Chapter 44
The sun had disappeared, and the Long Street was deserted.Only a little light came on in the small building, and a person pushed open the window upstairs, staring at the silent long street.He knew that the night was coming.

The bloodstains were dry.A gust of wind blew over, curling the golden-backed camel dragon's hair.

Xiao Bieli closed his eyes, sighed softly, and slowly closed the window.

The lights had just been lit.He sat down beside the solitary lamp, and his person was just as lonely as this lamp.

The light shone on his face, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to be more and deeper.

How much bitterness, suffering, and secrets are hidden in every wrinkle?

He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it slowly, as if waiting for something.

But what else could he wait for?The good things in life have long since passed away with the passing of time, and the only thing he can wait for now may be death.

Isn't lonely death sometimes very sweet!

The night has come.He didn't have to look back at the night outside the window to feel it.

The wine glass was empty, and when he was about to pour another glass of wine, he heard the voice from downstairs.

The sound of shuffling dominoes.

A mysterious and shy smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he knew that he would hear such a voice.

So he took up his crutches and walked slowly.

At some point downstairs, a lamp was lit.

Sitting alone under the lamp, he was turning over the dominoes one by one, with a mysterious and bitter smile in his eyes.

Ye Kai rarely smiled like this.He stared at the dominoes on the table, but did not look up at Xiao Bieli.

Xiao Bieli was staring at him, slowly sat down opposite him, and suddenly said: "What did you see?"

Ye Kai was silent for a long time before sighing, "I can't see anything."

Xiao Bieli said, "Why?"

Ye Kai was listening.He could see that Xiao Bieli was about to say something in front of him that he would never say otherwise.

After a long time, Xiao Bieli sighed again and said: "Of course you have already realized that my surname is not Xiao."

Ye Kai admitted.

Xiao Bieli said: "A person's surname is not chosen by himself, he has no choice at all."

Ye Kai said: "I understand this sentence, but I don't understand what you mean."

Xiao Bieli said: "I mean, we are the same kind of people, but we took different paths, it's just because your luck is better than mine."

He hesitated, but finally made up his mind, and continued word by word: "Because your surname is not Ximen."

Ye Kai said: "Ximen? Ximen Chun?"

Xiao Bieli smiled wryly, "Did you already think of it?"

Ye Kaidao: "I only thought of it when I saw someone pretending to be an old woman died in Li Mahu's shop."

Xiao Bieli said, "Oh?"

Ye Kai said: "That's when I realized that I called Ximen Chun, and when he turned around, he wasn't looking at me, but at you."

Xiao Bieli said, "Oh?"

Ye Kai said: "He turned his head back just because he was surprised, how could I suddenly call out your name."

Xiao Bieli said: "That's why you think he is Ximenchun."

Ye Kai sighed: "Everyone has mistakes."

Xiao Bieli said: "Besides, he himself does not deny it."

Ye Kai said: "How dare he deny it in front of you?"

Xiao Bieli said: "At that time you thought Li Mahu was Granny Du."

Ye Kai smiled bitterly: "Until now, I still can't figure out where Granny Du is hiding."

Xiao Bieli said: "You will never think of it."

Ye Kai said: "Why?"

Xiao Bieli said slowly: "Because no one would have thought that Granny Du and Ximen Chun were originally the same person."

Ye Kai let out a long breath and said with a wry smile: "I really can't think of it!"

He looked at Xiao Bieli again, and sighed: "Until now, I still can't see that you can pretend to be an old woman."

Xiao Bieli said indifferently: "If you can tell, I am not Ximen Chun."

Ye Kai sighed: "It's no wonder that people in the world say that only Ximen Chun is the only disciple under the sect of Thousand Faces."

Xiao Bieli said, "I'm not a disciple of Yibo."

Ye Kai said: "What is it?"

Xiao Bieli said, "It's my son!"

Ye Kai said movedly: "Is your father a man with thousands of faces?"

Xiao Bieli said, "Yes!"

Ye Kai said: "Because I was wrong from the beginning."

Xiao Bieli sighed, nodded slowly, and said, "Everyone will inevitably make mistakes."

Ye Kai sighed: "I never thought that Ma Kongqun would leave, I never thought of it."

