojia said, "What chance?"

Fu Hongxue said: "Kill my chance."

Lu Xiaojia said, "Now I have the chance to kill you?"

Fu Hongxue said: "Because you know that I will never kill you now!"

Lu Xiaojia moved, "What do you mean?"

Fu Hongxue said lightly, "I'm just telling you that I will never swallow back what I say."

Lu Xiaojia looked at him with a strange expression on his face.

Fu Hongxue's face was completely expressionless.

Lu Xiaojia suddenly laughed.

On the wooden stand was a leather dungaree, buried under the clothes.

He suddenly picked it up with the tip of his sword, and took out two banknotes from his purse.

One is 1 taels, and the other is 5000 taels.

Lu Xiaojia said: "Although the person was not killed, he has already taken a bath, so I will accept the 5000 taels, but I have to return the 1 taels to you."

He threw the 1 taels of silver bills on Ding Laosi and murmured, "I'm so sorry, everyone breaks promises once or twice, and you probably won't blame me."

No one blamed him, and of course the dead would not speak.

Lu Xiaojia had already picked up his purse with the point of his sword, and walked away without even looking at Fu Hongxue or Ma Fangling.

Everyone just watched.

But when he walked in front of Ye Kai, he stopped suddenly.

Ye Kai was still smiling.

Lu Xiaojia looked him up and down, then smiled suddenly, and said, "Do you know why I kept the 5000 taels?"

Ye Kai smiled and said, "I don't know."

Lu Xiaojia sent the bank note over and said, "This is for you."

Ye Kai said: "Give it to me? Why did you give it to me?"

Lu Xiaojia said, "Because I want you to do something."

Ye Kai said: "What's the matter?"

Lu Xiaojia said: "Please take a bath, if you don't take a bath, even I will be stink to death by you."

He didn't let Ye Kai speak again, he laughed and walked away.

Ye Kai looked at the bank note in his hand, not knowing whether it was out of anger or amused.

But Ding Linglin couldn't help laughing and said: "No matter what, you can get 5000 taels of silver after taking a bath, which is always worth it."

Ye Kai kept his face straight on purpose, and said coldly: "You seem to admire him very much."

Ding Linglin blinked and said, "But the person I admire most is not him."

Ye Kai said: "What do you admire most is yourself?"

Ding Linglin said: "It's not me, it's you."

Ye Kai said: "You also admire me the most?"

Ding Linglin nodded and said, "Because there are men in this world who are willing to spend 5000 taels of silver for you to take a bath."

Ye Kai couldn't help laughing, but he didn't.

Because at this moment, he heard someone burst into tears.

It was Ma Fangling who was crying.

She has endured for a long time, and she has used the greatest strength to control herself.

But she still couldn't help crying, crying loudly.

She was not only sad, but angry.

Because she felt that the person who was insulted and damaged was always her, and no one else.

When she started crying, Fu Hongxue was walking over, walking beside her.

But he didn't look at her, not even a glance, as if he was walking past the corpse of a golden-backed dragon.

The horse masters of Wanmatang all stood under the eaves, some lowered their heads, and some looked at other places.

They were also strong and fierce men, but now seeing their hall master's only daughter being humiliated in front of them, everyone actually pretended not to see it.

Ma Fangling rushed over suddenly, pointed at Fu Hongxue, and hissed, "Do you know who he is? He is the enemy of your hall master, the murderer who killed your brothers. He intends to destroy Wanmatang. Watching from the side?"

Still no one spoke, and no one looked at her.

Everyone's eyes were on a middle-aged man with a face full of wind and frost.

They called this man Boss Jiao, because he was the oldest among the horsemen.

He has spent almost all of his life in Wanma Hall, and he has spent the most precious years of his life on horseback in Wanma Hall.

Now his legs are bent, his back is bent a little, and his eyes, which were originally sharp, have been soaked red with bad wine.

Whenever he touched the calluses on his thighs while sleeping on the cold and hard wooden bed, he would also think of going elsewhere.

But he has no other place to go, because his roots have also been born in Wanmatang.

The first time Ma Fangling rode on a horse, she was carried by him. Now she is also staring at him, and said loudly: "Boss Jiao, only you and my father have lived the longest, why don't you speak?"

Boss Jiao's eyes seemed to be filled with grief and indignation, but he managed to control it. After a long time, he let out a long sigh and said slowly, "I have nothing to say."

Ma Fangling said, "Why?"

Boss Jiao clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Because I'm no longer from Wanmatang."

Ma Fangling said in horror: "Who said that?"

Jiao Lao said: "The third boss said."

Ma Fangling was stunned.

Jiao Lao said: "He gave each of us a horse, 300 taels of silver, and told us to go."

He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth even more, and said in a low voice, "We have sacrificed our lives for Wanmatang, but the third boss said that we should go, so we have to go."

Ma Fangling looked at him and stepped back step by step.

She also has nothing to say.

Ye Kai had been listening attentively, and when he heard this, he suddenly lost his voice: "Not good!"

Ding Linglin said: "What's wrong?"

Ye Kai shook his head, but before he could speak, he suddenly saw a puff of thick smoke rising into the sky.

That's where the white silk flag of Wanmatang was originally raised!
Smoke, fire.

When Ye Kai and the others arrived there, Wanmatang had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

When the sky is dry and things are dry, once the fire breaks out, it will be out of control.

What's more, oil is added to the fire - the most flammable black oil unique to the grassland.

There were at least twenty or thirty places where the fire broke out at the same time.

The horses neighed in the fire, trampled each other, trying to find a way out in the merciless fire.

Some were lucky enough to rush out and scatter in all directions, but most of them were already trapped to death.

The stench of scorched meat was already coming out of the raging fire.

