Chapter 438 Dressrosa Turmoil

The violent magic power erupted from Li Hao's body like a volcanic eruption. The powerful output of energy in the heart was so huge that it seemed to be overflowing. dazzling platinum light
———Like a blazing sun god furnace!
The black and red long windbreaker and the impact steel armor on his body turned into scales covering his body, and under the hideous horny layer demon mask on his face, there was a pair of terrifying eyes shining with scarlet light, like two clusters of scarlet The blood-colored flames are like flames, burning blazingly!

Li Hao, who was in the form of a demon, raised his head and glanced indifferently at Mahabath who fell from the sky, extremely cold and stern.

"go away!"

Li Hao leaned back, raised one leg high into the sky, and kicked Mahabath who fell down!

At this moment, the weight of the so-called '[-] tons' became nothing more than a simple number and unit in front of Li Hao.The current Li Hao can also kick a huge mountain with one kick!
The huge impact instantly destroyed the street. The surrounding streets and buildings instantly collapsed and exploded in a circular shape. The ground sank several meters and was crushed into a ring-shaped cobweb pit by the huge force.

And in the next second, Li Hao kicked Mahabath's body distorted into an abstract painting into the sky, and then exploded into countless pieces. Scarlet blood rain exploded and sprayed out. The sky is full of splashes!
Another cadre of the Don Quixote family died in the hands of Li Hao!

After finishing Mahabasi, Li Hao didn't stop. He probed into the void with one hand, and the next moment Zhengzong had already started.

In the sky full of smoke, dust and storm, Li Hao stepped on his horse, put his sword across his waist, and assumed a posture of drawing his sword.

Gather your strength and draw your sword!


Following a deep sword cry, a sky-shattering sword light roared out, sweeping across the area in an instant.

Where the sword qi touched, everything was easily cut off like tofu. Starting from Li Hao, all the buildings were cut in half in an instant until thousands of meters away!A clean cut in two!

Torrebol, who tried his best to escape from Li Hao's Thousand Birds Thunder Hunting, looked at his chest and abdomen in a daze, and saw a bloodstain slowly disappearing. emerging from his skin.
Torrebol's body, which had been broken in half, fell powerlessly to the ground.

When he saw the bloodstain on his body, he understood what happened just now. Then he died.

In ten seconds, this battle, from the moment he and Mahabasi suddenly attacked Li Hao from the dark, to the moment when Li Hao turned into a demon and instantly killed them, only ten seconds had passed from the beginning to the end!

Li Hao, who had regained his human form, stepped over Torrebol's broken body and walked towards Brother Ming. Now there are only two of them left. As long as Brother Ming is killed, everything will be over. up.

Looking at Li Hao who was walking towards him, Brother Ming's eyes under the sunglasses trembled slightly. What kind of monster is this guy? !It's simply terrifyingly strong!
He thought he already knew Li Hao's strength, but until now, he realized that he didn't know anything at all.
"This farce should be over, are you ready to die? Doflamingo."

Brother Ming opened his mouth, and in the next second he stroked his head nervously and laughed out loud.

"Ah, oh, what a joke!" Brother Ming stared at Li Hao with vicious and crazy eyes, "I am Don Quixote, Doflamingo! How could I be defeated by you so easily?" ?!"

It is true that the power displayed by Li Hao at that moment did shock and frighten Brother Ming, but how could such an arrogant, indifferent and rebellious person like Brother Ming give up resistance just because of this kind of thing? ?

Do not make jokes!Whoever opposes me, Doflamingo, must die! ! !
"Huh?!" Li Hao frowned, and tilted his head to look at Brother Ming. This guy seemed to be a little different.

Just now, he suddenly felt a powerful spiritual coercion shrouded in his body, making his magic power a little bit clogged, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible big hand. Breathless.

Although it was only for a moment, that little abnormal reaction was suppressed by his soul power, but he remembered the feeling of 'sensitivity' at that moment.

"Is it domineering and domineering? It seems a bit interesting, but Brother Ming, you are too weak. If you replace it with white beard and red hair, maybe it will really make me feel a little bit."

Did it have no effect at all?Obviously, he didn't feel the existence of the overlord's color from this guy at all, but he could directly ignore the coercion of the overlord's color. How is this possible? !
If Li Hao knew what he was thinking, he might not necessarily laugh out loud. A joke, with his soul power and divinity bonus, unless he had felt the aura from Uncle Ding who really possessed the power to kill gods Who can suppress him with coercion?
Even Kaguya Ji and the Sage of the Six Paths who are really close to God can't, let alone you, Doflamingo.

Overlord color suppression?
Ha ha!

It's better to wash up and go to bed as soon as possible!
On the other hand, since Li Hao used 'Yuedu' to make Granose fall asleep, Tongqu Fruit's ability was removed, and those who were turned into dolls quickly regained their flesh and blood.

And the memories of their relatives and friends who were erased and blocked because of the ability of the fruit of childishness have also been restored. In an instant, Dressrosa became 'lively', and driven by the revolutionary army Under the guidance of his father and mother, the ruling regime that Brother Ming had managed for many years fell apart in an instant!

Those people who were turned into dolls and had to be enslaved by the Don Quixote family to work in Dressrosa's underground black market at night changed back one by one.

It doesn’t matter if the dolls turned by ordinary Dressrosa people recovered, because they were just ordinary civilians before, and they didn’t have much fighting power. Those pirates can also subdue them again.

But those pirates who were tricked into coolie slaves by Brother Ming, and those adventurers who were tricked into dolls by the arena organized by Brother Ming, and the powerful people from all over the world are not so easy to deal with.

In other words, after being killed by Li Hao and the others, the Don Quixote Pirates simply don't have the ability to deal with these angry strong men!

Now there are only a few miscellaneous soldiers left here, the Don Quixote Pirates, and they were completely torn apart by those strong men with red eyes and revenge in almost just a moment!
The entire underground black market is in chaos, everyone is in a chaotic battle, some people are just chasing and killing the pirates who took revenge on the Don Quixote Pirates, but some people are attacking and killing wantonly Everyone around them is simply venting their hatred and negative emotions of being enslaved and persecuted!

Seeing that this place is about to become a slaughterhouse where people kill each other, at this moment, someone stepped forward.

"Stop!" Sabo and a group of revolutionary troops appeared in the arena, escorting a strong gray-haired old man onto the high platform, and the old man shouted, "I am Liku Dold! All of us They were all killed by Doflamingo and his Don Quixote pirates, why are they killing each other?! Stop it!"

This person is the former king of Dressrosa, King Liku!
After completing the work at the artificial fruit factory, Sabo immediately found King Riku and came here with him.

This was a plan that had already been made. After Li Hao settled the sugar, Sabo brought King Liku, the former king with great reputation in Dressrosa, here to clean up the mess.

Although King Liku was abandoned and hated by the people because of Brother Ming's design before, but now, after Brother Ming's true face is exposed, the people's misunderstanding of King Liku will naturally be resolved, so at this time, The most suitable person to come forward to calm the chaos can only be him.

PS: Thanks to the author of the book friend attack for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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