Chapter 125 Make sprites into sashimi

Under Li Hao's control, the gigantic Thunder God gradually condensed into shape, and Zi Yuan's priestess power also turned into a complicated and simple armor to bless it.

Thor stepped into the magma lake, and when he moved, a large number of magma waves rolled and splashed, overflowing in a ring shape, and the huge magma waves hit the surrounding rock walls, even the hardest The granite layer couldn't stand its burning and corrosion, and it was easily burned and bitten out into scorched scars and holes, and it was still emitting thick smoke uncontrollably.

The arm of Thor, which is even bigger than the sprite, stretched out, like pinching a chicken, and strangled the broken body of the sprite, and raised the other hand high to the sky, and the phantom of Thor in the clouds in the sky followed. After receiving its order, he threw down the thunder and lightning demon pestle in his hand, and it fell into its hands
Slam it down hard!

Most of the sprite's body was directly shattered by a single blow, and during the raging thunderstorm, it turned into countless fragments, which were sucked into the body by Thor, and instantly swallowed and absorbed.

If you are careful enough to detect even the slightest changes, you will find that Thor's body seems to have suddenly grown a bit, and his figure has become more solid. Suddenly, several tiny strange inscriptions appeared.

"Roar..." the sprite seemed to have sensed something, and screamed mournfully. For some reason, it suddenly felt like it had become a prey waiting to be slaughtered, a piece of food, which was about to be devoured and eaten raw by this thunder giant The feeling!

In fact, it doesn't feel bad. For Li Hao, the current monster is a divine experience package, which is roughly equivalent to the feeling of "eating is good for the body, nourishing the kidney and increasing the size (laughs)".

The sprite fought back desperately, its tentacles fluttered wildly and slammed into the huge Thor, even biting Thor's left shoulder fiercely like a cornered rabbit!
However, Thor's body is all compressed and condensed from pure lightning and magic power. It is extremely lethal in itself, and will annihilate and destroy everything that touches it!

What the sprite bit off from Thor's body was not flesh and blood, but a mouth full of thunder. In just a split second, the sprite's entire mouth was scorched by the electric grill, and it screamed in pain, but it still refused to give up. The crisis of life and death , sprites have a mentality of 'Even if it is you, Lord Yama, I have to hug a few beards of yours'.

Boom boom boom.
The battle between the God of Thunder and the sprites is just like the battle between gods and demons in ancient mythology. Both of them are giants bigger than mountains. Every move can cause the earth to shake, the sky to fall, and the earth to shatter. In the eyes of Orochimaru and the others, isn't such a scene just like that exaggerated myth and legend?

The only difference is that the legend is just a legend, with a lot of exaggeration, and most of the time it is not believable, but what is happening before their eyes is the real legend reappearing!
The sprite's tentacles hit Lei Shen's side fiercely, and directly exploded half of its waist and abdomen. The electric current surged, and countless thunder and lightning exploded, transmitted to the sprite's body, It trembled with electricity, and pieces of its body surface were scorched and broken.

But sprites don't care about it—perhaps it's more appropriate to say that it has no spare energy to continue to care about such things, because if it can't escape from this thunder giant today, it will die completely, how can it Do you have the mind and spare energy to care about whether you will injure the enemy ten thousand and self-injure eight thousand?
That's right, the battle has been going on until now, and the sprite has nothing to worry about. The dignity of the big/boss, and the destruction of the world, it doesn't think about these anymore, it just wants to kill the lightning giant in front of it now !
The instinctive fear of being targeted by natural enemies and wanting to eat it alive makes it fear, then anger, and finally madness!So it fights to the death. In order to survive!
The sprites frantically attacked Lei Shen, whipping with tentacles, biting with their mouths, squeezing and hitting, doing everything they could, and in a desperate counterattack, most of the shadow of Thor was smashed to pieces!
It was another powerful tentacle slam, and Thor was staggered. Li Hao and Ziyuan felt the impact and detonation in the protection of its package, and a shock and counter-shock force suddenly appeared in the space from all directions. Squeeze toward them.

Li Hao is fine, but he just snorted, and it's no big deal if he shakes his body, but Ziyuan's side is going to be much more serious. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his head roared, his chest was so tight that he was about to suffocate, as if he was drunk, he couldn't even stand still, and he was about to fall from mid-air.

Li Hao quickly reached out and hugged her, and checked her condition. Something was wrong, blood was oozing from the corners of Ziyuan's eyes and ears, a scarlet line of blood was pulled out, and she passed out.

Although Zi Yuan is a witch in the kingdom of ghosts, her body contains very powerful power, but her body is just an ordinary person after all. With this level of shock power, Li Hao can rely on his immortal body and super self-healing power She resisted, but Ziyuan couldn't bear it. It was because of her strong will that she was able to hold on until now.

But no matter how strong the will is, if the body can't hold it, it won't last.

And Ziyuan's fainting triggered a series of chain reactions. The huge figure of Thor's Shadow immediately shrank a part at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the armor condensed by the witch's power also instantly disintegrated and disappeared.

After the body size was reduced, the huge power of Thor's Shadow inevitably weakened a lot. In addition, without the blessing of the witch's power, the restraint against the sprites also disappeared. For a while, Thor couldn't suppress the sprites. It's gone.

Sprites also discovered this, and their attacks became more fierce and heavy, and Li Hao had no magic power to strengthen Thor's Shadow at this time, and for a while, the battle between the two began to become evenly matched.

"Woo!" In a coma, Zi Yuan suddenly groaned, frowned in pain, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth again.

"Ziyuan." Li Hao took a breath, and said to himself with some regret: "There is no other way, we can only end it early."

He originally planned to use Ziyuan's witch power to suppress the sprite and swallow it whole, but now it seems that his teeth are not as good as he imagined. It was less than half of the 'swallowed', and an accident occurred.

After all, he is not the kind of person who would sacrifice his companions without hesitation in order to be perfect.

Although he also admits that he is not a good person, he also thinks that the three views are quite normal. When dealing with strangers he does not know, if necessary, he can be very selfish at the expense of others and benefiting himself, but for his companions and those who care about him, he It is absolutely impossible to hurt them for profit!

Although Zi Yuan was not very familiar with him, she believed in him and was willing to fight side by side with him. How could he live up to her trust? !
"So, although it's a pity, you, spooky, should disappear!"

PS: [Li Yunlong: Second Battalion Commander, where is your fucking Italian cannon? !
I always feel that there will be book friends posting this sentence, so I sent it to you in advance, blocking the road, and preventing you from complaining about this sentence.]

PS2: Ask for favorites, ask for recommendations, ask for everything. Although there may always be some sense of self-indulgence, the author wants to make a last blog before putting it on the shelves, please help me!Thanks to the author!

(End of this chapter)

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