Xiao Bieli said lightly: "I thought he wouldn't be able to leave."

Ye Kai said: "But he is smarter than we imagined, he knows that no one will miss the duel between Lu Xiaojia and Fu Hongxue."

Xiao Bieli said: "If he wants to leave, this is indeed the best opportunity."

Ye Kai said: "Perhaps it is for this reason that he went to find Lu Xiaojia."

Xiao Bieli said, "Oh?"

Ye Kaidao: "He deliberately arranged those tricks, and deliberately wanted others to find out, just to make others believe that he really wanted to plot against Fu Hongxue, and wanted to kill Fu Hongxue."

He sighed, and said with a wry smile: "If others have no doubts about his purpose at all, of course they would never have guessed that he actually wanted to take this opportunity to escape."

Xiao Bieli also smiled, and said lightly: "Your biggest problem may be that you always think too much."

Ye Kai sighed: "That's right, it's better not to think too much alone."

Xiao Bieli suddenly sighed and said, "Do you know what my biggest problem is?"

Ye Kai shook his head.

Xiao Bieli smiled wryly, "My fault is also that I think too much."

Ye Kai stared at him and said, "So you didn't expect him to leave? Did you?"

Xiao Bieli nodded.

Ye Kai showed that needle-like smile again, looked at him and said word by word: "That's why you went to find Lu Xiaojia for him."

Xiao Bieli said, "When did you know?"

Not only was his expression still calm, but he didn't mean to deny it at all.

Ye Kai asked back: "You don't deny it?"

Xiao Bieli smiled lightly and said, "What's the use of denying in front of people like you?"

Ye Kai also smiled, not as brightly as usual, as if he felt sorry for this person.

Xiao Bieli sighed, and said sadly: "Maybe I did go the wrong way."

Ye Kai said: "But you don't seem like a person who is easy to go astray at all."

Xiao Bieli said: "There is only one reason for going the right way, but there are many reasons for going the wrong way."

Ye Kai said: "Oh?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Everyone who goes wrong has his reasons."

Ye Kai said: "What is your reason?"

Xiao Bieli said: "The path I took may not have been chosen by myself."

There was a look of confusion and pain in his eyes, as if he was staring into the distance, and after a long time, he slowly continued: "Maybe some people have been on this road since they were born, so they have no other way to go. "

Xiao Bieli showed that sad smile again, and said, "Even I don't know whether this is my luck or my misfortune?"

Ye Kai did not speak, this sentence is not something anyone can answer.

Xiao Bieli said: "No one can deny that my late father was a genius in the martial arts world. His profound and miraculous martial arts are still unmatched by anyone."

Ye Kai also had to admit it.

Xiao Bieli said: "In his life, he has been male and female, evil and righteous. Some people respectfully call him a thousand-faced man god, while others call him a thousand-faced devil. No one knows what kind of person he is. .”

Ye Kai said: "What about you?"

Xiao Bieli said: "I don't know either. I only know that although he has passed on everything he has learned in his life to me, he also left me with a burden."

Ye Kai said: "What burden?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Hatred."

He said these two words very slowly, as if it took a lot of effort to say them.

Ye Kai understands this feeling, perhaps no one understands how heavy a burden hatred is than him.

Xiao Bieli said: "Until now, people in Jianghu still don't know whether he is dead or not. Some people say that he has gone to the east, and some even say that he has become an immortal."

Ye Kai said: "Actually?"

Xiao Bieli said sadly: "Actually, of course he is already dead."

Ye Kai couldn't help asking: "How did you die?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Die by the knife."

Ye Kai said: "Whose knife?"

Xiao Bieli suddenly raised his head, stared at him, and said, "You should know whose sword it is! Few people's swords in this world can kill him!"

Ye Kai was silent.He can only be silent, because he really knows whose knife it is!

Xiao Bieli said coldly: "It is said that Bai Daxia is also a genius in the martial arts world. It is said that his sword skills are not only unique in the martial arts world, but also unprecedented."

There was hatred sharper than a blade in his voice, he sneered and said, "But what about his character? He..."

Ye Kai immediately interrupted him again, saying: "You have no right to criticize his behavior, because you hate him."

