Main God Space: You have been listed as a black household

Chapter 124 The Light Piercing the Darkness

Chapter 124 The Light Piercing the Darkness (Please recommend, please collect!)
"I have already done what should be done, and I will leave the rest to you to finish it yourself." Orochimaru walked over, and said to Li Hao lightly, "Also, the first generation clone still has There are many flaws, so the technique of descending from the tree world may not last long, so you have to do it as soon as possible."

Li Hao nodded, "Understood, then, leave it to me. You lead people to rescue the wounded, and then leave this battlefield. Brother Ashiho also retreats, leaving Ziyuan and me alone."

Suho said: "How can this be done?! As Shion-sama's bodyguard, how can I leave her side?! Me."

"Okay, Ashio." Zi Yuan turned around, looked at him and said, "The following matters are indeed beyond your control, so you can follow them and leave together, don't worry about me, this is something I can't avoid Destiny, only I can put an end to it and end it with my own hands."


"What else is it?" Li Hao rolled his eyes, he had to be tough with this kind of stubborn child, he signaled to Dou with his eyes, "Take him away."

Dou shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly appeared behind Suho in a blink of an eye, and a hand knife hit Zuho's neck. Even though his body softened and he fainted, he backed away as soon as he picked it up .

After Orochimaru and the others withdrew, Li Hao turned around and looked into Shion's eyes, and asked lightly, "Shion Priestess, are you ready? Go face the demons, face your destiny, and break it!"

Ziyuan showed a slight smile, "Of course, I have been waiting and preparing for 15 years, and I have already realized something.

Let's go, no matter what the result is, I want to thank you. Although it may be frustrating to say this, but in case of failure, I will not have the opportunity to thank you, so I would like to thank you in advance here, thank you. "

"Hehehehe." Li Hao suddenly laughed softly, like a joke and a promise, and said, "Just because of your thank you, I won't let you have any accidents, don't worry."

Up to now, the doom of the sprite is almost doomed. What Li Hao cares about is whether it can successfully devour that part of its divinity. This is the biggest problem now, and if it cannot be done, he will It will immediately trigger the thunder clouds in the sky, and directly kill the sprites!

"Let's go." Li Hao put his arms around Ziyuan's waist, bent his knees and jumped, leading her down from the crater, and rushed straight towards the sprite.

The whole body was restrained and unable to move, the ghost could only raise its head towards the two people's big bloody mouth, roaring angrily, and swung its neck vigorously, trying to swallow the two people in one mouthful.

But Li Hao didn't dodge or dodge at all, and fell directly into the monster's huge mouth, "Don't be afraid, it can't hurt us."

Afraid that Ziyuan would be worried, Li Hao comforted her by saying that his purpose was to directly enter the body of the sprite.

Looking at the terrifying bloody mouth of the monster, although Li Hao assured him, Zi Yuan also had confidence and kindness in him, but it was impossible for her not to be nervous. She clenched her fists tightly and her fingertips were so tight Bai, pursing his lips firmly, took a deep breath.

Then they rushed into the monster's terrifying mouth without hesitation. In the next second, everything around them became pitch black, and the monster swallowed them in one gulp, and closed its mouth firmly.

Ziyuan became even more nervous, and unconsciously hugged Li Hao's waist tighter. Under such circumstances, she could only trust Li Hao, who was already her only support and sustenance.

In the darkness, a purple and red light suddenly appeared. It was Li Hao's lightning coming out of his body. Because Zi Yuan was specially protected, the thunder light would not cause any harm to Zi Yuan. It's just a little numb.

Li Hao said: "Okay, now is the time for the final decisive battle, Maiden Ziyuan, you have to fight too, release your power as a witch, lend it to me, help me together, and fight this The deep darkness is completely torn apart!"

In the outside world, Dou and the others had already evacuated from the crater, but they didn't leave too far. Instead, they stayed in a relatively safe position, silently watching the battle between Li Hao and Zi Yuan.

Sasuke stood tall on the crown of a giant tree, pushing Sharingan to the extreme, always paying attention to the movements of Li Hao and the others.

What he cared about was not the safety of the monsters or Li Hao, but Li Hao's technique of using Tianlei. For some reason, he always had an inexplicable feeling for this technique, as if this technique was tailor-made for him That's why he was so caring. He wanted to take advantage of his Sharingan to copy this spell analysis.

This level of technique, even that fellow Itachi, might not be able to bear it, right?I must turn it into the revenge blade in my hand, and use it to decapitate Itachi!
Swish. Rumble!
The phantom of Thunder God in the sky moved again, and he threw down the subduing magic pestle in his hand, turning into a stream of light and flashing past everyone's eyes, and then there was the detonation that resounded through the sky!
Unable to evade, the sprite could only watch the huge thunderbolt that hit him like punishment that day, and let out a huge roar of pain. The huge body struggled and rioted unceasingly, and it suffered devastating trauma again.

And Li Hao, who was dormant in its body, was bombarded by the same source of thunder in the sky, and the moment the magic power in his body resonated with it, all the magic power burst out instantly!

In the dark and deep chest of the sprite, countless purple thunder lights burst out suddenly, spreading and lasing away in all directions in the blink of an eye.

A series of cracks emerged from the sprite's body surface, and those crack marks began to spread outward, spreading all over the sprite's body, and then suddenly expanded. Endless dazzling lightning shot out from these cracks, and the light passed by Here, all the sprites' bodies were torn into pieces, and then annihilated!
After combining with the special power blessing of Ziyuan, the witch, Li Hao's strength against sprites and monsters instantly increased to its peak!

Under the ravages of the thunderstorm, the already damaged body of the sprite became even more confused and chaotic. The huge thunderstorm and the power of the witch seemed to be endlessly rolled up in the cave. An energy storm hundreds of meters high, endless hundreds of millions of thunder intertwined and spreading, a huge thunder god phantom formed by lightning appeared in this cave.

Li Hao's strength condensed this Thunder God. Compared with the last time, this Thunder God is even bigger, more solid and agile——this is because he swallowed the statue of the evil god, and obtained it after his divinity grew stronger again. The advantage of this is that if his strength is strong enough and his divinity is strong enough, his Thunder God can even truly descend into the world as a god!
(End of this chapter)

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