Chapter 439 The King of the Arena

"You are His Royal Highness King Liku?!" A Dressrosa soldier in full armor came out, and after carefully looking at King Liku a few times, Dang even fell to the ground with tears in his eyes, "Your Majesty the King , I never expected to see you again alive! Qiao Johnson is here to salute you!"

This soldier was a captain of the former Dressrosa Army. Because he refused to accept Mingo's rule, he was turned into a doll by Sugar and sent to this dark underground black market trading center to carry goods. It's been almost seven years now!

"It's really His Majesty the King!" Another former minister of the kingdom greeted King Liku.

There are not a few Dressrosa soldiers who are in the same situation as Qiao Johnson. At the beginning, they all firmly believed that King Liku would not do evil things to slaughter civilians, and they refused to belong to Brother Ming. Therefore, many former ministers of the kingdom The soldiers and civilians were all turned into dolls and dispatched here.

A haggard old man came out tremblingly, fell on the ground, and cried bitterly: "Your Majesty the king! You are finally here. The old ministers have been waiting for you for a long time..."

This sobbing old man was recognized by King Liku at a glance. He was his former Minister of Military Affairs, but now he has more wrinkles on his face and white hair than himself. Compared with the high-spirited middle-aged man, he hardly looks like the same person anymore.

"Everyone." King Liku also had tears in his eyes, feeling so guilty that he couldn't help himself.

At that time, because of Brother Ming's framing, he was pulled down from the throne, and these courtiers who refused to compromise also ended up miserable. They were turned into dolls and enslaved in this dark underground all year round. Acting as a coolie in the black market.
And as their king, he didn't have the ability to save them and save them from the sea of ​​fire, so that he didn't see them again until today with the help of the revolutionary army. The guilt was like a poisonous snake. Looking at his heart, his painful voice trembled.

But this touching drama of monarchs and ministers hugging and crying is not effective for everyone, such as those pirates, in their view, the persecution they have suffered should be repaid a hundred and eighty times Vent back -- no matter who it is!
For these people, he doesn't care if Brother Ming is the culprit. The long career of slavery to dolls has already distorted their minds. They just want revenge and destruction, and even kill everyone except themselves everyone!

Therefore, only the soldiers and civilians of Dressrosa's own country will listen to King Liku's voice. Wang called the reason for stopping, feeling angry and dissatisfied, and rushed towards him directly!

"Old man, you are the former king of Dressrosa, aren't you?" A pirate with a long and narrow scar on his face came out of the crowd, and said viciously, "My lord is eating in your Dressrosa." If you have suffered such a big loss, use your king's head to compensate me!"

The person who came flew back faster than when he came, Sabo retracted his steel pipe, frowned and glanced at those guys who were still fighting endlessly in the arena, and couldn't help feeling a big headache.

"Looks like it took some force to stop them"

Saying so, Sabo strolled towards the war zone, and ordered without looking back: "Leave a team of people to protect His Majesty King Liku, and the rest will enter the field with me to separate those people, and then send Those innocent civilians are protected."

As for those pirates and adventurers who have gone crazy, although he did not express his exact attitude, everyone knows that it is impossible to reason with such crazy guys.
——Then we can only exterminate them!Lest they make any more trouble!

It is imperative to destroy those who were rescued by them alone. After all, their madness has already doomed them!

On the other side, the arena.

Yagyu Jiezong has led people to wipe out most of the pirates of the Don Quixote Pirates in the arena. At this moment, Diamanti is the only one left who is still struggling.

And Diamanti's opponent has also been replaced—the former king of this arena, Cyrus, is back!With full of anger and hatred, he swung the blade of revenge towards Diamanti!

Cyrus, the son-in-law of King Liku, the head of the Legion of the Dressrosa Kingdom, the king who has been in this arena for [-] games without a single defeat!
If it wasn't for the fact that he is missing a leg now, so that his strength has retreated greatly, Diamanti would have been chopped into eight pieces long ago!
There was a sound of gold and iron clashing in the field, and the swords of Diamanti and Cyrus intersected, and the two of them involuntarily retreated back amidst the sparks flying.

The one-legged Cyrus obviously suffered more than Diamanti, because of the one-legged reason, he couldn't use all his strength and vigor, and it was obviously difficult to move when retreating.

On the other hand, Diamanti, using the ability to fly fruit, can turn any object he touches into a flag or silk-like form, so the clothes he wears all over his body are made of the hardest steel Yes, it is equivalent to putting on multiple layers of soft and light armor on the body, how can a chicken thief be able to sum it up.

"Sword. Snake Sword!"

The sharp and strong blade was transformed by Diamanti's ability into a form that fluttered in the wind like a streamer, and then twisted and twisted towards Cyrus who was unable to move. This form was like a streamer , It is impossible to predict its attack method and direction at all.

On Cyrus' left shoulder, a ball of blood splashed instantly. Even if he blocked Diamanti's sword with his sword, it was still bent and spread, and stabbed him. If Cyrus hadn't been rich in fighting experience, If he changed his figure in an instant, the sword would have pierced his neck!

"Mr. Soldier!" A pink-haired girl next to Yagyu Jiezong couldn't help screaming when she saw Cyrus was injured.

This girl is the daughter of Cyrus, the granddaughter of King Riku, Rebecca. Well, if you just look at it from the looks, Li Hao is more inclined to believe that she is Nami's twin sister.
[I wanted to complain a long time ago!How much does Oda like Nami's face? !There are already several female characters with the same face shape, right? ! 】

"Princess Rebecca, don't worry." Yagyu Jiezong said lightly, "Your father, the head of the Cyrus Legion, is far more powerful than that Diamanti. After he gets a little familiar with that guy's ability, It is the time of Diamanti's death!"

As a swordsman, Yagyu Jiezong could easily see that Cyrus' strength was far above Diamanti's. If it weren't for the influence of his broken leg, Cyrus in his heyday, The strength may be stronger than yourself!

"Army Flag!"

Diamanti squatted down and touched the ground with her hands, turning the ground in this area into a light and fluffy form like silk, and then shook it hard, and the ground immediately rolled like a flying flag up.

This guy's tactics are extremely insidious, and he wants to attack Cyrus' single leg's shortcomings and weaknesses, making him unable to stand still and lose the ability to fight back.

However, he had used this move once before, and Cyrus had seen its characteristics.

Cyrus jumped up on one leg directly, and volleyed with a powerful downward chop towards Diamanti!

Startled, Diamanti immediately stood up, and there was no time to resist with the horizontal sword, so she had to raise her left arm high above her head, preparing to block the blow with the steel sleeve.

"It's useless! My clothes are made of the hardest fine steel. Even if I understand the 'Iron Slayer' swordsman, it's impossible...Puchi!"

Blood splashed, and Diamanti's severed arm flew into the air!
Sure enough, just as Yagyu Kazumune said, once Cyrus knew the details of Diamanti's ability and became familiar with it, it was time for this guy to die!
Fortunately, Diamanti is also a swordsman, but he didn't know that for a swordsman, no matter what it is, no matter how strong it is, for a swordsman, it can definitely be cut off!
With her left arm severed and a huge wound on her chest, Diamanti fell to the ground with her mouth wide open. She couldn't even cry out in pain, and her consciousness and vitality had gradually faded away.

So far, the arena side has been taken down, and the only ones left are Li Hao's side, and the Dressrosa Palace where Kerla led people to.

(End of this chapter)

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