Xiao Bieli said: "You are wrong, I don't hate him, I don't recognize him at all."

Ye Kai said: "But you want to kill him."

Xiao Bieli said: "I really want to kill him, even at any price, do you know what that is for?"

Ye Kai shook his head.Even if he knew, he could only shake his head.

Xiao Bieli said: "Because hatred is different from love, hatred is not innate, if someone also entrusts you with the burden of hatred, you will understand."

Ye Kai said: "But..."

Xiao Bieli interrupted him, saying: "Fu Hongxue will definitely understand, because the reason is the same as he wants to kill Ma Kongqun."

He sighed, and continued: "Fu Hongxue doesn't recognize Ma Kongqun either, but he must be killed!"

Ye Kai finally nodded and sighed, "So that night, you also went to Plum Blossom Temple."

Xiao Bieli's gaze seemed to be in the distance again, and he murmured and sighed:
"It snowed so much that night..."

Ye Kai's eyes flashed like blades, he stared at him, and said, "Do you still remember what happened that night very clearly?"

Xiao Bieli said sadly: "I wanted to forget it, but unfortunately I couldn't."

Ye Kai said: "Because your legs were cut off that night."

Xiao Bieli looked at his broken leg and said calmly: "There are few people in the world whose knives can cut off my leg."

Ye Kai said: "Although he cut off your leg, he spared your life."

Xiao Bieli said: "It's not him who left my life, but the heavy snowfall."

Ye Kai said: "Heavy snow?"

Xiao Bieli said: "It's because of the snow that froze my broken leg, so I can live till now, otherwise I'd be dead."

Ye Kai said: "So you can't forget that snow!"

Xiao Bieli said: "I can't forget that knife either."

An indescribable look of fear suddenly appeared in his eyes, and that thrilling bloody battle seemed to come back to him again.

White snow, red blood... the blood flowed on the snow, and the white snow was dyed red.The light of the knife also seemed to be red, wherever the light of the knife went, a red mist immediately splashed there.

There were beads of sweat on Xiao Bieli's forehead, it was cold sweat.After a long time, he sighed and said: "Those who have not seen it with their own eyes will never imagine how terrifying that knife is. Most of the top martial arts masters died by his knife."

Ye Kai immediately asked: "Do you know who those people are?"

Xiao Bieli didn't know.No one knows except Ma Kongqun himself.

Xiao Bieli said: "I only know that none of those people don't hate him."

Ye Kai said: "Could it be that everyone has a grudge against him?"

Xiao Bieli sneered: "Even if I don't have the right to criticize his people, at least I have the right to criticize his sword!"

The fear in his eyes became stronger, he clenched his fists, and continued in a low voice: "That knife shouldn't be in the hands of a mortal with flesh and blood, that knife can only be made in the eighteenth hell Magic knife."

Ye Kai said: "Are you afraid of that knife?"

Xiao Bieli said: "I am a human being, I have to be afraid."

Ye Kai said: "So now you are also afraid of Fu Hongxue, because you think the knife is in his hands now."

Xiao Bieli said: "Unfortunately, this is not his luck."

Ye Kai said: "Oh?"

Xiao Bieli said: "Because that is a magic knife, it brings only death and misfortune to people!"

His voice suddenly became very mysterious, like some kind of curse from hell.

Ye Kai couldn't help shivering, forced a smile and said, "But he didn't die."

Xiao Bieli said: "Although he is not dead yet, his whole life has undoubtedly been buried on this knife. He will no longer be happy when he is alive, because he only has hatred in his heart and nothing else!"

Ye Kai stood up suddenly, turned around and walked over, and opened the window.He seemed to suddenly feel that the place was very stuffy, suffocating.

Xiao Bieli looked at his back, suddenly smiled, and said, "Do you know that I have always suspected you!"

Ye Kai didn't answer, nor did he look back.

The night outside the window is like ink.

Xiao Bieli said: "I want you to kill Ma Kongqun, originally to test you."

Ye Kai said: "Oh?"

Xiao Bieli said: "But I didn't come up with the idea. There were indeed three people upstairs that night."

(End of this chapter)

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