"Wanmatang has been destroyed, completely destroyed."

"The people who ruined this place are also the ones who built this place."

Ye Kai seemed to be able to see Ma Kongqun standing in the raging fire, sneering at him and saying: "This place is mine, no one can take it away from me!"

Now he has fulfilled his promise, and now Wanmatang belongs to him forever.

Although the fire was fierce, Ye Kai's palm was dripping with cold sweat.

No one would understand his current mood, and no one would know what he was thinking?
Ding Linglin suddenly sighed, and said: "Since you can't get it, why not simply destroy it, what this person did is not completely wrong."

Her pale face was also reddened by the flames, and she suddenly lost her voice: "It's strange, why is there a child there?"

The fire burned the sky red, and it looked like a piece of transparent amber.

The blood-red sun hangs motionless in the amber.

I don't know when the wind will blow again.

Where there is fire, there is always wind.

In the distance, a piece of long grass that has not been ignited is constantly heaving and falling in the wind, and the yellow sand rolls in from a distance and disappears in the raging fire.

The horse in the fire was neighing in grief, hearing it, it made people want to vomit.

Under the blood-red sun, among the undulating long grass, there was indeed a child standing there obsessively.

He looked at the raging fire that burned his home to the ground.

His tears seemed to have been dried, and he seemed to be completely numb.

"Little Tiger."

This child is Ma Kongqun's youngest son.

Ye Kai couldn't help rushing over, saying, "You...why are you still here?"

Little Huzi didn't look up at him, but said softly, "I'm waiting for you."

Ye Kai said: "Wait for me? Why are you waiting for me here?"

Little Huzi said: "My father told me to wait for you here, he knew you would definitely come."

Ye Kai couldn't help asking: "Where are his people?"

Little Huzi said: "Gone...already gone..."

Until then, the little child showed a sad expression on his face, as if he was about to cry.

But he actually held back.

Ye Kai couldn't help holding the child's hand, and said, "When did he leave?"

Little Huzi said: "It's been a long time since I left."

Ye Kai said: "He left alone?"

The little tiger shook his head.

Ye Kai said: "Who else will follow him?"

Little Huzi said: "Third Aunt."

Ye Kai lost his voice: "Sanniang Shen?"

Little Huzi nodded, with the corners of his mouth twitching, he said in a low voice: "He took Third Aunt away, but he refused to take me away, he...he..."

Before the sentence was finished, the child finally couldn't help but burst into tears.

The cry was full of grief, bitterness, anger, and also a kind of unknowable fear.

He was still a child after all.

Ye Kai looked at him, and couldn't help but feel very sad, Ding Linglin couldn't help but quietly wiped her tears.

The child suddenly threw himself into Ye Kai's arms, and said in pain: "My father asked me to wait for you here. He said that you promised him that you would take good care of me, and my sister...isn't it? Isn't it?"

How could Ye Kai say no?

Ding Linglin pulled the child over and said softly, "I promise he will take good care of you, otherwise I won't even agree."

The child looked up at her, then lowered his head, and said, "Where's my sister? Will you take good care of her too?"

Ding Linglin had no choice but to smile wryly.

Only then did Ye Kai realize that Ma Fangling had gone somewhere.

And what about Fu Hongxue?

The sun has gone down.

Although the fire on the grassland is still burning, it has finally weakened.

The west wind is hissing furiously, and the dusk is approaching.

The once-prominent Guandong Wanmatang is now a relic, and when the fire goes out, at most there will be only a few mounds of barren graves, a piece of scorched earth.

Ma Kongqun, who single-handedly established this foundation, now has no idea where to go.

Who caused all this?
Hate!Sometimes even love is stronger than hate!

Fu Hongxue's heart was filled with hatred.He hated himself, too—maybe he hated himself the most.

There was no one on the long street, at least he couldn't see a living person.

Everyone has rushed to the scene of the fire.This fire not only destroyed Wanmatang, but it will undoubtedly also destroy this small town. Many people can see that this small town will soon be as stiff and shriveled as the bodies of the golden-backed camel dragon and the others.

The dirt in the streets was equally stiff and dry.

Fu Hongxue walked the long street alone, he took a step with his left leg first, and then slowly followed with his right leg.

Although he walks slowly, he will never stop.

"Maybe I should find a horse." Just as he was thinking this way, he saw a person quietly coming out of the side alley.

A slender and slender woman carrying a large bundle in her hands.

Cui Nong.

Fu Hongxue felt a sharp pain in his heart suddenly, because he was already determined to forget her.

Ever since he knew that she had been "working" for Xiao Bieli all these years, he had made up his mind to forget her.

But she was the only woman in his life.

Cui Nong seemed to be waiting for him here, now with her head down, she walked slowly and said softly:

"Are you going?"

Fu Hongxue nodded.

Cui Nong said, "To find Ma Kongqun?"

Fu Hongxue nodded again, of course he must find Ma Kongqun.

Cui Nong said: "Are you going to leave me here alone?"

Fu Hongxue's heart throbbed again.He had made up his mind not to look at her again, but in the end he couldn't help but glance at her.

This glance is enough.

The blood-red sun was shining on her face, her face was pale, beautiful and haggard.

Her eyes were full of helpless affection, as if she was saying to him: "If you don't take me away, I dare not ask you again, but I still want you to know that I will always be yours."

The sweet desire in the darkness, the fire-like embrace, the soft and sweet lips and chest—all rushed into Fu Hongxue's heart at this very moment.

His palms began to sweat.

The sun was still shining on his head, a fiery sun.

Cui Nong's head hangs lower, and his thick black hair falls down like flowing water.

Fu Hongxue couldn't help but slowly stretched out his hand and held her hair.

Her hair was as black as his knife.

(End of this chapter)

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